Sentences with phrase «as an hour»

This process can happen in as little as an hour of a complete obstruction.
We specialize in getting people fast cash loans, in as little as an hour at any one of our eight locations.
Some trucks also have cab electronic modules that contain information such as hours of service, vehicle performance, and truck maintenance.
When you do this your day only can get better as the hours pass.
The healthier the breakfast, the better the function, and the longer that the brain retains that level of function as the hours pass.
He never made pastoral calls, and few members of the church spent even as much as an hour in his company their entire lives.
However, the bank noted export growth was uneven and that there were signs of weakness in areas like business investment and within underlying employment indicators such as hours worked and wages.
It's just so delicious and so wonderfully quick and easy to make, plus the leftovers seem to get more and more amazing as each hour goes by!
Vacation or leave time provided by your employer is counted as hours worked in determining whether you are a full - time employee.
A three to four - hour gardening session can burn as many calories as an hour at the gym!
Full - term babies breastfeed often in the early days, sometimes as often as every hour or two.
A few sites offer a turnaround time on deposits in as short as an hour.
Bake for about 45 minutes for smaller casserole dishes and as much as an hour for one big one, or until the potatoes are tender.
It may make you believe that you do not need medical attention, but as the hours wear on, your aches show themselves in full force.
This package is also flexible to each family's needs as far as hours and frequency, but as we specialize in multiples we tend to fill up quickly, so please book accordingly.
This sometimes happens as much as an hour after I have given it to him.
You have most chance of seeing a ghost between 1 am and 3 am, as these are known as the hours of the dead, i.e. most people die between these times.
I do not mean time as hours - and - minutes but instead in big chunks.
This method has been known to change a hamster's sleeping and waking time by as much as an hour over the course of a month.
Some research suggests that you should be breaking as frequently as every hour.
I lay there, feeling worse as the hours went by.
He was always kind and pleasant, even as the hours drew late.
As the hour progressed, my grandmother showed visible improvement.
An itinerary is often the fruit of a long labor on many forums, travel websites, as well as hours spent questioning friends.
Then she did more email as the hour ended.
As hours increase, and as more households are dual - income, people are less and less willing to spend a substantial part of their free time in maintaining their home.
The «fog» that comes over your brain when you're tired is as real as the hours of sleep you missed last night.
And if you live locally, you will also have a life as the hours are decent too!
Set an expectation with your workers that the exact times aren't as important as the hours.
You train yourself to know, as soon as that hour strikes, to fall into that mode of focus required to do your best work.
We sat in that living room for nearly 7 hours straight, and it passed as quickly as an hour at a playground for a five year old.
You'll begin your day with a lowered stress level that will endure as the hours pass.
I know they are marketed as hours of low - calorie, pure energy in a simple shot, but these bad boys are destroying you from the inside out.
I have said before 20 - 30 minutes of smart weight training is as effective as hours of boring cardio.
Sleep deficits as small as an hour a night can increase the risk of a wide range of conditions.
Panic turns to devastating dread as the hours pass and the girls fail to return home.
He had just run through his fifth set of the day, and appeared to be growing more comfortable as the hours — and the drinks — went by.
Make sure you check out our hours and contact info online if you need to visit any of our other departments as hours do vary.
If you call us in the morning and start working with us, you may be able to get money in as fast as an hour!
The puppies can come as quickly as 15 minutes apart or as long as an hour apart.
Can I estimate the savings as hours, days, dollars, or other units?
ICOs can be set up in as little as an hour — far quicker than a traditional venture capital fundraising drive which could take months.
You could point your phone at a restaurant and get contextual information such as its hours of operation.
The schedule is set well in advance and we're happy to have members swap shifts to fit their schedule, so long as the hours are covered.
Your options for breastfeeding in the workplace depend on your work situation; namely your boss's attitude towards feeding, the nature of your job as well as your hours.
On - duty waiting time should be counted as hours worked.
They also tend to nurse frequently from both breasts, sometimes as often as every hour.
The deposition can last as short as an hour or continue for a week or longer.
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