Sentences with phrase «as abstractions of»

The paintings in color and surface recall the American West, not as landscape painting, but as abstractions of light, heat, and surface.
In painting, during the 1920s and the 1930s and the Great Depression, modernism is defined by Surrealism, late Cubism, Bauhaus, De Stijl, Dada, German Expressionism, and Modernist and masterful color painters like Henri Matisse and Pierre Bonnard as well as the abstractions of artists like Piet Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky which characterized the European art scene.
Here, Godzilla's default disinterestedness and the film's elegiac depiction of a sudden urban warzone — one which mainly eschews the triumphalism of ascending missiles in favor of shattered glass and base - jumping soldiers both falling from the reddened sky like teardrops as abstractions of Barber and Penderecki fill the soundtrack — add up to $ 160 million worth of roaring existentialism.
And he suggests that analyses of concrescence must finally be viewed as abstractions of the intellect.
We have very little to say about it to begin with, but we should expect that it would explain the previous orders as abstractions of various kinds, as suggested above.
Sharp says: «The work will end up as an abstraction of something, but everything comes from the drawing... The work that I make has to do with the experience of place.
The show attempts to bridge the gap between the two bodies of works by engaging the issue of pictorial representation as an abstraction of depicted objects — a far - reaching pursuit for compositions and techniques that seem fairly simple and straightforward on the surface.

Not exact matches

It starts with a process that I refer to as a «process of abstraction».
Stellar enables tailor - made ICOs by providing base abstractions such as accounts, tokens, payments, offers (to exchange one token type for another), and atomic transactions consisting of multiple operations.
Just as this article said, and my comment above, to solve the divide, we can: (1) Argue about the definition of Race / God (2) Argue about identification in a religion / race (3) Or realize the fundamental problem of prejudice that sneaks into human - made abstractions like «race» and «God».
Here again Aron avoids abstractions of a sort that dangerously misunderstand the competitive nature of international relations as well as an amoral realism that obliterates any space for ethical restraint and reflection.
«In the enjoyment of a great myth we come nearest to experiencing as a concrete what can otherwise be understood only as an abstraction.
To speak as the White Rose did of humanity per se is to remain at the level of abstraction.
The suggestion that the three abstractions noted may be interpreted as disguised idealizations leads to a much larger question concerning the identity of relations in the context of Whitehead's conceptions of nature.
The third level of abstraction involves groups as foci of interaction.
Although at times Hartshorne has spoken as though his account of experience rested on some intuition of its essence as exhibited in his own experience, 2 his predominant view and his philosophical practice advance a concept of experience that is generated by dialectical argument rather than by appeal to direct introspection or intuition: «The philosopher, as Whitehead says, is the «critic of abstractions
And this is true of the other levels of abstraction as well.
First, there is space - time itself which is denoted as an abstraction and is denied the status of a self - sufficient entity (SMW 96).
To speak of an occasion's satisfaction as itself a phase, the last in the genetic process, is only an abstraction derivative from the intention to give a genetic analysis; apart from any division of it, the occasion itself just is its satisfaction or complete determination coming to be and being.
This approach assumes that narrative accounts form analogues to the composition of historical events and that the dynamics of narrative are expressed in events as symbolic transformations, emerging in temporal patterns, and resulting in definite configurations that can be analyzed at several levels of abstraction.
He starts, not with the purely concrete, for which abstractions are to be found, but with such more or less suitable abstractions as are already available, and seeks to improve them, having in mind experiences of the concrete.
The passage seems to say that the ultimate metaphysical reality that underlies and expresses itself in every concrete occurrence of actuality or value «envisages» possibilities both in pure abstraction and in their relevance for actual entities, as well as «envisaging» the actual entities themselves.
26 New laws and new activities result: «Abstraction, logic, reasoned choice and inventions, mathematics, art, calculation of space and time, anxieties and dreams of love — all these activities of inner life are nothing else than the effervescence of the newly - formed center as it explodes onto itself.»
Thus, the idea of race as a basis for reliable and definite classification of individuals clearly has to be abandoned in favor of a problematic and inexact system of statistical abstraction.
When Whitehead describes the approach to intellectuality as a gain in the power of abstraction, so that «the irrelevant multiplicity is eliminated, and emphasis is laid on the elements of systematic order in the actual world» (PR 388), we take this to mean that mentality becomes habitually effective when its potentially anarchic initiatives are both nourished and preserved at lower, more reiterative levels of conceptual functioning.
To this end, he reviews the metaphysical situation to which the discussion of abstraction, along with the book as a whole, has led him.
Gabriel Marcel, the French «neo-Socratic» philosopher, has said, «The dynamic element in my philosophy, taken as a whole, can be seen as an obstinate and untiring battle against the spirit of abstraction.
One major reform that Hegel seems to have taken upon himself to effect is the production of a logical hierarchy of being that in a sense reverses the direction of abstraction of the Aristotelian logical hierarchy, i.e., that becomes more differentiated and «concrete» as it rises in generality and inclusiveness, rather than more empty and abstract.
Based of abstruse abstractions, as is her new choice.
Potter says he lost sight of that because the health care issue was an abstraction to him when he worked at Cigna as a public relations executive.
That is, Hegel's purposes (among others) may well have been: (A) to provide an alternative scheme to Aristotelian logical abstraction; and (B) to provide an alternative to the concomitant mechanism and the psychological atomism of his own day, and to the concomitant logical scheme and the Newtonian mathematical model of externally related particulars, as well as to the dogmatic insistence upon the subject - predicate form of this logic and to the substance - attribute ontology that was its metaphysical correlate.
As the full meaning of this sacrifice or self - negation dawns in consciousness, the factuality and historicity of Jesus» particular «self - existence» is negated as that existence now becomes universal self - consciousness: «The death of the mediator is death not merely of his natural aspect, of his particular self - existence: what dies is not merely the outer casement, which, being stripped of essential being, is eo ipso dead, but also the abstraction of the divine Being.&raquAs the full meaning of this sacrifice or self - negation dawns in consciousness, the factuality and historicity of Jesus» particular «self - existence» is negated as that existence now becomes universal self - consciousness: «The death of the mediator is death not merely of his natural aspect, of his particular self - existence: what dies is not merely the outer casement, which, being stripped of essential being, is eo ipso dead, but also the abstraction of the divine Being.&raquas that existence now becomes universal self - consciousness: «The death of the mediator is death not merely of his natural aspect, of his particular self - existence: what dies is not merely the outer casement, which, being stripped of essential being, is eo ipso dead, but also the abstraction of the divine Being.»
For our own age, overly captivated by abstraction, the task of philosophical reflection is often to reverse the process and recover living experience» living experience of God, who transcends our human conceptions and confronts us as a philosophy - defying Other even as He addresses us and makes Himself available to us.
This is in a way the experience of the shepherds of the field, who are terrified at the realization that God is real, and his actions will not only change the course of history (as an abstraction), but their history.
His insistence that that which defied abstraction was simply internal within the living experience precluded a satisfactory conception of the thought process and led him to employ what was available as the antithesis to abstractive cognition, namely, intuition, or, as it is sometimes put, imagism.
As I'll discuss at the end of my presentation, political science only does this by dint of a systematic abstraction of our lived political experience, that is, by singularly emphasizing politics as the management of a conflict of interests rather than the prudential navigation of conflicts between competing claims to honor, or of competing claims to the gooAs I'll discuss at the end of my presentation, political science only does this by dint of a systematic abstraction of our lived political experience, that is, by singularly emphasizing politics as the management of a conflict of interests rather than the prudential navigation of conflicts between competing claims to honor, or of competing claims to the gooas the management of a conflict of interests rather than the prudential navigation of conflicts between competing claims to honor, or of competing claims to the good.
The notion of an empirical fact, however, as pointing to the present alone, is an abstraction, existing only in the mind or to common sense, for all things in time can not be thought of apart from their futures.
As the book's conclusion shows, Oliva holds that Aquinas can help us to think of marriage in complete abstraction from pro-creation and the good of children.
This irreversibility is the appearance, it is an abstraction, It is irreversible because whatever symbol you use to represent the p resent time, it needs the earlier time as a part of it.
The author shows that Brumbaugh deals with what is one of the central difficulties of modern pedigogy, what Whitehead calls the fallacy of misplaced concreteness, where abstractions or excerpted aspects of the fuller deeper occasions are treated as actual.
A principle arrived at by abstraction from one order of facts, is confronted with facts from another order of experience, as a test of speculative applicability: «The success of the imaginative experiment is always to be tested by the applicability of its results beyond the restricted locus from which it originated» (PR 5/8).
In other words, there is a complete paradox if we attempt to look at the ordinary physicist's view of time as anything more than an abstraction.
It is people like these who need to rediscover their humanity through Christ; the human beings who are defined and described in our theological abstractions exist only as idealized, abstract specimens of humanity.
Useful as it may be to abstract types of things from the welter of everyday experience, we must not commit what Whitehead called the «fallacy of misplaced concreteness» whereby these abstractions are treated as if they were the actual realities under consideration.
I am not talking about the corny jokes or funny introductions many preachers use as a lead - in for 30 minutes of platitudes and abstractions, but honest truth from a person who believes what they are saying and has seen how it plays out in everyday life.
Insisting upon clarity in the definition of The Given and the datum self is not the same as insisting upon clarity in the given phenomena of experience, and Brightman is again charging Hartshorne with mistaking abstractions (definitions) for concrete realities — of misplaced concreteness.
The viability of abstraction as a process that transcends the limits of experiential concreta follows by a transcendental argument from the possibility of communication — to the «conditions under which alone» communication is possible.
So long as there are those who identify God with some one - sided abstraction like infinity; absoluteness, or worst of all omnipotence (not even a self - consistent abstraction), we shall need the help both of more balanced theists and of nontheists to counteract these more subtle and intellectual forms of idolatry.
I do not argue that the reflexes of abstraction and generalization have no function at all, but we need to be more honest about their derivative quality and about the normalness of narrative or hortatory genres as good theology.
We are accustomed to considering as «theological» those forms of expression that seek abstraction and generality.
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