Sentences with phrase «as asthma»

What are the risks of my baby developing conditions such as asthma and diabetes?
Parents feel schools can handle basic first aid, but are less sure about urgent health situations such as an asthma attack or mental health issue.
For babies, breastfeeding reduces the risk of ear, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, as well as asthma.
The longer an infant is breastfed, the less risk for development of other allergic diseases such as asthma and eczema.
But parents are less confident about a school's ability to respond to more complex health situations, such as an asthma attack or mental health problem.
Furthermore, excessive fast food consumption has been linked to obesity as well as asthma and eczema, so maybe it's time to rethink what constitutes a happy meal.
Signs associated the first stage of heartworm disease, when the heartworms enter a blood vessel and are carried to the pulmonary arteries, are often misdiagnosed as asthma or allergic bronchitis, when in fact they are actually due to a syndrome newly defined as Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease (HARD).
The San Diego, California — based biotech company MediciNova recently completed a phase II trial of a glia - inhibiting drug called ibudilast, already approved as an asthma treatment in Japan, to relieve pain and treat withdrawal in opioid abusers.
Watch as your asthma symptoms wither away after you incorporate these foods into your diet.
According to current research, ginkgo biloba benefits include improved cognitive function, positive mood, increased energy, improved memory and reduced symptoms related to multiple chronic diseases — for instance, it's been used as an asthma natural remedy, ADHD natural remedy and dementia treatment.
Then, in groups of five, both RSC and GDCh students, we were given representations of real lead compounds from Pfizer?s history of research into drugs for combating such ailments as asthma and AIDS.
Because we had access to such a large and detailed data set, we could account for confounding factors such as asthma in parents, area of residence and socioeconomic status» says Tove Fall, Assistant Professor in Epidemiology at SciLifeLab / Uppsala University.
Respiratory problems such as asthma also benefit from cardio exercises.
«It can be said that rhinitis is to the nose as asthma is to the lungs,» says Sanico.
In fact, this fibre has won an award as the first polyester fibre to be certified as Asthma and Allergy Friendly by the certified body Allergy Standards.
ALBANY — Schenectady has edged out The Bronx as the asthma capital of the state among Medicaid recipients.
Binding to beta - 2 receptors causes smooth muscle relaxation, especially in the airways, explaining why beta - 2 activators are used as asthma drugs.
Alcoholism is about 60 percent genetic and biological — that's about the same percent as asthma or high blood pressure.
On 33 % of the days characterized as asthma epidemics, thunderstorm outflows were also recorded, the team reports in the June issue of Thorax.
Previous studies have linked exposure to disinfectants with breathing problems such as asthma among healthcare workers.
Writing in the journal Allergy, researchers explained they set out to assess the associations between serum 25 - hydroxyvitamin D level and prevalent asthma as well as asthma exacerbations.
The tightness in the chest that woke you up in the first place can be frightening and untimely as an asthma attack is not bound by time, frequency, or space.
The index will also use health and safety data to assess student need, such as asthma rates and community violence and trauma, as well as poverty levels and the number of English learners.
However, many people don't recognize the symptoms as asthma because they assume their cat is trying to cough up a hairball.
Lobelia Also known as asthma weed, lobelia inflata, vomit wort, or wild tobacco.
Originally developed as an asthma medication for humans, it was never approved for that use, but was later employed to increase pigs» growth and lean muscle mass.
You must prove that workplace factor directly caused your condition, such as asthma caused by exposure to respiratory irritants like chlorine gas, sulfur dioxide, or smoke.
The signs associated with the first stage are often misdiagnosed as asthma or allergic bronchitis, when in fact they are actually due to a syndrome newly defined as Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease (HARD).
Highly durable and resilient, Sensifil ™ is free from any allergy causing substance and is approved as asthma & allergy friendly ™ by certification body Allergy Standards.
«Parents feel schools can handle basic first aid, but are less sure about urgent health situations such as an asthma attack, epileptic seizure, or serious allergic reaction,» says Sarah Clark, M.P.H, co-director of the poll.
This can lead to shortness of breath as well as asthma and other health problems down the line.
Clenbuterol, a therapeutic drug first developed for people with breathing disorders such as asthma, is widely used by bodybuilders and athletes.
Although your breathlessness may be caused by a medical condition such as asthma, allergies pneumonia, emphysema, or a heart condition, it can also be a symptom of anxiety.
High temperatures also worsen deadly air pollutants like ozone, which is linked to respiratory illnesses such as asthma.
Your employees rely on you to provide a healthy work environment that will not trigger health - related conditions, such as asthma or allergies.
The bright orange color is your first clue that our Organic Pumpkin is loaded with beta - carotene, which may help protect against heart disease, regulate blood - sugar, and reduce the severity of conditions such as asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis with its anti-inflammatory effects.
Having long been used to nip unhappy bellies in the bud in Chinese medicine, it's also used widely in Ayurvedic practices for various respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchial hyperactivity, and allergy, as well as for liver disorders, anorexia, rheumatism, diabetic wounds, runny nose, cough, and sinusitis.
I would hope any adult or child who has been given a mood associated disorder such as ADHD, ADD or anxiety / depression or a respiratory diagnosis such as asthma, would try a paleo diet before they let themselves think there is no hope of life without prescription drugs.
And pineapple has an enzyme called bromelain, which can reduce irritation in allergic diseases such as asthma.
* If your child already has a diagnosed food allergy, or there's a history of allergy in their immediate family (such as asthma, eczema or hay fever), talk to a health professional before giving them food containing peanuts for the first time.
Inflammation: The Omega - 3's in Flaxseed can help reduce inflammation associated with plaque buildup in the arteries and certain illnesses such as asthma and Parkinson's disease.
Not only can a PPE be an effective tool in identifying athletes who should not be playing sports because they have congenital heart defects or a history of concussions, but it is also useful in identifying medical problems effecting sports participation, such as asthma or the female athlete triad.
Babies with medical problems such as asthma, pain, severe nocturnal fears don't positively respond to sleep method.
your child's medical history including all allergies, food allergies, medications he is taking, and any medical problems he has, especially chronic medical problems such as asthma, seizures, or diabetes
If your child has chronic illness, special needs, or has signs of allergies or sensitivities such as asthma, chronic respiratory infections, or chronic ear infections, a modified schedule may be necessary.
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