Sentences with phrase «as a sports drink»

Because of this, some coaches and physical trainers recommend high - GI foods (such as sports drinks) immediately after exercise to speed recovery.
It can work as well as sport drinks for hydration after prolonged intense exercise.
Coconut water has proven to be as effective as sports drinks at hydrating during and after workouts.
Many athletes and bodybuilders have been led to believe that energy drinks have the same value as sports drinks in that they provide hydration, energy, and increased athletic performance.
While the body is, of course, mostly made up of water, studies show that water does not hydrate as effectively as a sports drink.
Or try adding them to water, with a little lime and honey as a sports drink.
Pasteurized coconut water retains most of the minerals, and is frequently sold as a sports drink.
Coconut water — the main reason coconut water is marketed as a sports drink is because of its electrolyte content.
Hailed as the sports drink nature intended, chocolate milk has at least 8 grams of high - quality protein in every glass, plus natural electrolytes and fluid to replace what the body loses through sweat.
A 2012 study published in the Journal of the Internal Society of Sports Nutrition reported that coconut water has a similar positive effect as sports drinks (10).
If you're focused on shedding poundage, then water offers the best option for hydration, as sports drinks contain lots of calories and sugar.
Most athletes know to drink water or fluids such as sports drinks in the heat, however, many do not understand drinking water alone is only half the equation and, without salt, will result in Hyponatremia and / or Hypovolemia.
A study recently published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise shows that coconut water replenishes body fluids as well as a sports drink and better than water, but athletes preferred the taste of sports drinks.
In a study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition, chocolate was as much effective as sports drinks.
When blood sodium levels are low, the thirst drive is affected too, so the key is to rehydrate with fluids containing sodium, such as sport drinks.
Carbohydrate - rich foods, such as fruits, certain vegetables, milk and yogurt, whole grains and starches, as well as the carbohydrates in beverages such as sports drinks, will fuel your child's brain and muscles before, during, and after activity.
The funny part of this story is that the American Beverage Association issued a statement saying it had «new guidelines that would stop the sale of soft drinks in elementary schools and restrict sales in middle schools to «nutritious» or lower - calorie beverages such as sports drinks, no - calorie soft drinks, and low - calorie juice drinks during the school day.»
Jelly beans with added electrolytes and vitamins were as effective as sports drinks and gels in aiding athletic performance.
«Research has shown that low - fat chocolate milk is just as effective as sport drinks, if not more so,» says Reed Ferber, PhD, associate professor at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada, and director of its Running Injury Clinic.
A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise showed that coconut water helps to replace body fluids just as well as a sports drink and a little more efficiently than water.
Many prefer easy to digest carbs in the form of liquids such as sports drinks or high Glycemic Index foods as they absorb quickly in the body and prevent stomach upset while training.
Use this as a sports drink, the liquid in your smoothie, or for your sick kid on the couch who needs the nutrients.
It is commonly used in citrus sodas as well as sports drinks, and can be found in up to 10 % of all soft drinks in the US.
During long or hard workouts and races you may want to consider high glycemic index carbohydrates mostly in the form of fluids such as sports drinks or gels like GU.
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