Sentences with phrase «as a violation»

His lawsuit claims wrongful termination as well as violations of his employee rights.
This varies depending on factors such as your violation, the court handling your ticket, and your personal driving history.
This, however, is essentially an admission of guilt, which will add a traffic violation conviction (as well as violation points) to your driving record.
They didn't want to do something that the district would see as a violation of policy, so they just stayed away.
The administrator may prescribe «means reasonably designed to prevent» violations of acts defined as a violation of the duty.
But the courts struck down the new law as a violation of a state constitutional provision prohibiting anyone but a locally elected school board from running the schools.
Therefore this practice should be treated as a violation of relevant animal cruelty and neglect laws.
The British government acted to demand that violence against women does not classify as a violation of human rights.
He sees the required agency fee as a violation of his First Amendment rights since the union takes positions he opposes, positions which he views as political.
«The new discipline regulation explicitly lists extravagant eating and drinking and playing golf as violations, which were not included previously,» it said.
Though many evangelicals oppose abortion and gay marriage as violations of natural law, they are significantly different issues with different social consequences.
He described vote buying as a violation of the electoral act and malpractice that the police must stop.
The act is recognized internationally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women.
While some might view the read aloud feature as a violation of rights, the feature itself offers only the potential for a violation.
Therefore, the platform that the debtor spent years developing had to be taken offline as a violation of copyright law.
On the other hand, if there is such a tension then the resulting conflict of interest, most notably as a violation of the duty of loyalty, might have the same effect.
Tickets received out of state are handled the same as a violation received in state.
You might also consider consulting a traffic ticket attorney, as the violations requiring court appearances usually are serious ones.
Maintain traffic rules and speed limits as violations and tickets can adversely affect your premiums for years to come.
Some of us view social media as a violation of privacy and concern for safety in some instances.
Last, you'll need the details of any incidents such as violations, accidents and claims in the past five years.
The damage to democratic process is immense, as electoral defeats would come to be seen as a violation of a right to dignity.
Does that count as a violation of my promise?
For example, a violation of the MVP M life Terms and Conditions will be treated as a violation of Section 24 of the M life Rewards Terms and Conditions.
These actions are seen as a violation of the breastfeeding mother's civil rights and thus open up the commenter to being sued by the mother in civil court.
The state of Maine administers moving violations through a separate part of the courts, known as the Violations Bureau of the Maine District Court.
Calais Maine administers moving violations through a separate part of the courts, known as the Violations Bureau of the Calais Maine District Court.
Tomáš Minárik said in a press statement that because the cyberattack affected government systems, it might be viewed as a violation of sovereignty.
It can also be construed as a violation of Article 11 of the Realtors Code of Ethics: «Realtors shall not undertake to provide specialized services concerning a type of property or service that is outside their field of competence unless they engage the assistance of one who is competent on such types of property or service, or are fully disclosed to the client.»
The idea that tax fraud ought to be regarded as a violation of human rights must be inscribed within the broader framework of the new global law and the evolution of the protection of human rights (see especially Human Rights Council Resolution, (UNGPs) A / HRC / RES / 17/4, 6/07/2011; see also, A / HRC / RES / 35/7, 14/07/2017).
As long as your violation doesn't require a court appearance (and your citation will state whether you must appear in court), most courts allow you to pay your ticket fine:
«Together we can send the unambiguous message that the women of UBC have supporters everywhere who will stand against sexual violence — that the rape chants that students at the Sauder School were participating in are deplorable and must be properly dealt with as a violation of women's human rights; that repeated sexual attacks on young women on campus are a crisis with which we should all be concerned.
Gillibrand also supported a constitutional amendment a Democratic coalition proposed in 2014 regulating campaign contributions and spending, which conservatives interpreted as a violation of the First Amendment.
Her premonitions proved correct, as shortly after, she was let go by Yelp (yelp) for what she terms as a violation of their internal «terms of conduct.»
Commentators from George Will to James Pethokoukis and the Wall Street Journal criticized the episode as a violation of market principles.
Described as a Violation Ticket, a traffic ticket in BC can be challenged in court.
This consent order concerns violations by Aviation Advantage, Inc., (AAI) of the licensing requirements of 49 U.S.C. § 41101 and public charter regulation in 14 CFR Part 380, as well as violations by the company of 49 U.S.C. § 41712, which prohibits unfair and deceptive practices and unfair methods of competition.
Maybe some of us will be happy to know that the highest court in France has deemed the birkini ban as a violation of rights and freedoms and has lifted the ban.
Drivers with a mandatory court appearance (such as violations for speeding greater than 30 MPH over the limit) are not allowed to choose this option.
To the contrary, there is a strong historical and legal tradition in America condemning and prohibiting abortion as a violation of the rights of the unborn.
During the stop, the officer asked the passengers about their immigration status, requested immigration documentation from the passengers, and arrested the lead plaintiff for what the officer perceived as a violation of federal immigration law.
The rational basis test is always applied first when a state or federal statute is challenged as a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause.
The tax imposed in Butler was nevertheless held unconstitutional as a violation of the Tenth Amendment reservation of power to the states.
If state courts rule that the amendment requires that religious students and institutions be treated differently than secular ones, as Martinez's ruling seems to imply, it could potentially raise a federal challenge under both the First and Fourteenth Amendments as a violation of free exercise and equal protection.
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