Sentences with phrase «as an independent scientist»

A postdoctoral fellowship is the time to develop research skills you will need to succeed as an independent scientist.
One of my low moments was around 1983, in my second year as an independent scientist.
Their dedicated work is supported by an incredible number of people; including our staff and volunteers, as well as independent scientists, animal hospitals and all of our dedicated supporters.
There's no academic importance drawing attention to the problem of lobbyists posing as independent scientists.
Into the wild by Rachel Bernstein, 10 March 2015 After finding out that his early successes wouldn't land him the tenure - track position he desired, Ethan Perlstein felt like he was «in the wilderness» for about a year before he reinvented himself, first as an independent scientist and then as a biotech startup founder.
Articulate why Department X at University Y is the perfect fit for you and how joining the campus will not only fuel your own growth as an independent scientist, but also bolster or complement a given strength of the program — or extend it into an area not yet represented by the resident faculty members.
By working as an independent scientist - entrepreneur, he can follow his mycological obsessions wherever they lead him.
«I'm embarking on the next phase of my professional evolution as an independent scientist, leaving the Academia - Pharma Complex behind,» he wrote in a blog on his lab Web page — another way he had previously won media attention.
Still, however much the odds may be stacked against him in his current endeavor as an independent scientist, he figures, they probably aren't any worse than they would be if he stuck to the academic track.
«Knowing the literature, you increase your chances of identifying «your» problem, the one you want to solve as an independent scientist
By joining Gladstone, I believe that I am placing myself in an ideal research environment that is neuroscience - and disease - focused and will further my scientific growth to prepare me for my career as an independent scientist.
[9] Courtney was amongst the first group [10] of people who signed the declaration that begins with: «As independent scientists concerned with atmospheric and climate problems, we...».
We are writing as independent scientists, conservationists, and energy experts to warn against a misinformation campaign being waged by Greenpeace and other anti-nuclear organizations against the South Korean people.
Postdoctoral training is the time to develop the research skills you will need to succeed as an independent scientist.
When I decided to pursue a graduate degree, I wanted to develop a novel research program and quickly establish myself as an independent scientist.
It's about developing enough self - confidence to make it as an independent scientist or, to put it another way, developing trust in your own ability to reason.
Afterward, she continued to work closely with him, but her own ideas soon established her as an independent scientist.
To establish himself as an independent scientist, he had to attract grant money, and the Spanish Ministry for Science was the obvious source.
In her new job, she was expected to break away from her old postdoctoral studies and establish herself as an independent scientist with new research interests.
But those events frequently lead to additional contacts, requests and conversations in which, as an independent scientist, he can offer his own thoughts on the latest research and what it means for policy - makers.
It's difficult to make it as an independent scientist.
Willie Soon spent a good amount of the talk repeatedly defending himself as an independent scientist simply seeking to learn the truth before anyone had even questioned his motives and his expertise.
As independent scientists, conservationists, and energy experts, we applaud your commitment to environmental protection and democratic decision - making.
«As independent scientists, we can now say conclusively there is clear evidence of harm sufficient to trigger regulatory action,» said Madeleine Chagnon, co-author of the Task Force study and professor of biology at the Université du Québec à Montréal.
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