Sentences with phrase «as androgens»

Sex hormones known as androgens can cause new hair to sprout in never before seen places such as your chin, upper lip, jaw and even cheeks.
Testosterone — its role as an androgen hormone is often heralded in men, but just as important for women's health and sexual performance.
Functions of Testosterone in Your Body In its role as an androgen hormone, testosterone contributes its signals to a variety of areas that can affect bone and muscular strength, brain functions, libido, and even emotional well - being.
Disorders resulting from glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid deficiency as well as androgen excess result, including PCOS, infertility and depression.
We also cover the benefits of testosterone as well as the downside to too much, particularly for women with PCOS who suffer with hypersensitivity to androgens as well as androgen excess.
Scientific research tells us that specific hormones, such as androgens like testosterone, are strongly associated with sexual desire.
Hormone therapies, known as androgen deprivation therapies, help arrest the disease by reducing a patient's androgen levels.
Functional medicine physician, OB / GYN, and women's health expert Anna Cabeca, DO, FACOG, ABAARM, explains that «as an adrenal hormone, DHEA acts as an androgen and naturally declines as we age and are stressed.
As the androgen phase is early in the hair growth cycle this will commonly lead to the hair falling out and unable to grow back without treatment.
Insulin is twice as much of a villain as androgens; not only does it stimulate your sebaceous glands in the same way they do, but it also enhances the ability of other androgens to do the same.
A second phase 3 study presented Sunday found that adding radiation to hormone therapy, also known as androgen - deprivation therapy (ADT) in patients with locally advanced or high - risk prostate cancer reduced the seven - year risk of dying by 43 percent compared to treating with hormone therapy alone.
One of the key things it does is reduce acne causing hormones (such as androgens) by increasing the molecules that bind to them, reducing their levels in our body.
In its role as an androgen hormone, testosterone contributes its signals to a variety of areas that can affect bone and muscular strength, brain functions, libido, and even emotional well - being.
As an androgen hormone, the testosterone is responsible for secondary male characteristics such as body hair, deep voice thicker skin etc..
Again, hormonal changes are the cause specifically those known as androgens.
Most early prostate cancers require male sex hormones, known as androgens, to grow.
These sex hormones, known as androgens, are responsible for development of male - typical characteristics.
In men, these compounds, known as androgens, are produced by the testes and the adrenal glands.
Circumstantial evidence suggests that male hormones, collectively known as androgens, produce aggressive behaviour.
The hormonal treatment used in the study was designed to suppress male hormones, known as androgens, which can stimulate growth of prostate cancer cells.
Testosterone, part of a hormone class known as androgens, originates in your ovaries and your adrenal glands.
Many are so intrigued by the effects of testosterone that they resort to using anabolic steroids, also known as androgens, to enhance the body's production of testosterone.
With all the concern about sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and fatigue, some men turn to testosterone therapy (also known as androgen - replacement therapy) to boost their T levels.
After DHEA is made by these glands it goes into the bloodstream, and from then on it travels all over the body and goes into your cells, where it is converted into male hormones known as androgens, or female hormones, known as oestrogens.
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