Sentences with phrase «as a sign of affection»

However, cats will also lick each other as a sign of affection.
Often seen as a sign of affection (as it may well be), this is also the cat's way of marking her property.
Since we encourage our children to hug as a sign of affection, it comes as no surprise that they are going to want to hug the family dog.
They will also lick each other as a sign of affection and friendship.
Flirting is an image - message which you can send as a sign of your affection or, if it is your first attempt to contact a lady, a sign that you like her and want to start communicating with her.
The way she kisses her sons as the sign of affection uncannily reminded me of that memorable private moment between Mrs. Iselin, one of the most famous scary moms in the movie history, and her son in «The Manchurian Candidate» (1962).
In primates, we wrap our arms around another's shoulders as a sign of affection.
«Some offer treats for training, others for specific functional benefits, but more often than not they are given to our furry friends as a sign of affection and reward,» says Mike Picka, product manager at Royal Pet.
The former may not interpret his or her partner's initiative to clean his or her car or fold the laundry as a sign of affection and may feel distant and unloved.
Some mistake this act of «marking» as a sign of affection.
Leaning may take place in two situations: When your pooch is anxious and scared, and as a sign of affection.
While it might be comforting to think of your feline friend as kneading you as a sign of affection, there are a few other hypotheses circulating around the animal behavior science field to explain the phenomenon of adult feline kneading.
Occasionally, your cat will bring you back their game, either dead or alive, as a sign of affection.
Some cats may bite after licking us as a warning sign so that we stop petting them, others may do it as a sign of affection and a third group could do it as another sequence that leads to grooming, i.e they think that biting is part of the process of grooming.
Your dog will lick you as a sign of affection or maybe because he likes the taste of your skin for the salt content.
Dogs lick us as a sign of affection; however, not everyone is into their dog licking them.
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