Sentences with phrase «as a serious problem»

Lack of parental involvement is more likely to be seen as a serious problem by public school teachers.
Warning: Dog bites and serious aggression show up as serious problems with most dog bites occurring when the dog reaches full maturity at 2 to 4 years of age.
On a positive note, it is now being considered as a serious problem — as it should be.
What is perceived as a serious problem to black people doesn't seem to matter as much (or at all) to others.
As compared to parents with children in district schools, charter - school parents are 14 percentage points more likely to perceive a lack of extracurricular activities as a serious problem.
Although outside noise caused by trains, planes, and automobiles can make hearing more difficult for teachers and their students, inside noise can be just as serious a problem.
It may lead to further infection and, although relatively minor, should receive attention as serious problems may result if it is left untreated.
Many economic definitions of moral hazard recognise the possible injustice of risks transferred to other parties as a serious problem.
When playing games, the device gets a little warm near the rear camera, but nothing that can be termed as a serious problem.
He had been running into climate scientists who thought it was a problem and other scientists who thought it wasn't, and he was actually leaning in the direction of thinking that climate change maybe wasn't as serious a problem as these climate scientists were saying it was.
N.Y. poll: Government Corruption a Problem Another poll was released this week showing that 83 percent New Yorkers view corruption as a serious problem in the state government.
Boston — Public - school teachers are far more likely to perceive student absenteeism, use of alcohol, and tardiness as serious problems at their schools than are their private - school peers.
«The real issue going forward is whether the Harper government regards the deficit as a serious problem that requires significant cuts to government programs and / or revenue increases, to eliminate it.
A new Siena College poll said 92 percent of voters see corruption as a serious problem here.
Seven in 10 Americans see global warming as a serious problem facing the country, according to a recent ABC News / Washington Post poll, conducted in advance of this week's regulations.
I hear you guest but I think Bob was just saying that it is on the wane, not that it doesn't exist as a serious problem now.
In Consumer Reports» last three Annual Auto Surveys, at least 35 people identified an exploding sunroof as a serious problem with their vehicle.
But his shooting woes (29.6 % from three) are seen as a serious problem long - term, as defenses will be able to sag off him and crowd the paint.
He states that the U.S. has the highest obstetrical intervention rates as well as a serious problem with malpractice suits and concludes that a strong, independent midwifery service in the U.S. would be a most important counterbalance to the present situation.
A survey in 2014 by trade body the National House Building Council found that half of small builders cited banks» reluctance to lend as a serious problem.
The question therefore arises: if Miliband has consistently been a drag on his own party's chances of winning in 2015 and if it's too late to remove him, why was he not replaced as soon as his serious problems became apparent?
VED evasion is also recognised as a serious problem, costing the Treasury large sums of money per year.
What's noteworthy is that Cuomo has not used his political capital in an effort to reform the redistricting and budgeting processes and campaign finance laws, all of which are cited in the study as serious problems.
The United States President, Donald Trump, on Monday described the killing of Christians in Nigeria as a serious problem, saying the US would not accept it.
First reactions online slam the film for objectifying its female characters, and even the reviews that somewhat enjoyed the director's movie single out the camera's male gaze as a serious problem.
NBC News / Wall Street Journal polls found that about one - quarter of respondents in 1999 agreed that «Global climate change has been established as a serious problem, and immediate action is necessary.»
Similarly, 11.4 percent of public - and 3.5 percent of private - school teachers viewed student use of alcohol as a serious problem.
The enormity of those struggles are now recognized, and bullying in schools, once shrugged off with a kids - will - be-kids attitude, has come to be regarded as a serious problem around the world.
Victimisation among students has been identified as a serious problem in Australian schools.
I also asked him, «Do you see a way forward for this enterprise (presuming you see these recent issues as serious problems but not a fatal indictment)?»
Surface - based estimates are also subject to similar discontinuities, but they are not considered as serious a problem because there are so many more surface stations than there are radiosonde stations (compare Figures 2.6 and 2.7).
Looking at the recent polls, 63 percent of Democrats believe global warming should be treated as a serious problem while 17 percent of Republicans and 38 percent of Independents hold the same opinion.
Mood disorders, including major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder, are now recognized as serious problems among children and adolescents.
Only 35 percent of Americans see climate change as a serious problem, according to a 2009 poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
Swing voters were much more likely than Labour supporters to see the deficit as a serious problem that must be dealt with urgently, and that the Coalition's proposed cuts were unavoidable.
This post analyzes Justice Pazaratz's decision, identifying what I see as some serious problems with it, and using those problems to analyze whether and how judges ought to comment on issues of morality and policy.
«As a general point, it seems to me that, if climate change is as serious a problem as the climate «community» believes, then it will re quire large measures that need broadly based commitment from all walks of our society.»
During what officials described as a fairly brief but substantive conversation, Castro made it clear that he was well aware of the incidents and understood that the Americans saw them as a serious problem.
Members of Congress are fuming about the agency's decision to fork over $ 1.5 million to a consulting company to improve battered morale, following an independent review citing this as a serious problem at FDA.
and one thing that really struck me was how school officials casually spoke of «not conforming» as a serious problem.
So - called «dangerous dogs» are seen as a serious problem; in London police seized no less than 900 dogs over the last year.
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