Sentences with phrase «as a straight line»

Keep your back and hips in as straight a line as possible.
Because the way we live in today's world is just time as a straight line and things get further and further away as you move on forward.
As good as the straight line performance is, the handling is quite clumsy.
In the real world, there is no such thing as a straight line over an even surface outside of an auto - testing facility.
While the trend is shown as a straight line, the overall warming we experience does not always follow a consistent path upward.
You should get into the habit of drawing curves as straight lines.
Of course, modern statistical techniques assume nothing so naive as a straight line.
Ahlborn says the team has decided that the best route is one that goes in as straight a line as possible in order to prevent the high - speed twists and turns from turning the Hyperloop into what one critic called a «barf ride.»
When seen on the sea floor, these algae appear as straight lines of leaves projecting above the sediment.
C.S. Song, an Asian theologian speaks of the western God as a straight line God who operates in a certain logical order.
The rear sensor should show as a straight line with no bumps or ripples.
The fault trace is where the fault surface intersects the seafloor; it is seen as a straight line in the east - west direction.
Regarding the popular view of time as a straight line stretching backward and forward, it should be observed that it is not only naive as Von Rad has mentioned, 32 but also quite unreal and non-evolutionary.
He designed the Mercator Projection in 1569 strictly to help navigators; his is the only projection that shows rhumbs as straight lines: a navigator could connect two ports with a straight line on Mercator's map and then proceed along a constant course based on the direction of this line.
Evolution should not be pictured as a straight line moving smoothly forward and upward or as a tree growing placidly and quietly without any critical events in its life.
What constitutes «progress» in art is questioned today, and it is no longer possible to see the development of art as a straight line, with synchronicity among places and geographies.
The richly layered shifts of colour could start as a straight line at the top of the canvas and end in a swirl at the bottom, meeting and meshing with other colours in the middle.
Some unique features include underlining as a straight line, instead of free form, and rotating exhibits.
FASB continues to want two classifications, where type A (capital lease) will be treated as a financial arrangement and type B (operating lease) will be treated as a straight line expense over the lease term.
Using your foam paintbrush and gloss black acrylic craft paint, paint the rim of your shade, attempting to make as straight a line as possible.
More: 7 Things to Cut from Your Mid-Career Resume Use your resume to draw as straight a line as possible between your experience and accomplishments, and the job you want.
I love how there's no such thing as a straight line in nature and my creations respect the materials they are made from by remaining native in both their look and shape.»
If you were raised in a Western culture, you may see time as a straight line: horizontal, with the past on the left, and the present in the middle, and the future on the right.
As a Jew, he viewed history not as a never - ending circle but as a straight line with a beginning and an end.
One simple change can help: adjust the exit and entry points each nation sets for its airspace so that planes can fly in as straight a line as possible.
Jayden would also line up cars, magazines or blocks on the floor or a table in as straight a line as he could make, never stacking objects as other kids would.
The reason for our failure to see that time could evolve from contingency to non-contingency without being destroyed is perhaps due to the popular image we have of time as a straight line that goes on and on.
Successful neighborhood leaders call this blending of process and product «learn as you go,» and describe it as a spiral rather than as a straight line.
Anjanath's final ace in the hole is that they can spit flames — especially when enraged — in an explosive 180 degree cone in front of them, as well as a straight line, which can be difficult to dodge.
Griffis commented that the movie makers hated curved TVs as it meant there was no such thing as a straight line and the keystone effect was often evident at the edges.
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