Sentences with phrase «as alternative assessments»

Other measures of reading proficiency that are already in place in North Carolina classrooms and were submitted as alternative assessments to meet the Read to Achieve requirements include the Discovery Education Reading / Language arts assessment, Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments, and ClassScape, among many others.

Not exact matches

The group wrote in a recent assessment that the Coalition should «avoid, to the extent feasible, airstrikes as a primary tactic, and consider tactical alternatives — for example, properly trained SDF conducting more door - to - door clearing operations to minimize civilian harm.»
Alignment of government policy is particularly crucial, as inconsistency between government policies inhibits investment and raises the cost of capital.235 Once the overall strategic direction is set, a range of methods and instruments are available to mainstream climate at the project level.236 This needs to happen at the technical assessment stage, where technological and process options and alternatives are considered that will achieve the project aim; at the economic assessment stage, which involves measuring net impacts of the project on welfare; and at the financial assessment stage, where costs and revenues of the project are assessed.237
Even if this assessment is not the same as taking each act separately, each actor must still decide whether probable consequences authorize a given social practice or some alternative set of rules.
A priori (by «dichotomic» analysis of the various outlets theoretically offered to our freedom of action) as well as a posteriori (by classification of the various human attitudes in fact observable around us), three alternatives, together forming a logically connected sequence, seem to express and exhaust all the possibilities open to our assessment and choice as we contemplate the future of Mankind: a) pessimism or optimism; b) the optimism of withdrawal or the optimism of evolution; c) evolution in terms of the many or of the unit.
The process, reported in Human Reproduction, utilizes DNA fingerprinting (an assessment of active genes in a given cell) to boost the success rate of IVF and lower the chances of risky multiple births by identifying which of several five - day - old embryos are most likely to result in pregnancy The new method, which will replace unproved alternatives such as choosing embryos based on their shape, is likely to up the success of women becoming pregnant and lower their chances of having multiple births.
«PROMISE establishes CTA as a viable alternative to stress testing for the evaluation of patients with suspected coronary disease,» said Udo Hoffmann, M.D., principal investigator of the PROMISE Imaging Core and Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Director of Cardiovascular Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital «With the addition of high - risk plaque assessment and CT fractional flow reserve technology on the horizon, we may have yet to see the full potential of CTA.»
As a solution to this quagmire, Health Canada allocated CA$ 7 million over 3 years to create ONHP, a new regulatory authority that is charged with providing some legitimacy to alternative medicine through pre-market assessment, enhancing consumer access and choice to a full range of natural health products, and ensuring consumer safety.
Consider offering alternative options that students can choose for the assessment, or as a follow - up for an unsatisfactory result.
And, in fact, a few states, such as Georgia and Oklahoma, have pulled out of the consortia, indicating their desire to seek less - costly alternatives, such as a proposed assessment package being developed by ACT.
The bottom line is that, as many states weigh difficult choices about whether to keep or replace current statewide assessments, there is no substitute for examining rigorous evidence about the validity of the alternatives under consideration.
A small risk for an early adopter — such as replacing one traditional quiz with an alternative assessment, or changing one lesson plan to incorporate mobile technology — seems like an enormous risk to others.
As a member of the multistate Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) consortium, Massachusetts had a ready alternative in the new PARCC assessments.
As a first step, states could consider offering domain - specific assessments as an alternative to the current skills - dominant testAs a first step, states could consider offering domain - specific assessments as an alternative to the current skills - dominant testas an alternative to the current skills - dominant tests.
What gets me excited are the efforts springing up at state levels to find alternatives to testing that can serve as appropriate instruments of accountability and assessment.
Together these media files serve as an alternative form of assessment far move revealing than the often - used standardized bubble test.
The Urban Academy and more than 30 other alternative high schools that are part of the New York Performance Standards Consortium have adopted these rigorous performance assessments as an alternative to the Regents Exams, which high school students throughout New York State are required to pass in English, math, history, and science in order to earn a diploma.
«Once we discontinued our own assessment system «Fingertips», «2Build a Profile» was suggested as an alternative and we have now transferred all of our existing customers over to this software and received excellent feedback.
As a parent, it's critical that you know about alternative types of classroom - based assessments, in addition to traditional tests and the standardized tests mandated by your school district or state department of education.
Alternative formative assessment (AFA) strategies can be as simple (and important) as checking the oil in your car — hence the name «dipsticks.»
Replacing some of those tests with alternative assessments, such as portfolios and group projects, might increase minority teacher enrollment.
Except as provided in subdivision (f) of this section, students who have passed four required Regents examinations or department - approved alternative assessments in each of the areas of English.
The commissioner may also place under preliminary registration review any school that has conditions that threaten the health, safety and / or educational welfare of students or has been the subject of persistent complaints to the department by parents or persons in parental relation to the student, and has been identified by the commissioner as a poor learning environment based upon a combination of factors affecting student learning, including but not limited to: high rates of student absenteeism, high levels of school violence, excessive rates of student suspensions, violation of applicable building health and safety standards, high rates of teacher and administrator turnover, excessive rates of referral of students to or participation in special education or excessive rates of participation of students with disabilities in the alternate assessment, excessive transfers of students to alternative high school and high school equivalency programs and excessive use of uncertified teachers or teachers in subject areas other than those for which they possess certification.
alternative assessments shall be at least as rigorous as the corresponding required State assessment;
Summative assessments: For example, tests that allow for visual, interactive or other responses as an alternative to traditional testing questions; performance - based assessments that showcase knowledge, process and thinking; portfolios, videos or competency - based assessments that can be completed and evaluated when students feel ready; and tools that differentiate for students of differing abilities.
The Michigan bill is particularly puzzling because it actually mandates many of the alternative interventions identified as effective by practitioners and / or researchers, including regular diagnostic assessment of children in grades K - 3, «evidence - based» small group or 1 - on - 1 supplemental instruction for students in K - 3 failing to meet benchmarks, and intensive teacher professional development.
The article looks at alternatives to standardized tests as high school graduation requirements, profiling the East Side Community High School in New York City which has replaced standardized tests with a combination of projects and oral presentations which it considers more authentic as assessments.
As a result of this line of research and renewed interest in the intended and unintended consequences of assessment (Messick, 1989), the «alternative» or «authentic» assessment movement was launched.
Support alternative assessments to standardized testing as appropriate, rigorous measures of student learning.
Just as badging systems can be seen as a subset of alternative assessment models and used in coordination with other approaches, such as ePortfolios, badging systems can also be seen as a subset of ways to gamify education and be used in coordination with such things as point systems and leaderboards.
Her extensive career in education includes 35 years as a master elementary educator and researcher in the development and use of alternative assessments and integrated instruction.
(PDF)-- As announced in Superintendent's Memo # 284 - 16, the new local alternative assessment guidelines replace the Local Alternative Assessment Guidelines for 2014 -2015-This is a PDalternative assessment guidelines replace the Local Alternative Assessment Guidelines for 2014 -2015-This is a PDAlternative Assessment Guidelines for 2014 -2015-This is a PDF document.
Yet, there are potential limitations, such as insufficient time and resources to effectively implement alternative assessments in all classrooms, leaving room for future research about how teachers can most effectively use oral assessment to identify and close gaps in students» understanding.
They mentioned an emerging appreciation for alternative assessment, both as a means to capture and discuss student learning and as a strategy for assessing higher order thinking, diverse learners, and learning not normally valued by traditional assessment strategies.
Against a backdrop of the opportunities provided by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the challenges for education posed by the new federal administration, the Annenberg Institute for School Report has released an issue of Voices in Urban Education (VUE) and an online supplement that proposes performance assessment as a personalized and rigorous alternative Read more about Performance Assessment: Fostering the Learning of Teachers and Students (update)-LSB-...]
· We must aggressively encourage the creation of a competitive critical mass of privately and publicly sponsored alternative preparation and certification programs as well as other non-traditional routes to the profession so as to «let many flowers bloom» and create an atmosphere of competitive certification, with value - added assessment of the graduates tied to student achievement.
Such programs as Paideia, Microsociety, and the Coalition of Essential Schools already use project - based and hands - on learning, embrace alternative assessments, and encourage students to apply their knowledge to real - life problems.
He said standardized test scores are not necessarily the major factors in making teacher evaluations and that alternative data is vital to consider as well, including local standardized exams, portfolio assessments and teacher evaluations.
``... Students who do not take the test as a junior may be required to take the SBAC, or another alternative assessment, as a senior which I do not recommend.»
This page provides alternative assessment and accountability options based on ESSA as well as alternatives developed earlier.
A teacher might use heterogeneous or homogeneous grouping in ways that address learners» needs or provide interventions for some students, such as an abbreviated version of a vocabulary list or an alternative way to demonstrate knowledge on a major assessment.
We are being told that our evaluation system will require our full comprehension and maintenance of: measures of teacher practice observation option selection forms, evaluator forms, consistent update of class lists / rosters, observation options A, B, C, D, the Matrix, and MOSL options (project based learning assessments, student learning inventories, performance based assessments, and progress monitoring assessments), not to mention how this plays out for what people teach (elementary / middle / high school, alternative assessment, English as a New Language, content areas, etc).
The California Performance Assessment Collaborative (CPAC) is launching an official state pilot where participants have opportunities to learn from one another and deepen practice; find common ground despite discrete approaches to performance assessment; engage in research and documentation of various practices; and ultimately, inform state policymakers about the supports and conditions needed to broadly implement high - quality graduation performance assessments that can serve as a viable alternative to traditional measures of college, career, and civic readiness.
This study aimed to get ideas formed by undergraduate foreign language students about the applicability, advantages and disadvantages of «selfie@ssessment», which can be regarded as an alternative form of self - assessment utilizing modern mobile phone technologies and the available Internet facilities.
Lear's focus over the years has been on redesigning high schools, including an early and long interest in alternative schools and work as a senior researcher at the Coalition of Essential Schools, where he was an early advocate for performance assessments.
The state is also developing new science tests and English learner assessments as part of CAASPP, including an alternative science test for severely disabled students, which the board will weigh in on Wednesday.
The screening tool was developed by the university's College of Education as an alternative to multi-tiered assessments.
I personally buy into alternative performance assessments in teaching social studies, and while I try to incorporate this model into my classroom, I also follow the maxim — when in Mexico, do as the Mexicans do.
Support needed — Alternative course credit options: Alternative credit options such as CLEP exams, ACE workforce training credits, and prior learning assessments all help adults earn credit for experience, which saves them time and money.
Meanwhile the state allowed districts such as Fairfax County to evade their responsibilities toward preparing all children for success in higher education and life through its Virginia Grade Level Alternative assessment regime, which allowed districts to offer low - quality curricula to kids they didn't want to work hard to education.
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