Sentences with phrase «as a significant factor»

The «health halo» is often identified as a significant factor in the purchasing and marketing of «better - for - you» food and drinks.
One reason is that timing isn't as significant a factor as most investors think.
Credit is a factor, of course, but it's not as significant a factor as it is in other states.
Use multiple valid measures in determining teacher performance levels, including as a significant factor student growth data for all students.
Price (16 %) or location and convenience (7 %) were not reported as significant factors for either group when choosing food for their dog or cat.
Actually, there are traditional societies in which it is not apparent, at least as a significant factor in human affairs.
In the period ending in 2009, family size did not appear as a significant factor, while the age of the mother became increasingly important.
Use annual evaluations as a significant factor for employment decisions and for teacher and principal professional development.
Interest rates are best defined as the cost of borrowing money and should be regarded as a significant factor in whether someone can afford to take out a student loan to attend college.
Maintaining a strong parent - and - child bonds has been deemed as a significant factor in the mental, emotional and physical well - being of children.
In line with other literature findings, this study also identified family dimension as a significant factor for psychosocial dysfunction among adolescents (23).
Credit is a factor, of course, but it's not as significant a factor as it is in other states.
This can be seen in the painting Drifters Escape (Blue oil / Dark blue gloss), 2006, in which the artist's interest in time as a significant factor in the behavior of a painting is also evident.
In his letter, Duncan expressed his disappointment in the failure of Washington state's legislature to heed his instruction «to put in place teacher and principal evaluation and support systems that take into account information on student learning growth based on high - quality college - and career - ready (CCR) state assessments as a significant factor in determining teacher and principal performance levels.»
While each district will develop its own specifics and guidelines, each has to choose from two options that incorporate student growth as a significant factor when assessing teacher performance:
Previous analysis of GUS identified maternal health problems as a significant factor associated with child outcomes (Barnes et al., 2010).
Triceps development is a major contributor to building huge, balanced arms, as well as a significant factor in improving bench pressing strength.
These two individuals and everyone else involved in the discussions surrounding the Common Core and Common Core testing debacle know perfectly well that the SBAC test is designed to fail 70 percent of the students and that the SBAC test will be used as a significant factor in determining which Connecticut teachers are deemed to be «good» and which will be deemed «not good.»
«More business leaders than ever have identified a state's lawsuit climate as a significant factor in determining their growth and expansion plans.
In turn, maternal health problems have been identified as a significant factor associated with child outcomes, including behaviour difficulties (Barnes et al., 2010; Kelly and Bartley, 2010).
Several analysts have cited Model 3 reviews as a significant factor in determining where Tesla shares are headed.
He points to a stronger dollar, fiscal retrenchment in the European Union, improving equity market confidence, and an exit strategy from the Federal Reserve forecasting a federal funds rate hike well before late 2014 as significant factors driving gold lower.
A recent AIG survey identified the movement of the currency as a significant factor inhibiting export earnings and intensifying competitive pressures from imports, with many firms reporting lower profits as a result.
Keister's conclusions are not exactly counterintuitive» except perhaps to members of the academy who can't bring themselves to think of religion as a significant factor in the world.
Pew claims they are «far more likely» than Roman Catholics to name sermons and preaching as a significant factor in choosing a new church.
As one reads on, the church plays a lesser and lesser role, so that the student of European, and even American, history might suppose that the church had almost disappeared as a significant factor by the nineteenth century.
If there is one gripe with Ziegler's account, it's that she doesn't register continued moral and philosophical reasoning as a significant factor in the conservative embrace of the pro-life position.
The results identify the spatial contiguity of developed areas as a significant factor influencing the magnitude of the heat island effect.
Including student learning growth as a significant factor among the multiple measures used to determine performance levels is important as an objective measure to differentiate among teachers and principals who have made significantly different contributions to student learning growth and closing achievement gaps.
The Center for Teaching Quality validates this notion, citing school leadership as a significant factor in teachers» retention.
However, the state directs school districts to «include job performance and job accomplishments as a significant factor in determining (teacher) compensation and additional compensation.»
The report points to a «striking level of mistrust within the sector» as a significant factor behind negative experiences and outcomes for residential pupils.
The fertility study highlighted AI as a significant factor because the use of frozen semen can mask virility or mating problems which can plague us in the next generation.
Key informants, focus group participants and survey respondents identified racialization as a significant factor that shapes the experiences and career outcomes of racialized licensees.
Ridout & Maybee's Martin cites infringement detectability as a significant factor in patent protection.
As stated in ABA Formal Ethics Opinion 95 - 398, «Access of Nonlawyers to a Lawyer's Database» (October 27, 1995), it may require notice to a client of compromise of confidential information relating to the client if the release of information «could reasonably be viewed as a significant factor in the representation.»
Although bonus payments have become an aspect of associate compensation for many lawyers in City law firms it is noteworthy that they are very rarely cited to us as recruiters as a significant factor in either recruitment or retention.
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