Sentences with phrase «as a virtue which»

Aquinas defined chastity as the virtue which moderates the desire for sexual pleasure in accordance with right reason.
Jesus thought of love neither as a virtue which belongs to the perfection of man, nor as an aid to the well - being of society, but as an overcoming of self - will in the concrete situation of life in which a man encounters other men.

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Although Breaux Capital faces steep competition in the personal finance sector — including from apps such as Mint, which sold to Intuit in 2009 and now counts more than 20 million customers — CTO Quarles says he's convinced that his community, by virtue of being by and for black men, is unique.
It is even outclassed in the narrow realm of automobiles by speedsters such as the 430 - km / hour Bugatti Veyron, which I might add is street legal, a virtue the Cobra Jet sadly does not share.
I recently read an opinion piece by Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini in which he extolls the virtues of greeting the sun just as it's rising each morning: «Every day I get up at 5:30 for my own yoga and meditation practice because I know I'm going to head into a chaotic world where I will be challenged.»
Except as required by law or with the approval of the customer, a telecommunications carrier that receives or obtains customer proprietary network information by virtue of its provision of a telecommunications service shall only use, disclose, or permit access to individually identifiable customer proprietary network information in its provision of (A) the telecommunications service from which such information is derived, or (B) services necessary to, or used in, the provision of such telecommunications service, including the publishing of directories.
Each of Hopper, Barberry and Mr. Icahn, by virtue of their relationships to High River (as disclosed in Item 2), may be deemed to indirectly beneficially own (as that term is defined in Rule 13d - 3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the «Act») the Shares which High River directly beneficially owns.
Each of Icahn Offshore, Icahn Capital, IPH, Icahn Enterprises Holdings, Icahn Enterprises GP, Beckton and Mr. Icahn, by virtue of their relationships to Icahn Master (as disclosed in Item 2), may be deemed to indirectly beneficially own (as that term is defined in Rule 13d - 3 under the Act) the Shares which Icahn Master directly beneficially owns.
Each of Icahn Onshore, Icahn Capital, IPH, Icahn Enterprises Holdings, Icahn Enterprises GP, Beckton and Mr. Icahn, by virtue of their relationships to Icahn Partners (as disclosed in Item 2), may be deemed to indirectly beneficially own (as that term is defined in Rule 13d - 3 under the Act) the Shares which Icahn Partners directly beneficially owns.
Jack Ma, Alibaba's executive chairman and founder, is set to deliver a keynote speech that will extol the virtues of companies using his marketplace, which to date as facilitated US$ 500bn worth of sales.
We ask too much of the Constitution, and too little of ourselves, when we view it as the wellspring from which to draw comprehensive notions of public virtue or when we project onto it our aspirations as a national community.
There is an eyelash - curling article in Rolling Stone about Sasha Grey, «the dirtiest girl in porn,» which should be used as some kind of litmus test and pedagogical bludgeon for retraining us in the virtue of protecting an uncompromised stigmatic remainder in our moral life.
The ideal virtues of the Via Romana — which included such characteristics as comitas (humor), frugalitas (frugalness), industria (industriousness), severitas (sternness)-- were qualities needed to conquer and civilize regional peoples under one Roman Republic.
I agreed with the minister when he stated in a way which downplayed any notion that this man ever thought he was distinctively representative of virtue (as this man would have always denied for himself) that nonetheless «maybe there was a saint amongst us.»
In time, this discussion about the cardinal virtues passed into Catholicism, where it was incorporated into a structure of thought in which these virtues were seen to be the basis for, and as becoming finally realized in, the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love.
As love becomes merely a passion, as safety becomes merely a term for never being contradicted, as victimhood and oppression are turned into subjective categories rooted in emotional psychology, the very language by which we understand virtues, well - being, and concern becomes not a tool for care but a barrier preventing us from carinAs love becomes merely a passion, as safety becomes merely a term for never being contradicted, as victimhood and oppression are turned into subjective categories rooted in emotional psychology, the very language by which we understand virtues, well - being, and concern becomes not a tool for care but a barrier preventing us from carinas safety becomes merely a term for never being contradicted, as victimhood and oppression are turned into subjective categories rooted in emotional psychology, the very language by which we understand virtues, well - being, and concern becomes not a tool for care but a barrier preventing us from carinas victimhood and oppression are turned into subjective categories rooted in emotional psychology, the very language by which we understand virtues, well - being, and concern becomes not a tool for care but a barrier preventing us from caring.
Perhaps we would do well to learn from Augustine to think of the family as a school of virtue, or from I John of the family as a sphere in which we learn the meaning of commitment to a few and begin to learn the steps of the greater dance of love.
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
Hence, we must attribute to God not only the conceptual ordering of the eternal objects by virtue of which he lures the occasions of the world toward order and value; we must attribute to him as to all other actual entities physical feelings as well.
God Allah wanted us to be more than one nation or single people as mentioned but that was for testing us so to strive as in a race in all virtues for Allah as a goal and that what ever being disputed the truth of which will be revealed to us on earth or after resurrection and on Judgment Day...!
The same point appears in The Logic of Sense as follows: «disjunction posed as a synthesis exchanges its theological principle for a diabolic principle,» ensuring that «instead of certain number of predicates being excluded from a thing in virtue of the identity of its concept, each «thing» opens itself up to the infinity of predicates through which it passes, as it loses its center, that is, its identity as concept or as self» (LS 176 and 174).
The Qur» an makes it clear in many passages that Angels possess all the spiritual virtues and none of the shortcomings of human beings, while the Jinn are described as sometimes being whisperers and provocators — evils which are sometimes found in men.
Ranade agreed that «the Christian civilization which came to India from the West was the main instrument of renewal» of India which finds expression in the new love of municipal freedom and civil virtues, aptitude for mechanical skill and love of science and research, chivalrous respect of womanhood etc.; and it is interesting that his lecture on his new concept of «Indian Theism» (a redefinition of Visishtadvaita in the light of Protestant Christian thought) as the basis of national renewal of India was delivered in the chapel of the Wilson College Bombay.
What if, as I believe is true in the present case, policies and court orders invite the doing of that which virtue would inhibit, even if it can not always effectively prohibit?
It must be given to the reality by virtue of which this claim or insight can be relativized as we advance in truth.
And, citing the book of Sirach (3:3 - 7, 14 - 17), he added: «The word of God presents the family as the first school of wisdom, a school which trains its members in the practice of those virtues which make for authentic happiness and lasting fulfilment.»
The grace which we received in the bishop's laying on of hands and the constant renewal of grace in the sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession deify us: through that grace we grow in virtue, through that grace we shine as «other Christs» in this world and for all eternity.
For example: Any suppression of factors which are necessary for the clarity of a diagnosis but may be unpleasant for the physician contradicts not only the «object», but also objectivity as an ethical attitude, hence a «virtue of the physician».
If we can see the connection between general civil religion and virtue defined as concern for the common good, we can begin to see the connections between general civil religion and special civil religion, for special civil religion defines the norms in terms of which the common good is conceived.
Other examples of moral heroism may be drawn from medieval romance, in which young knights like Gawain and Percival are presented as imperfect but persevering questers who develop virtues of truth - keeping, courtesy and humility to match their physical prowess and bravery.
Such issues as slavery, the status of women, and political freedom, the virtues of scientific honesty and integrity, the freedom of the spirit in worship, all such ethical concerns which have grown in significance throughout Christian history are in part at least implicit in the new life, but they are not explicit, and the reason for that must be sought in the historical situation into which the Gospel came.
Freedom is not a matter of doing what we like, «my way;» freedom is freely choosing what is good, and what can be known to be good, as a matter of moral habit — which is another word for «virtue
As much as this ethic is needed, as much as we are all indebted to the new clarifications which have come from the contemporary ethics of virtue and character, and as much as we must never lose its accomplishments, the new practical theologies must strive for something more rigorouAs much as this ethic is needed, as much as we are all indebted to the new clarifications which have come from the contemporary ethics of virtue and character, and as much as we must never lose its accomplishments, the new practical theologies must strive for something more rigorouas this ethic is needed, as much as we are all indebted to the new clarifications which have come from the contemporary ethics of virtue and character, and as much as we must never lose its accomplishments, the new practical theologies must strive for something more rigorouas much as we are all indebted to the new clarifications which have come from the contemporary ethics of virtue and character, and as much as we must never lose its accomplishments, the new practical theologies must strive for something more rigorouas we are all indebted to the new clarifications which have come from the contemporary ethics of virtue and character, and as much as we must never lose its accomplishments, the new practical theologies must strive for something more rigorouas much as we must never lose its accomplishments, the new practical theologies must strive for something more rigorouas we must never lose its accomplishments, the new practical theologies must strive for something more rigorous.
Whatever doubts may exist about the sources of this democracy, there can be none about the chief source of the morality that gives it life and substance... [From the Hebrew tradition, via the Puritans, come] the contract and all its corollaries; the higher law as something more than a «brooding omnipresence in the sky»; the concept of the competent and responsible individual; certain key ingredients of economic individualism; the insistence on a citizenry educated to understand its rights and duties; and the middle - class virtues, that high plateau of moral stability on which, so Americans believe, successful democracy must always build [Seedtime of the Republic (Harcourt, Brace, 1953, p. 55)-RSB-.
Particular individuals are then relegated to the status of «low - level universals» which, by virtue of this introduction of the divine as permeating all things, now possess the desired quality of «subjectivity.»
He contended in Fides et Ratio that anthropology is the nexus of the two Thomisms: «Metaphysics should not be seen as an alternative to anthropology, since it is metaphysics which makes it possible to ground the concept of personal dignity in virtue of their spiritual nature.
As Whitehead says, «transmutation is the way in which the actual world is felt as a community, and is so felt in virtue of its prevalent order» (PR 384As Whitehead says, «transmutation is the way in which the actual world is felt as a community, and is so felt in virtue of its prevalent order» (PR 384as a community, and is so felt in virtue of its prevalent order» (PR 384).
Gobo had not learned to live within himself, to use the hardships of life and the death to which life leads as training in virtue.
We have moved from a place in which human rights have been guaranteed by virtue of some understanding of transcendent derivation, to a dispensation in which even the most fundamental rights are to be regarded as existing at the whim of the electorate.
It is that by virtue of which we can speak of future events or future cosmic epochs, not as located in the present but as genuinely future.
By virtue of its essential features it is not reducible to the things with which it is connected, such as interpreters, or to the connections, such as interpretations.
The virtue of Zaret's approach is that it demonstrates the relevance of broad social conditions as effects on religious ideas, but instead of pinning these effects on hidden psychological states or vague generalities about interests and legitimation, it traces the factors actually involved in the specific contexts in which ideas were produced, modified, and disseminated.
For a republic, and especially for its democratic rather than aristocratic form, the principle of social life is virtue, which James Sellers has recently paraphrased in more modern language as «willed initiative.»
According to Theodore, salvation of the human being is not to be described as divinization but rather as the fulfillment of the community of human being and God, which belongs to the human being by virtue of his or her creation.
The historical eye can see little, but that which we see commends itself as trustworthy by virtue of its naturalness.
In this model, industry, individualism, frugality, ambition, and success are considered the primary virtues, with work being understood as the criterion by which a life is judged successful.
The real essence of Hasidism is revealed not so much in its concepts as in the three central virtues which derive from these concepts: love, joy, and humility.
In order to follow Kant one must suppress one's existential subjectivity in favour of a rational objectivity in which one participates only by virtue of having previously defined the essence of value as one's rational nature.
Yet no explanation was given as to what that love is by virtue of which the peculiar ideal of Christianity is embodied and fulfilled.
The theological postures of Kaplan and Whitehead have the virtue of undercutting the problem of evil, for the problem only arises in acute form if God is conceived of as omnipotent — a view which both Whitehead and Kaplan repudiate.
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