Sentences with phrase «as an authorized user on one's account»

You could also ask a trusted family member if you can be added as an authorized user on an account of theirs.
You will likely find some credit card providers who are willing to let you be listed as an authorized user on an account with another borrower with a higher credit score.
Parents with poor credit history should think twice before adding children as authorized users on their accounts — not for the sake of themselves but for the sake of their children.
If you wish to have your name permanently removed as an authorized user on an account, you will need to notify the credit grantor.
So far, you can transfer to Spouse / Domestic partner, even though he / she is not listed as an authorized user on your account.
Despite any trust that you may have in your former spouse, you should definitely consider removing them as an authorized user on any accounts that you own.
You can potentially give your credit a boost by having a friend or family member add you as an authorized user on their account.
If you are close with someone with good or excellent credit, you can always ask them to add you as an authorized user on their account.
You could get the cards, add one another as authorized users and as an authorized user on his account, with an account of your own you'll be able to shift points between your accounts at no fee.
Piggybacking is a technique that allows consumers with good credit to help boost other's credit scores by adding them as authorized users on accounts.
Short of that, you'll either have to co-sign for your child or list her as an authorized user on your account, according to The Discover Card.
You can also ask a family member or close friend who has a credit card to add you as an authorized user on his account.
Megan still needs to call Chase to have them add me as an authorized user on her account, which will put that shiny metal card back in my wallet, but I don't expect any problems.
If your teen doesn't qualify for a credit card of their own yet, you can add them as an authorized user on your account.
You can either add him as an authorized user on your account or co-sign for his own card.
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