Sentences with phrase «as an extract»

In addition, there is a wide variety of choices, such as extracts and capsules, available through online retailers.
Two reviewers will independently screen studies to assess eligibility, as well as extract data from, and assess risk of bias of included studies.
Fresh as a root, dried and ground into a powder, even as an extract or in easy - to - take capsules, turmeric is available in a number of forms.
Perhaps as a result of this caution, much judicial humour is comparatively slight and not especially funny, as extracts in this article suggest.
Rather than being stripped out of plants as extracts, you are getting the minerals and vitamins in their ideal combination to work at their optimal levels.
It can be used fresh or dried as an extract, aerosol spray, seeds or dried form.
As the extract from the text is included it is also ideal for homework.
Several studies have demonstrated that whole cranberries and blueberries, as well as their extracts or juices, can help keep the liver healthy (4).
As well as extracting more power from the 6.0 - liter W12 engine, Wheelsandmore has given the Continental 24 a murdered - out makeover.
Vanilla powder is basically ground up vanilla beans, which I love using as extract but at times I need and crave the tiny specks and this powder does double duty — specks and flavor!
A phase III clinical trial in hundreds of people must be performed before the treatment could be recommended for smokers, and Dr. Yuan warned that while eating cruciferous vegetables, such as watercress and broccoli, is good for people, they are unlikely to have the same pronounced effect as the extract.
Heat pumps are generally fairly efficient as they extract heat from the air, even cold air.
Nor do they expect Brito to ease up on his frugality, even as extracting fat from AB InBev gets harder with each passing year.
Classical political economists from the Physiocrats through Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and their Progressive Era followers were reformers in the sense that they treated the rentier sectors as extracting transfer payments rather than earning a return for producing actual output («services»).
But since 2012, Lone Star as extracted at least $ 800 million from Bi-Lo via special dividends.
Juicing is also awesome as it extracts all the vital nutrients from the fruit or vegetable.
The scent of the flavoring is not quite as strong as the extract so I think I will stick with the extract for baking.
Hi Diane, I am sharing a salad dressing this week — though it just occurred to me the dressing contains plain stevia and I am not sure if that makes it eligible as a Real Food recipe — I think of stevia as an extract (like vanilla extract) but feel free to delete my recipe from the linky if need be.
I actually like to use the oil in conjunction with melted chocolate, it doesn't cause as many problems with seizing as the extract does.
Twice as flavorful as an extract since it doesn't have alcohol that evaporates, use only use half as much in your recipes and taste the difference.
Although modern pumps are getting more advanced as extracting breast milk, a baby will always be much more efficient.
Researchers from the University of Cambridge and the Tokyo Institute of Technology have determined how some of the first large organisms, known as rangeomorphs, were able to grow up to two metres in height, by changing their body size and shape as they extracted nutrients from their surrounding environment.
Artemisinin was originally isolated as an extract from a traditional Chinese herbal remedy, and while it is still highly effective against malaria in patients, the mechanism of action has been unclear.
Survey finds many DIYbio hobbyists are conducting simple studies, such as extracting DNA from a cheek swab.
Within two days after the initial publication of Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X rays in 1895, a surgeon in Scotland used X rays to observe a needle as he extracted it from the palm of an unfortunate seamstress.
Just as these extracted juices are the concentrated essence of our produce, so are the potent extracts and essential oils of tinctured herbs, flowers, and other medicinal plants.
Whole coconut as well as extracted coconut oil has been a mainstay in the food supply in many countries in parts of Asia and the Pacific Rim throughout the centuries.
Oil pulling involves swishing one tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 20 minutes as you extract the toxins and bacteria from the mouth, then spitting out the oil.
Benefits of garlic are enjoyed either by direct consumption in regular diet to help provide vital nutrients to the skin and scalp or as extracts present in shampoos, soaps, oils and medicinal capsules which are specifically formulated and used to treat dandruff.
If you're not familiar with bakery emulsions, they are used exactly as extracts.
You learn the hard way from your mistakes as you extract the good from the bad.
Planning strategy and making the right decisions will be more important than ever, as the extracted HVT needs to stay alive to win the round.
In her five - channel video installation, A Step on the Sun, Biggs documents sulfur workers as they extract minerals from inside Indonesia's Ijen volcano, located in the East Java province of Indonesia.
U.S. cities have employed innovative economic models and technology to best use the resources hidden in wastewater, such as extracting biogas for on - site heating and clean vehicle fuel in Portland, Oregon, and producing digestate used for soil amendments and fertilizers in Washington D.C. Treatment plants that capture methane can use it to power their treatment operations, saving money and reducing their carbon footprint at the same time.
A passage of the note as extracted by MacRumors implies that we may not see an iPhone SE 2 at all in 2018 if Apple can not will it.
Dental Surgeons treat injuries and disorders affecting the mouth, teeth, jaws and face, such as extracting teeth, treating impacted teeth, and performing dental implants.
I got a little adventurous and made Lemon - Raspberry, two different kinds of Lemon (one with lemon essence as the extract is not available where I live and one with lemon zest and vanilla) and one with lime.
A phase III clinical trial in hundreds of people must be performed before the treatment could be recommended for smokers, and Dr. Yuan warned that while eating cruciferous vegetables, such as watercress and broccoli, is good for people, they are unlikely to have the same pronounced effect as the extract.
As the extract heats up, individual odors become airborne and pass through a threadlike tube, nearly 100 feet (30 meters) long.
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