Sentences with phrase «as a waste product»

It is produced continuously in enormous quantities as a waste product from paper and agricultural industries.
Those particles are then combined with ambient air to create water as the waste product.
Everything your hamster's body does, from movement to breathing to digestion, creates free radicals as waste products.
By contrast, about half the protein in cow's milk passes through the baby's body as a waste product.
Humans and animals breathe oxygen and emit CO2 as a waste product.
Greek yoghurt production usually results in large amounts of acid whey, regarded as a waste product by many.
As a result, every year some 12 million male chicks are killed in the first day of their lives as waste products of the Australian egg industry.
The process produces rust and other iron minerals as waste products.
Some microbes that feed on ammonia produce this chemical as a waste product.
Plants absorb CO2 and emit oxygen as a waste product.
Although everybody looks at poop as a waste product of our bodies, it is not.
During this process — lactic acid is produced as a waste product (soreness).
The answer to that question would be a book in its own right, but he built his wealth by turning gasoline into fuel while his competitors treated gasoline as a waste product to pour into the Cuyahoga River and watch it burn.
Our body also produces toxins through normal cell activity and are known as waste products such as ammonia and lactic acid.
As the population of lactobacilli grows, it feeds on the natural sugars in the plant juices and produces lactic acid as its waste product.
The human digestive system treats cellulose as a waste product — meaning that uncooked fruits and veggies MAY give your baby diarrhea.
I could imagine a microbial community in which diethyl ether is made as a waste product and exploited by dragons to breathe fire.»
«Yeasts and other organisms produce ethanol as a waste product, and there are bacteria that excrete sulfuric acid (they're responsible for corroding concrete).
For this reason methanol fuel cells will be used, where the combination of methanol and oxygen produces water and carbon dioxide as a waste product (note that the carbon footprint in this case is neutral in that the methanol will be produced by photosynthesis, removing CO2 from the atmosphere).
The bark of native conifers is known as a waste product in the timber industry.
The researchers are using this ever - expanding RNA thread, which basically protrudes from the engine as a waste product, to keep the tiny vehicle on its course by using markings on a DNA - nanotube track.
In response to a tax on greenhouse - gas emissions imposed by the Norwegian government, each year the company now removes about 1 million tons of CO2 captured as a waste product from the natural gas it recovers and pumps more than 99 percent of it 2,600 feet beneath the seafloor into a porous sandstone formation capped by impervious rock.
Interestingly, further analysis showed that the Eph receptors had not been dumped as waste products, but remained active on the exosomes.
When fiber is digested by bacteria in our colon, it ferments and releases large amounts of acetate as a waste product.
C. hydrogenoformans serves as a model for studies of hydrogenogens — diverse bacteria and archaea that grow anaerobically utilizing carbon monoxide (CO) as their sole carbon source and water as an electron acceptor, producing CO2 and H2 as waste products.
Although Solar radiation and lightning (which has been detected by the ESA's Venus Express probe in 2007) should be producing large amounts of carbon monoxide (CO), the gas was found to be scarce, as if something was removing it (such as hydrogenogens, diverse bacteria and archaea that grow anaerobically utilizing CO as their sole carbon source and water as an electron acceptor to produce carbon dioxide and molecular hydrogen as waste products).
She uses pigeon feathers as a waste product of «the rats with wings», elevating them to the status of art.
«Products in this range are made from banana fibres — these are often seen as a waste product but here we're using them as renewable material to make beautiful, characterful designs.»
These methanotrophs essentially «burn» methane to get energy, producing CO2 and water as waste products.
The answer to that question would be a book in its own right, but he built his wealth by turning gasoline into fuel while his competitors treated gasoline as a waste product to pour into the Cuyahoga River and watch it burn.
There are many factors that can increase the amount of free radicals in your furry friend's body at any given time (including poor diet, physical and emotional stress, secondhand smoke, and other environmental factors), but a certain number of them are inevitable — normal, healthy metabolic processes like breathing and digestion produce free radicals as waste products.
Mutations may cause the mitochondria to operate less efficiently, producing more free radicals — reactive molecules — as a waste product.
However this is also true in the opposite; some nutrients prevent other nutrients from being utilized and thus become unused and left over as waste product.
Free radicals are completely natural — our dog's bodies produce them as waste products during most metabolic processes — but they are also quite dangerous.
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