Sentences with phrase «as an apostle»

As the apostle Paul said, evil must be overcome with good, which means that violence and hate must be overcome with justice and love, not more of the same.
One could no more separate the revealed truths from the very Person of the Redeemer, than one could conceive a true and complete idea of the transcendent newness of Christianity if one did not recognize that, in this Person of Christ, such as the Apostles already show him to us,... the reality of charity and the truth of dogma are indissolubly united.
Though this is not meant to imply that an educated layman ought not also sometimes have the courage, in the right place and in the right manner, to give an account of the hope that is in him and, as the apostle says, is active in his life.
It is also unlikely, in spite of the assertions of Tertullian and Origen, that he is to be identified with the «Judas of James» listed as an apostle in Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13, since «of James» probably means «son of James».
Paul and others will make an appeal to their authority as apostles when necessary, or they will say it is a custom, or a hymn; it's not that hard, really, when anyone reads the whole thing instead of just verses.
It's important to note that Paul wrote this chapter in defense to his right as an apostle and not as an evangelist, prophet, teacher or shepherd (pastor).
The reason, though offered as much by faith as by sight, is that in Jesus Christ, as the apostle put it to the Colossians, «all things hold together,» even the well - publicized actions of well - known figures and the day - to - day activities of ordinary people carried on with never a thought about the scrutiny of history.
«but rarely told them to avoid wearing nice jewelry as the apostle instructs them just one sentence later in 1 Peter 3:3.»
Paul was sent by God as the apostle to the gentiles.
«For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ.
According to him, «there is no historian, no poet, no breviary, no liturgy, and no writer of any kind who, having the opportunity of speaking of Thomas, does not associate his name with India,» As Moffett stated, the fact, so strong a centre of Christianity as Edessa was content with Addai instead of Thomas as their apostle and unanimously attested to the fact that Thomas died in India supports the genuineness of the Edessean tradition.
That is to say, He drew men and women to follow Him both as disciples and as apostles by the power, truth and loveableness of His majestic personality.
Thankfully, Jesus Himself (as well as the Apostles) consistently show that there is one small set of gospel truths that must be believed to receive eternal life.
An air of expectancy and of imminent cosmic change pervades the New Testament, even as the apostles go out to proclaim the events of the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It means that depsite being chosen as an apostle, judas could fall away.
God was speaking to two persons that were not of the world anymore as the Apostles were and as we are.
The 12 disciples are individually named and redescribed as apostles (those sent out).
kermit4jc They chose at that time who would take Judas» place as an apostle.
And the religious experience of such a writer as the apostle Paul bears naïve yet eloquent personal witness to what we are discovering about the brain.
her name means «equal to the apostles,» and she is honored as apostle and martyr oil the Feast of the Samaritan Woman.
As apostles travelled through the Mediterranean and near - east they would have presented their account of Jesus to communities including people who had been pilgrims to Jerusalem at the Passover when Jesus was crucified, and «Pentecost» where the disciples spoke in tongues.
So though we can understand why Mark could come to this curious view (perhaps at the close of a career as an apostle that did not have the success he had expected), we must reject it as a true reflection of Jesus» mind, and as out of keeping with the other things we know about his teaching.
The Church as apostle, pastor and pioneer.
Because as the apostle Paul put it, «three things will last forever — faith, hope, and love — and the greatest of these is love.»
Church education for conversion means helping persons to see that they are called not only to believe the church's affirmation that Jesus is the Christ, but to commit their lives to him and to live as apostles and disciples in the world.
The vocation of St. John as the apostle of the Divinity of Christ's one person has fed and powered the true development of the doctrine of the Church at all times, not least in the first centuries in which the true doctrine of both the divinity and the humanity are hammered out in great Councils, and the concepts are refined in the fires of contrary heresy against either the full Divinity or the full Humanity of Christ.
Doty and other epistolary theorists agree that the letters were written by an author who was conscious of his responsibility as an apostle in the congregation and thus fully intended such letters to be read aloud to the gathered community.
He was given his mission as an apostle who was to preach the Gospel to the heathen, not as a theologian.
There were those in Corinth who challenged his credentials as an apostle, mainly because there was no evidence in his life and ministry of power to perform miracles.
Not to the same level as the apostles, but still in a very special and significant way.
At the bidding prayer the congregation makes its needs known to Jesus, as the apostles often did.
Moreover, the pope maintains that «in calling only men as his apostles, Christ acted in a completely free and sovereign manner» (see «On the Dignity and Vocation of Women»)
Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, born in 1906 and martyred by the Nazis in April of 1945, has been depicted as an apostle of «religionless Christianity» and a radical opponent of tradition.
He would then immerse himself in the same river, reemerge as an apostle of Jesus Christ, and conduct a ministry of good works among the poor.
Was it right, then, to view Elie Wiesel primarily as an apostle to the Gentiles and the assimilated or unversed, who taught «them» about the Holocaust?
In such ways, Paul clearly defends his right to receive payment for his work as an apostle.
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