Sentences with phrase «as an energy booster»

Vitamin B6 has been added in particular for the purpose of muscle retention, while B12 has shown to act as an energy booster.
Many athletes, including body builders, take supplements containing this amino acid and it is often found in whey protein powder bars and drinks marketed as energy boosters.
They date back to the Mayan and Aztec cultures and were used as an energy booster, which makes sense since chia translates to «strength».
The body assimilates and utilizes MCTs for energy more easily than LCTs, which is why we see a lot of athletes using pure coconut oil as an energy booster.
, but maca serves me good as an energy booster, that's for sure.
Russians have been drinking rhodiola tea for centuries as an energy booster and Russian and Chinese scientists have researched the benefits of Rhodiola root for several decades.
This Amazon native is usually thought of as an energy booster and a concentration aid, thanks to its amazing guaranine content.
Many people rely on coffee as an energy booster because it hikes their energy levels and keeps them moving on.
I have recently started using coconut oil because I have heard it is really good for you — specifically have heard it can be used as an energy booster and pain reliever.
Guarana is rich in caffeine that is often consumed as a potent energy booster, while yerba mate also works as an energy booster and helps improve focus.
I've also read that moringa can act as an energy booster, and can also help lower blood pressure and aid in sleep.
One of its other possible applications is — as an energy booster.
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