Sentences with phrase «as animal behavior»

It is in no way my intention to present myself as an animal behavior expert, nor to forward erroneous information.
One of the first lessons I learned as an Animal Behavior Expert is that a pet's disposition is easily influenced by their physical health.
Prior to moving to Massachusetts where she pursues her Ph.D. in animal behavior, Elise worked as an animal behavior consultant in Philadelphia.
If you're considering a career as an animal behavior consultant, our Animal Behavior Consulting: Principles & Practice course gives you a thorough grounding in the key skills you'll need to be successful.
When you enroll in a dog grooming school, such as Animal Behavior College, you gain an educational foundation, which you can apply in a real work environment.
Why then would someone wishing to become a veterinary assistant want to go to a school, such as Animal Behavior College, when they might not have to?
After just 6 months she was promoted as an Animal Behavior Technician where she was in charge of keeping in house animals» minds and bodies happy and healthy.
If your dog doesn't sound up for all this, simply enroll him in one of the many CGC preparation classes being held all around the country by dog clubs, pet stores and private trainers, such as an Animal Behavior College Certified Dog Trainer or ABCDT.
Tracey has worked with shelter dogs both as an employee of Yolo County SPCA and as a shelter volunteer at Yolo County Animal Services Shelter and as the Animal Behavior Assessment Coordinator at Sacramento SPCA.
Currently, while this field has a number of professional certification services such as the Animal Behavior Society (ABS), which certifies applied animal behaviorists, there is no state or federal requirement for certification.
As animal behaviors and veterinarian Dr. Sophia Yin claims» quell that irresistible urge to blabber his name and the cue repeatedly».

Not exact matches

Herd animals, indistinguishable lemmings, behaviorally conditioned lab rats — distasteful as those words and phrases may be — they describe the vast majority of human behavior, especially online.
FF, I agree that the extinction theory is pretty far out, but as I'm looking at the situation from a purely biological stand point, if we were to translate this same behavior to most other animal groups, same sex proliferation could be a threat to their survival.
Often they are dissected so that the behavior of the animal as a whole can be explained by the behavior of its parts.
Descartes regarded animal behavior as mechanical and he dismissed the opinions of Montaigne and others who attributed understanding and thought to animals.
«Existence» applies not only to human behavior but to animal behavior as well (SB 126).
«Speech in its embryonic stages as exemplified in animal and human behavior,» he says in Modes of Thought, «varies between emotional expression and signaling» (MT 52).
Some evolutionary social scientists refer to our species as «the moral animal,» which I suppose means that we have the potential to reflect on the affects of our behavior rather than simply be blindly driven by survivalist insticts.
Only a few biologists have actually lived with animals in their native habitats in order to study their behavior there, and the results are not always recognized as «scientific», since they are not readily repeatable in the fashion required by science.
However, it is clear that parts of the bible condone and even advise behaviors that modern people have mostly left far behind and would consider unacceptable, such as slavery, subjugation of women, and even animal sacrifice.
Things are seriously mixed up in our country if Tebow is seen as someone who should be scorned, when so many other pro athletes abuse drugs, abuse their wives, abuse animals, and commit crimes on a regular basis yet the public seems to be just fine with overlooking that behavior.
What is most distinctive about us as an animal species is that all of our vital functions have been qualified and transformed by patterns of behavior we have learned from the culture into which we were born.
Unlike humans, who can and often do set out to make others suffer, animals are primarily concerned to «protect their territory,» as students of their behavior tell us, or to save their young from attack, or to secure necessary supplies of food for their survival.
President Robert Mugabe has gone so far as to compare homosexual acts with animal behavior.
If they are not relevant, then mere behavior, as causally conditioned spatio - temporal changes and nothing more, is the only universal principle, and what we learn by studying animals adds nothing (beyond unusual complexity or subtlety) to our concept of reality in general.
As a minor illustration: I have written two books (The Philosophy and Psychology of Sensation, 1934 and Born to Sing, 1973) which, with all their faults (especially apparent to me in the earlier work), contain pointers, I believe, by which competent investigators might be helped to deal with some problems in psycho - physiology and in the study of animal behavior.
In fact, all my anxieties run in the opposite direction: that, in order to affirm the uniqueness of humanity within organic nature, as well as the unique moral obligations it entails, we will reject all evidence of intentionality, reason, or affection in animals as something only apparently purposive, doing so by reference to the most egregiously vapid of philosophical naturalism's mystifications — «instinct» — and thereby opening the way to a mechanistic narrative that, as we have learned from an incessant torrent of biological and bioethical theory in recent decades, can be extended to human behavior as well.
[9] One group of animal protectionists, [10] known as Christian Animal Rights activists (CAR), assert that Scripture and science require us to protect animals from harm stemming from human behanimal protectionists, [10] known as Christian Animal Rights activists (CAR), assert that Scripture and science require us to protect animals from harm stemming from human behAnimal Rights activists (CAR), assert that Scripture and science require us to protect animals from harm stemming from human behavior.
It seems to me less arbitrary and more logical to go along with Jennings (quoted by Agar 1943, p. 153), who wrote after years of study on the behavior of amoebae: «I am thoroughly convinced, after long study of the behavior of this organism, that if Amoeba were a large animal, so as to come within the every day experience of human beings, its behavior would at once call forth the attribution to it of states of pleasure and pain, of hunger, desire, and the like, on precisely the same basis as we attribute these things to the dog.»
Also, a larger part of animal behavior may rightly be interpreted as reflex action.
Thanks to animal - welfare experts such as Temple Grandin, livestock - handling systems are now designed to complement and soothe the natural behavior of cattle.
The animals engaged in stereotypic behaviors such as biting the bars of crates, indicating poor well - being in the extreme confinement conditions.
Bottom line, people are venting and, believe it or not, humans are subject to the same kind of instinctual behavior as animals.
Hand off the pet - training duties to the kids and watch as theylearn a little about animal behavior at the same time.
Though it's fortunately not manifested in the same behaviors (you're more likely to recycle that pile of newspapers than shred them or reach for the feather duster rather than the feathers), the nesting instinct in humans can be as powerful as it is for our animal friends.
In terms of the goal of controlling behavior, he viewed humans, and their conditioned responses, in much the same way as he viewed the animals upon which he conducted his experiments.
You can help teach your child to be gentle by modeling the behavior yourself, by having your child role play with a doll or stuffed animal, and by helping your child to be aware that her movements and tone of voice are just as important as gentle touch.
As if a date at Shedd Aquarium on Valentine's Day (or weekend, this year) isn't romantic enough, you can find animals throughout the building that, in name or behavior, are as felicitous as a lace - trimmed heart - shaped carAs if a date at Shedd Aquarium on Valentine's Day (or weekend, this year) isn't romantic enough, you can find animals throughout the building that, in name or behavior, are as felicitous as a lace - trimmed heart - shaped caras felicitous as a lace - trimmed heart - shaped caras a lace - trimmed heart - shaped card.
In contrast, animals who had the nuclear form of HDAC5 did not press the lever nearly as often, even after the experimenters gave the animals a small priming dose of cocaine, which often produces strong drug - seeking behaviors.
Thus, the neuron «mirrors» the behavior of another animal, as though the observer were itself performing the action.
Because birds and mammals regulate their own body temperatures, they don't have to adjust their behavior according to the outside temperature as dramatically as cold - blooded animals.
Cajochen adds that this circalunar rhythm might be a relic from a past in which the moon could have synchronized human behaviors for reproductive or other purposes, much as it does in other animals.
A 1999 critique of primate mirror self - recognition studies in the journal Animal behavior said that differences between species could be due to the conditions in which they were reared, and that it was premature to speculate as to how the skill relates to other cognitive abilities, such as inferring the mental states of others.
It is a rule that lies at the core of studying animal and plant behavior, and human society should be looked at no differently, as even technologically complex societies are still governed by EROI.
Instincts such as mating or fighting are innate behaviors generally thought to be hardwired into an animal's brain.
Past eclipse - watchers have told tales of animals exhibiting nighttime behavior — such as birds falling silent or squirrels retreating to their dens — when the moon blocks the sun.
And he thought of smell as this almost dirty, animalistic thing that compelled behaviors — it compelled animals to have sex with each other and things like that.
Shettleworth calls the study «provocative,» but insists that further experiments with more animals are needed before Santino's behavior can be interpreted as advance planning.
In the wild, successful animals learn about their environment and apply this knowledge to key behaviors such as finding food and avoiding predators.
Evolutionary biologist Dawkins delves into his earliest adventures as a young boy in Africa, efforts to fit in at English boarding schools and later animal - behavior studies.
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