Sentences with phrase «as alternate nostril breathing»

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On the flipside, evening classes use calming breath techniques such as nadi shodhana, which alternates nostril breathing.
Taking 5 minutes a day to focus on mental health by practicing alternate nostril breathing, sitting in silence, doing some quiet restorative yoga poses or practicing a short meditation (try Gratitude Meditation) can help to establish a connection with our mental state and spiritual health as we release our hold on old stresses and prepare to move from one busy season to the next.
Preliminary studies show that the pranayama, or breath regulation, practice Nadi Shodhana, also known as alternate - nostril breathing, can decrease blood pressure and aid in creating a sense of ease and calm by igniting the parasympathetic nervous system.
Beginners are also introduced to the Ujjayi breath during seated pranayama, as well as to Nadi Sodhana, Kripalu's term for alternate nostril breathing.
Each participant was assessed in three different sessions: alternate nostril breathing, simple breath awareness and sitting quietly as a control, all for 18 minutes seated upright with their eyes shut.
While scientists still need to study the mechanisms by which alternate nostril breathing improves efficiency in a vigilance - specific task, it is known that vigilance is influenced by psychological factors such as stress (negative effects) and motivation (positive influences).
As we mentioned above, the nasal cycle appears to be strongly linked to the opposite hemisphere dominance, which may indicate that doing alternate nostril breathing helps balance out the activity of the two hemispheres.
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