Sentences with phrase «as animal manure»

The energy inputs for the organic system were mainly from renewable sources such as animal manure and biogas manure and accounted for 98.8 percent and 98 percent of the total energy inputs in the second and third years, respectively.

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The manure from animals fed from the land is returned to the land as fertilizer.
Manure Animal manure has been used as a fertility input on farms since the dawn of agriculture and remains the most important fertility source on organic farms Manure Animal manure has been used as a fertility input on farms since the dawn of agriculture and remains the most important fertility source on organic farms manure has been used as a fertility input on farms since the dawn of agriculture and remains the most important fertility source on organic farms today.
Compost also plays a key role for soil management, but unlike in Biodynamics, Nature Farming typically does not utilize animals, it does not put the same emphasis on crops grown for animal consumption, and avoids the use of animal manure and waste products as soil amendments.
Biodynamic agriculture sees the farm as a self - sustaining ecosystem that must produce its own fertility either from compost or from animal - based manure.
Unlike conventional agricultural guidelines the Australian Certified Organic Standard requires animal manures to be thoroughly composted (and farms are audited to make sure this happens) before being used as fertiliser.
The aim of this study carried out by UPM researchers with the collaboration of Institute for Animal Science and Technology of UPV was to influence the ingredients of pig diet to modify the composition of slurry used as manures and to assess the possible variations on N2O emissions.
«Around 90 percent of these drugs that are administered to animals end up being excreted either as urine or manure,» said Holly Dolliver, a member of the Minnesota research team and now a professor of crop and soil sciences at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls.
When farmers repurpose the animals» manure as fertilizer or bedding, traces of the medicines leach into the environment, raising concerns that agriculture may be contributing to the rise of antibiotic - resistant bacteria.
Researchers found that this solid matter may contain higher concentrations of antibiotics than unprocessed manure, a discovery that is particularly disturbing because this material is often released into the environment when it's used as animal bedding or sold as fertilizer.
IFTF argues that fur farming has environmental benefits, such as providing good use for 647,000 tons of animal by - products each year from Europe's fish and meat industries alone (they are fed to the captive animals), and generating a lot of manure, sold as organic fertilizer.
At the same time, private companies are exploring more innovative options, such as anaerobic digesters, which convert animal manure into methane that can run a generator.
At an industrial scale, compost, such as manure, is produced by mixing plant and animal waste.
In Oklahoma, farm workers are mixing manure from swine sick with the disease, known as Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv), into the food of healthy animals to build their immunity.
Also, land where chicken manure from concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) was used as fertilizer would also contain higher levels of arsenic.
THE LURE OF POLITICALLY CORRECT DIETS For some high - minded teenagers, anti-saturated fat dogma may dovetail rather conveniently with pro-vegetarian arguments, 12 particularly because the search for «meaningful moral standards, values and belief systems» is a critical developmental task during adolescence.13 (It should be noted that moralistic claims in favor of vegetarianism often prevent earnest vegetarian teens from coming face to face with underlying farming realities — including the fact that sustainable farming requires enriching soil with animal products such as bone meal and manure.12) Recognizing the fact that adolescent boys also can be preoccupied with physical concerns about weight or athletic prowess, it is perhaps not terribly surprising that a sizeable proportion of teenage boys appear to be persuaded by advice that vegetarianism is a «healthy» lifestyle.
Animals are often fed antibiotics at low doses for disease prevention and growth promotion, and those antibiotics are transferred to you via meat, and even through the animal manure that is used as crop fertilizer.
Organic processes use nothing but natural fertilisers such as manure and do not treat animals, in our case cows, with chemicals such as hormones or antibiotics.
There are stories such as a two farmers Emilia and Ben, who met because on the site and held their first date spreading organic fertilizer on the farmland (animal manure) and planting potatoes.
Some of the ingredients listed include: hydrolysed hair, dehydrated garbage and even manure, swine waste, ruminant waste, poultry waste, and what is described as «undried processed animal waste products».
However at the same time they are also prone to eating things off of the floor such as dead animals and manure, and if they lick you in the face then there's no guarantee that that's not where they've just come from and that they're not spreading those germs onto your face.
Ethanol plants produce byproducts that can be used as feed for animals, in turn, factory farms can sell animal manure as fuel for ethanol plants.
Methane gas comes from natural sources, such as decomposing plants in wetlands, and from human activities, including oil and gas production and animals and manure on farms.
It lessens the need for energy intensive petroleum - based chemical fertilizers and herbicides, because the animals are enriching the land naturally as they forage and leave manure and urine behind.
Animals release methane as a result of microorganisms that are involved in their digestive processes and nitrous oxide from decomposing manure.
As an agricultural practice, agroecology mimics natural processes to deliver self - sustaining farming that grows a greater diversity of crops, drastically reduces artificial inputs (pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics) and recycles nutrients (plant and animal waste as manureAs an agricultural practice, agroecology mimics natural processes to deliver self - sustaining farming that grows a greater diversity of crops, drastically reduces artificial inputs (pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics) and recycles nutrients (plant and animal waste as manureas manure).
Animals serve for the production of different forms of high quality food, animals have served in rites for sacrificial purposes, they can help to upgrade food waste from kitchens and / or agro-industry, they are a form of informal saving and provide cash income, and they provide manure that can be used as fertilizer in urban crop prodAnimals serve for the production of different forms of high quality food, animals have served in rites for sacrificial purposes, they can help to upgrade food waste from kitchens and / or agro-industry, they are a form of informal saving and provide cash income, and they provide manure that can be used as fertilizer in urban crop prodanimals have served in rites for sacrificial purposes, they can help to upgrade food waste from kitchens and / or agro-industry, they are a form of informal saving and provide cash income, and they provide manure that can be used as fertilizer in urban crop production.
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