Sentences with phrase «as an experiment for»

I don't understand how one can switch beliefs as an experiment for a year.
I once, as an experiment for a class I was taking, asked the protesters outside of a clinic to do just that.
So here's a Pisces new moon idea: Try this as an experiment for two weeks — leading up to the Libra full moon on March 23 — and see how your experience of life shifts.
I tried this as an experiment for my blog for a month.
I know many people are watching New Orleans around the country and I'm not interested in our children's education being viewed as an experiment for education.
This unconventional side - scrolling platformer started out as an experiment for a 48 - hour game jam.
Lisa was merely a child and both she and her parents were kidnapped and used as experiments for the T - Virus.
One Trace After investigates this question as an experiment for curator Alison Burstein, inviting them to return to the show on multiple occasions.
Arunrak sees her work as an experiment for the viewer, to try to hear, listen and see in ways that might develop mutual understanding for different ways of living.
Front created the furniture — which was on show at Milan design week — as an experiment for Swedish brand Offecct.
First, I hope you'll visit my earlier comment on models as experiments for some perspective.
This week will start what I view as an experiment for this blog — accepting sponsored posts.
If you are not doing this, try it as an experiment for one week and see if you notice a difference in both your sleep and how you operate the next day.»
Just try it as an experiment for awhile and see if you can do it.)

Not exact matches

Tips are available to help you rethink vacations as a benefit for your business in other ways as well, including as a laboratory for delegating, a way to examine priorities, and a chance to experiment with remote work tools if you need to connect while away.
For my costs, I'm factoring in only the extra parts I bought as part of my mining experiment, which include the three GTX 1060 graphics cards, a cheap processor, a cheap motherboard, and a power supply.
Just so long as it covers the cost of the electricity it uses, as well as the extra parts I bought for the experiment.
As for our own group of happiness - seeking employees, we haven't built an entire campaign designed to reimagine our workplace, so it's probably overly ambitious to think that our experiment with the Plasticity app can bring about massive change.
In one of the experiments, the researchers primed some of the participants for feelings of either power or powerlessness by assigning them to roles as bosses or employees in a face - to - face mock task of solving brain - teasers.
It's part of a German experiment to install some 400 hydrogen - fueling stations across the country, a government - subsidized effort Shell sees as helping seed what ultimately could be a huge market for a new kind of juice.
Founder and CEO Rob Rhinehart invented the first iteration of Soylent in 2013 as part of an experiment to swap food for raw ingredients to save time and money.
Rhinehart invented the first iteration of Soylent in 2013 as part of an experiment to swap food for raw ingredients to save time and money.
Rob Rhinehart, who stepped down as the company's CEO in late 2017, introduced the first iteration of Soylent in 2013 as part of an experiment to swap food for raw ingredients to save time and money.
Once the experiment started, we had astronomical jumps in productivity for 60, 90, 120 days — probably for as long as six months.
The experiment itself was simple: a hundred and forty - five undergraduate students were given a standard test of creativity known as an «unusual use» task, in which they had two minutes to list as many uses as possible for mundane objects such as toothpicks, bricks, and clothes hangers.
The company treated this election's party conventions as practice for the NFL games, running live streams of each as a way to experiment with the format.
Experiment with wireless services for its cable customers, such as «quadruple play» service.
Others have experimented with the Kinect as a 3 - D camera, and an MIT student has built a robot with a Kinect for a head that can see its environment and obey verbal commands.
Researchers Christine Exley of Harvard Business School, Muriel Niederle of Stanford University and Lise Vesterlund of the University of Pittsburgh recently did a set of experiments related to female aggression in on - the - job negotiations in which, as they write, «we saw that women hurt themselves financially when they followed a blanket recommendation to always ask for more.»
Amy Cuddy, a faculty member at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, has conducted an experiment with her graduate students demonstrating that holding an assertive body posture for as little as two minutes increases the amount of testosterone in the body, in men and women.
Lee's research team experiments with technology for creating objects in an «additive» manner like Carbon3D's machines as opposed to a «subtractive» manner in which objects are created by cutting away at large hunks of materials.
For the most part, the Internet can still be used as a tool for people to start businesses, experiment, communicate and entertain themselves wiFor the most part, the Internet can still be used as a tool for people to start businesses, experiment, communicate and entertain themselves wifor people to start businesses, experiment, communicate and entertain themselves with.
Aspiring young airplane builders experiment with various tools and grips, punching holes in grey sheets of metal as the class learns how to prepare sections of fuselage for assembly.
As he experimented with different formulas for a drug - and additive - free sports drink, Nichol says he was constantly analyzing his athletes» results.
Leptophilic dark matter was proposed as a viable explanation for this discrepancy since exclusions from other experiments would not directly apply.
A revealing look at the immigrant family driving Cosabella as the Italian fashion brand creates a new label for JCPenney, experiments with high - tech underwear and expands globally.
Restaurants could emulate Dunkin' Brands Group's new concept store, where the chain experiments with new technology such as ordering kiosks and separate areas for mobile order pick - up.
For instance, Flint and Tinder is experimenting with «just in time» inventory and on - demand manufacturing, dying whites into different colors as orders come in so there is 10 times less inventory to carry.
Carcinogenic, radioactive elements such as uranium and plutonium are too impractical, as are synthetic elements that exist only momentarily in lab experiments — seaborgium and einsteinium, for example.
For General Fusion, acceptance may have to wait until they can prove their experiment will work as well.
Many times, when companies first start experimenting with content marketing tactics, they eagerly jump into many of the well - documented strategies such as creating a company blog or registering for each social channel, but don't see the immediate results that they were looking for — this can cause uncertainty in their marketing tactics and lead to an eventual failure.
McAvoy also noted that as an independent media company, The Onion has been «forced to run a tight financial ship,» which has made it difficult for the company to experiment with or invest in new things.
In another experiment, rather than prime participants for particular roles, testosterone levels were used as a marker of which study subjects were inclined towards dominating power structures and which less interested in leading.
A startup is a nimble experiment, a race to learn as much as you can about your users, market and the demand out there for new innovations.
This campaign is also an experiment designed to see how I can collaborate with all of you as part of the research process for my next book (working title: The Startup Way).
They could be accountable for managing your growth pipeline as you grow your company while at the same time overseeing specific content marketing campaign and split testing experiments to boost sales.
The team working on Go has been experimenting with these ideas for as long as four years.
The European Commission is unlikely to show interest, as it has experimented in the past with largely unsuccessful subsidization of CCS and now sees support for coal as contrary to trends in its larger, more influential member states.
According to Kosinski, Kogan found a way to mirror the data and methodology being used for the myPersonality experiment, which he referred to as «psychographics.»
The paper urges NASA to support Amazon's notional shipment service that would bring gear for experiments, as much as 10,000 pounds of cargo, and habitats to aid «future human settlement» on the moon.
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