Sentences with phrase «as arachnophobia»

The phobias depicted in this book are not necessarily the obvious ones that typically form the basis of horror films, such as arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, or (despite the immense attention given to a certain recent film) herpetophobia, fear of snakes and other reptiles.

Not exact matches

Set against the backdrop of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, Matinee stars John Goodman (Arachnophobia / 10 Cloverfield Lane) as Lawrence Woolsey, a movie producer / promoter who is plugging his new movie Mant!
A Far Off Place features some beautiful African photography, probably in part to first - time director Mikael Solomon, who earlier worked as a cinematographer for such films as The Abyss and Arachnophobia.
Mission accomplished, as I found «Arachnophobia» to be a fun - filled adventure with enough chills and thrills to satisfy most audiences.
Just as in the example before in which money fell from the sky every time the patient suffering from arachnophobia saw a spider, in the same way your dog will get treats (the best equivalent for human currency) every time he sees a stranger / hears a rumble of thunder / sees another dog / hears the doorbell etc..
While, in my experience, arachnophobia is waning as a popular fear, these little guys still command enough respect and fascination to draw a lot of interest.
As someone with SEVERE arachnophobia, I was a little anxious to say the least.
Yet the popular cultural fear of the spider reinforced in films such Arachnophobia (1990) sets up a duality inherent in a work structured on contradictions: it is both repellent as a cultural memory and attractive as a glistening material presence.
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