Sentences with phrase «as an adaptation»

He developed one of the most widely used adult measures of personality, the Big Five Inventory, as well as adaptations of that instrument to more than 30 languages and cultures.
The company has two models available as well as adaptation kits for other breast pump brands.
Like other developed countries, it has not committed to action beyond this in areas such as adaptation and finance.
Like any technology, technologies designed as adaptations for people with disabilities have limitations.
It has been proposed that insulin resistance has evolved as an adaptation to relatively low carbohydrate foods consumed by our ancestors for millions of years (38).
I have not read the book, so I can not say how well the movie works as an adaptation.
And prices fall as adaptation rises, as investors in solar panel makers have found.
A new theory proposes that humans lost their thick fur as an adaptation to cut down on parasites and that smooth skin became a sexy symbol of health.
Modern medical practitioners developed medical acupuncture as an adaptation of Chinese acupuncture.
The horse's teeth are therefore designed to keep growing as an adaptation to the manner in which they eat.
The breed standard is unique, in that its characteristics were not developed by humans, but rather as an adaptation to the dog's natural environment.
Hopefully, as adaptation solutions become as ubiquitous as the warning signs of climate change, we'll see the spotlight on adaptation grow stronger and larger.
The findings from the new research may help guide agricultural priorities in international disaster risk reduction, as well as adaptation efforts.
Findings suggest that increasing inhibition as an adaptation to the stresses of adolescence, and particularly its impact on popularity, is a risk factor for increases in depressive symptoms.
Go to the original public domain source, as any adaptation of a public domain work may have a new copyright in it and may still be protected by copyright.
These responses may involve ecological processes (such as migration into newly suitable areas), evolutionary processes (such as adaptation to new conditions), or some combination of the two.
Rather than repetitive motion, these sports require constantly changing muscle groups, as well as adaptation to a partner or team member.
And the plot has enough of a superficial resemblance that it could be seen as an adaptation with a bad case of Adaptation Decay.
Scientists believe planned migration as an adaptation strategy won't be a bad idea as food security will be affected as rains become erratic and cause floods as they are concentrated in a few days rather than get spread over months.
As far as adaptations go, The Book Thief is one of the more successful interpretations.
Narrated by Alfre Woodard, John Henry is the longest short on the entire Blu - ray, clocking in at just under 11 minutes, but it's exceedingly colorful and snappily paced, even as the adaptation of this well - known folktale reaches its tragic conclusion.
More worthy love for Carol, which more than anything makes me want to read The Price of Salt and see how well it works as an adaptation in addition to its clear quality as a film of its own right.
The cassava is a drought - resistant crop that is recently being used more as an adaptation to the current dry lands.
This isn't an adaptation of a video game so much as an adaptation of a video game's tutorial level...»
With a now confirmed director in Sam Taylor - Johnson, casting rumours are beginning to rear their heads again as the adaptation of E.L. James» filthy...
And, as far as adaptations go, the source material provides some lofty expectations in the visual department — specifically since half of the film takes place in heaven.
«It is believed this extension of cones improves the animal's ability to see particularly along the horizon and serves as an adaptation based on the evolutionary requirement of the animal,» says Dr. Pirie.
«BEYOND THE YOUNGER DRYAS Collapse as Adaptation to Abrupt Climate Change in Ancient West Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean Harvey Weiss
«Not only do these ecosystems help us to remove carbon from the atmosphere, but they are also very important as an adaptation tool to help some of the world's most vulnerable people to avoid the worst impacts of climate change,» writes Pidgeon.
The Royal Tenenbaums has been described as an adaptation of a great novel that doesn't exist, and it is set in an upper Upper West Side that also doesn't exist.
Only 2.7 percent has been channelled through United Nations climate funds such as the Adaptation Fund, the Least Developed Countries Fund, and the Special Climate Change Fund.
The course was initially created as an adaptation of Buddhist teachings on mindfulness, although Kabat - Zinn subsequently played down the connection to Buddhism, instead focusing on the scientifically proven benefits of mindfulness.
The most influential stream of Zionism — the political Zionism of Herzl and Ben - Gurion — tended to scorn Jewish faith as both an adaptation to dispersion among the nations and a rationalization of political weakness.
They defended the female - headed family as an adaptation to poverty, and they characterized the ghetto as an «internal colony» of a racist and exploitative society.
Religion with culture may arise as a direct consequence of a large complex brain and not as an adaptation for survival.
My vodka sauce actually started out years ago as an adaptation of the Rachael Ray sauce, but has since evolved into something different.
The conflict and confusion continued at the Chicago Park District board meeting Thursday, and one commissioner described the session as an adaptation of «Alice in Wonderland.»
2005 Law and Anthropology: Mother - Infant Cosleeping With Breast Feeding As Adaptation or Prosecutable Offense?
For example, research on children's play in extant hunter - gatherer societies, and evolutionary psychology studies of other mammalian young, have identified play as an adaptation that enabled early humans to become powerful learners and problem - solvers.
Stony Brook anatomist Jack Stern, famed for analyses of how Lucy walked, says it's a tough call to classify the Achilles tendon as an adaptation for jogging.
The research team is one of very few to quantify the mechanical basis (maximizing propulsive force or speed) for a case of convergent evolution, where similar features evolve in unrelated organisms as adaptations to similar lifestyles and environments, such as wings in both birds and bats.
Evolutionary Edge The black scales of this butterfly's wings reflect virtually no sunlight, perhaps as an adaptation to help regulate the butterfly's body temperature.
These clocks arose as an adaptation to dramatic swings in daylight hours and temperature caused by the Earth's rotation.
But there are limits to snowmaking as an adaptation for climate change, said Scott.
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