Sentences with phrase «as an interpreter»

Many described a common experience in the corps: In addition to the challenges of being a first - year teacher and the rewards of giving back, they felt the burden of serving as interpreters of minority cultures for their white, often affluent peers.
A 10 - time national diving champion, he had done his work well and he agreed to an interview with a woman writer from the New China News Agency, who acted as an interpreter for a Western colleague.
What consequences follow from this analysis of Paul's hermeneutic of trust for our own work as interpreters of the word?
You'll act as an interpreter for other family members and friends.
Her responsibilities included market analysis reporting for China's forestry and forest products, tracking market and policy changes for other commodities assigned, facilitating negotiations between the U.S. and Chinese officials for trade conflicts in the agricultural sector (including forest products) and serving as interpreter for such negotiations when needed.
Born in North Africa, schooled in France, traveling internationally as an interpreter in foreign service and exhibiting her artwork around the globe has certainly informed her paintings, both in terms of composition and color palette.
By virtue of its essential features it is not reducible to the things with which it is connected, such as interpreters, or to the connections, such as interpretations.
They turned from the authority of the church as interpreter of Scripture to the biblical texts themselves.
To suggest that King, Barbour's former student minister, is a model of the preacher as transformer as well as interpreter will come as no surprise.
His professional life extended beyond painting to include such positions as interpreter for the U.S. Army in 1944 and later professor of French at the American University, Biarritz, France.
Where many artists of the past imagined themselves in a heroic role as interpreters of the world, distillers of reality, artists today face the difficult idea that the world is resistant to interpretation or structure and remains chaotic and incomplete.
To use my knowledge of simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation and liaison interpretation as an Interpreter at Mayo Clinic
The Ministry of Justice's decision to outsource public service interpreting is leading to unqualified people being used as interpreters in court, campaigners said today.
We often need to act as the interpreters between these communities.
The Court seemed as much a national school board as an interpreter of the Constitution's Establishment Clause.
Without any post-secondary institutions available that would have enabled him to pursue further education within the camp, he started working as an interpreter within the refugee camp for the various humanitarian agencies.
Fluent in 4 languages, served as interpreter during interview of parents and children before enrollment and after enrollment.
With a background in linguistics and work experience as an interpreter for several years in China, Furen Dai's artistic practice centers on language and the culture built through it.
Born in North Africa and schooled in France, then traveling internationally as an interpreter in foreign service and exhibiting her artwork around the globe has certainly informed Laget's paintings, both in terms of composition and color palette.
I asked a judge in Beijing (my wife assisting as interpreter) his views of the judiciary's state of independence.
Jean doesn't like it when someone questions her qualifications as an interpreter of scripture!
Love Alone Is Credible: Hans Urs von Balthasar as Interpreter of the Catholic Tradition, Volume 1 edited by David L. Schindler Eerdmans, 360 pages, $ 40
The coffee empire's CEO also explained that employees will be able receive health insurance through Starbucks if the Affordable Care Act is repealed and expressed his commitment to prioritize, «those individuals who have served with U.S. troops as interpreters and support personnel.»
A special problem has been the faithful presentation of the dialogue that has existed throughout Buber's creative life between Buber as original thinker and Buber as interpreter of tradition.
The Arab embassies employed Nestorian missionaries as interpreters and advisers in their dealings with the Chinese government.
A careful critique of philosophical views claiming to be scientific is also his responsibility as an interpreter of science.
In the handling of the text by the preacher as interpreter and by the congregation as receiver, the hermeneutical work of world - constitution is going on.
Martin Luther appointed Philip Melanchthon as his interpreter of the Bible.
It is, incidentally, unfortunate that modern Protestants have trusted Barth as an interpreter of Feuerbach.
To discover, elucidate, and apply what God... teaches and enjoins is the task of the scholar as interpreter of scripture.
In the Bible, the planes of human history and nature are never set in opposition as these interpreters seem to be doing.
A good many millions of people have listened to Dizzy Dean in the years since he ceased subjecting baseball to internal stresses as a pitcher and began subjecting it to external strain as an interpreter and broadcaster.
Mourinho formed a close friendship with Robson — who died in 2009 from cancer — first as his interpreter at Sporting Lisbon and then at Porto whilst at the same time becoming a tactical analyst, the duo's time together peaking at Barcelona.
I sat with a young lady and another woman who posed as an interpreter.
I am self - employed as an Interpreter and I am also a certified English and Spanish...
Silvia Broome (Nicole Kidman) works inside the United Nations as an interpreter for her home country of South Africa.
She should know: she works there as an interpreter and sees how the power - brokering halls of the U.N. avert global crises daily.
Hilton lived and worked in Japan as an interpreter for the government, and taught English as a second language to junior high school students.
There's Scarlett Johansson as a pristine show dog, Nutmeg, Greta Gerwig as a young freckled girl leading the pro-dog movement, Frances McDormand as an interpreter.
In the dance studio, you'll see Artistic Dean Fernadina Chan urging freshman dancers into deeper stretches as an interpreter signs her instructions to a petite hearing - impaired girl in the front row.
Sellers» school takes advantage of its bilingual Hmong - and Spanish - speaking staff members as interpreters who assist families during the evening and foster a welcoming environment.
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