Sentences with phrase «as a thinker deny»

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On the one hand, their field is flourishing: No longer intimidated by the logical positivists (who denied truth to moral assertions except as expressions of likes and dislikes), thinkers as diverse as Iris Murdoch, Martha Nussbaum, and Bernard Williams are leading the attack against such debilitating philosophical notions as Hume's notorious «Is / Ought» distinction and Kant's simplistic fusion of morality with mere duty.
Process thinkers should not at any rate be trapped into denying the reality of time from any actual point of view, for as that great process thinker Benjamin Franklin once pointed out, time is «the stuff life is made of.»
Are we to take seriously a thinker who denies something as obvious as change and subjectivity in the halakhah, and who, moreover, then proceeds to parade them in his own halakhic writings?
On the one hand, their field is flourishing: No longer intimidated by the logical positivists (who denied truth to moral assertions except as expressions of likes and dislikes), thinkers as diverse as Iris Murdoch, Martha Nussbaum, and....
End the Common Core test - and - punish approach because it denies our children a real education as learners and thinkers that they deserve.
Fanny as usual here tries to pull the old trick beloved of intellectually bankrupt alarmist bigots, by pretending there are only CAGW consensus truthers and deniers, no skeptics / thinkers.
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