Sentences with phrase «as accretion»

«The most likely model involves rapidly - orbiting gas known as an accretion disk, which funnels particles into a stream moving close to the speed of light — the beginning of the long jet seen in the picture of M87 above.
Instead, they have focused on what they can see, namely, the surrounding cloud of swirling matter, known as an accretion disk.
In their current works the Kippers have concentrated on the visual aspects of the performance, and have begun to see the end result of the piece as the accretion of food and debris on the canvas flooring upon which they perform.
I see things like vision and purpose - drivenness as accretions that are not only unnecessary, but hindrances to church community life that can be stripped away easily, quickly and beneficially.
Forest thinks the machine is on the verge of mimicking astrophysical phenomena such as accretion disks of gas and dust swirling into a black hole.
Known as an accretion disc, it is the place where material gradually spirals inwards towards the black hole.
Consider his practice as an accretion of experience, stories and proposals that attempt to fathom the elusive qualities of time, fate and other invisible, and perhaps unnameable, forces.
The discovery is the first time scientists have been able to see both a disk of material falling into a black hole, known as an accretion disk, and a jet in a system of this kind.
As the accretion disk spins faster and its centrifugal force stops matter from falling in, a clump of gas gets thrown off the disk and up into the jet.
The study, «Accretion - induced variability links young stellar objects, white dwarfs, and black holes», which is published in the journal Science Advances, shows how the «flickering» in the visible brightness of young stellar objects (YSOs)-- very young stars in the final stages of formation — is similar to the flickering seen from black holes or white dwarfs as they violently pull matter from their surroundings in a process known as accretion.
The pulsar is thought to pull in the leftover material from the supernova explosion, feeding on it in a process known as accretion.
Rather, they produce the most luminous objects in the universe — quasars — thanks to a phenomenon known as accretion.
Research shows that this growth process, also known as accretion, is clumpy and episodic.
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