Sentences with phrase «as at the moment not»

Not exact matches

The officer did not fire his weapon at the suspect, identified as 25 - year - old Alex Minassian, despite harrowing moments captured on video that showed the suspect gesturing aggressively at the office and claiming to have a gun.
«It is not lost on me that at this moment, there are some little girls watching as I become the first black woman to be given this same award.
Geopolitics will remain a wildcard for the Saudi market, Cook said, but at the moment, the market seems to have priced in the risks, such as the recent missiles fired by Yemen, or judged them to be, on balance, not pressing.
He's started producing original scripted comedies, and it's no coincidence that most of the companies buying them haven't traditionally produced or aired comedy, so don't view him as a threat — at least not at the moment.
«At the moment the market only knows that Shirakawa will not be appointed as governor, and nobody knows who will be the next governor.
When mistakes happen, look at it as a teachable moment not just for the employee but the leaders as well.
There isn't much overlap between the two services as far as the channels they offer, and while Sony is only available at the moment through PlayStation's, according to a company release, it will available on iPads in the future.
Corporations prefer to be seen as apolitical creatures — governments change, and customers come in all stripes — but at this highly polarized and media - socialized moment, it's become mighty hard not to upset at least a few people.
His convention speech emphasized populist, nativist themes, as did his inaugural address — not the high - road, unifying rhetoric that Americans expect at such national moments.
The best talk in the world will land flat if it's introduced at a moment when the audience isn't ready to hear it (just as, entrepreneur readers will note, even excellent, groundbreaking products fall flat if they're out of the sync with the market).
As a professional, you can only be helping out one client at any moment of the day, and since you never get to live the same day twice, you're giving away something more valuable by persisting with a client who doesn't take your advice.
Not everything is critical at this very moment; not all things are urgent or important in the scheme of our lives; and in a lot of cases if we're offered a reasonable choice and some (financial) incentives, we're perfectly willing to wait for stuff as long as (a) the choice is ours and (b) the choice isn't irrevocabNot everything is critical at this very moment; not all things are urgent or important in the scheme of our lives; and in a lot of cases if we're offered a reasonable choice and some (financial) incentives, we're perfectly willing to wait for stuff as long as (a) the choice is ours and (b) the choice isn't irrevocabnot all things are urgent or important in the scheme of our lives; and in a lot of cases if we're offered a reasonable choice and some (financial) incentives, we're perfectly willing to wait for stuff as long as (a) the choice is ours and (b) the choice isn't irrevocable.
Whether it's the National Security Agency harvesting millions of emails, or police and property owners in cities mounting cameras in public seemingly every five feet, or advertisers trailing you as you move around the web, you're deluded if you think somebody isn't following you at any moment.
Prime minister Alexis Tsipras «didn't have what it took, sentimentally, emotionally, at that moment, to carry that no vote to Europe and use it as a weapon,» said Varoufakis.
Obviously, these side deals and experiments don't amount to much at the moment, so it is tempting to dismiss them as irrelevant or even laughable.
«As a working mom, I know how important it is to be ready for anything — and sometimes the clothes we're wearing get messy, or just aren't right for the moment at hand,» says Sharon Rosenger, CEO of New Jersey - based CBO Baby, whose company produces adaptive clothing for children with special needs.
The time to reveal your plummeting bank balance to your better half isn't the moment they walk in the door from a terrible day at work or right as they're about to peacefully drift off for the night.
Sam, great input (as always), posts like this keep me out of thinking about getting residential real estate into my investment portfolio, instead I focus on retail / industrial properties, however I think I could manage few residential units «on the side», because of lack of diversification I am thinking about buying a triplex at the moment, and I'm convinced that should be the last move and I would not touch the size of my real estate portfolio afterwards, remaining assets are going straight to stocks.
The United States can not afford a protracted trade standoff at a moment when it needs the South as an ally.
For someone who has been labeled both a «perma - bear» over the past decade, as well as a «one lonely raging bull» in the early 1990's (Los Angeles Times), I can't say that either description is fitting at the moment.
At this moment, I don't think that Link Insight will offer extra value to agencies and freelance consultants over a longer period of time, as they usually have their own method of work, have developed in - house tools, and need to look beyond competing link profiles.
Bitcoin, as dictated in the code, can not handle any more than around 3 transactions per second at the moment.
Wells Fargo analyst Marci Ryvicker in a first reaction wrote in a note to investors: «We view this as a pretty reasonable thing for National Amusements to do as a CBS - Viacom merger is a possible option — not one that we like at the moment, but the fact that it is being explored is reasonable and not surprising to us.»
Brexit bites into U.K. construction Britain's construction industry is «making the best of an uncertain moment» as building shows signs of slowing in London, but grows elsewhereIt's not clear how the U.K.'s trade arrangements will look at the end of the Brexit process — and the haze presents a challenge to the country's construction sector.
Your comments seem to suggest I might not need any in my portfolio (though I'd be loathe to sell at the moment as they're being spanked along with equities by Greece).
Should we be taking profits when we are up a bit and either holding onto the dry gunpowder with the hopes of a drop (Something I personally do not plan on doing as nobody knows where the market will go) or should we cycle through our gains into cyclical industries that may be struggling at the moment?
Chinese buyers, prominent in other US markets, are not among the leading buyers in Miami at the moment, but that is expected to change as direct flights are introduced, she says.
Prior to the meetings scheduled for today and tomorrow, vice president of Germany's Bundesbank, Claudia Buch, stated that «the role of crypto tokens in money laundering and criminal activity must also be closely examined,» but also that she doesn't «see a threat for financial stability at the moment as the speculations are generally not financed with loans and the relevant markets are rather small.»
It should be intuitive that all 2,000 stocks in an ETF, such as iShares Russell 2000 (IWM), are not attractive «buys» at the moment the ETF is purchased.
@Monevator — not a criticism but at this moment in time I've no idea what my expenses are as I'm trying to live life to the full whilst still working full time having a reasonable final salary pension and having some savings.
But I can not lever up as much as I would like on this trade, as a sharp rise in interest rates could de-rail it at any moment.
I find it really hard to trust analysts who use «100 %» and «perfect» at one moment and «not perfect» and «as good as they can be the next».
If you don't keep a trading diary at the moment, start as soon as possible.
«I overtly don't think there's anyone in cryptocurrency doing as much as the CEO of Binance is doing at this moment.
Bond markets are certainly displaying a lot of enthusiasm at the moment — and it doesn't matter which bonds one looks at, as the famous «hunt for yield» continues to obliterate interest returns across the board like a steamroller.
At the moment most Bitcoin platforms — including Luno — only use Bitcoin as a unit of measurement: e.g. 1 BTC, 0.0023 BTC and so on, not the units mentioned above.
It's important to me that you know this, because at this moment, there's nothing that tickles my fancy more than the idea of you raging endlessly as I pony up the cash for someone to do something they probably couldn't afford to do otherwise.
I know there are other parts that are also not followed to the exact letter as well but I can't bring them all to mind at the moment.
Well it is true that some people seek sorcerers to implement Jinn that are satanic demons into mankind or his house or his business to finish him or make his life miserable or to stop flow of his business income... In such case it is either you are religious enough and say your prayers often then it becomes hard for this to harm you or otherwise you need to find some one who practice exorcism to remove this evil... But many are just pretending to be good at it and help you not but squeeze money out of you with tales and stories... There is another type of possessions and that is not through a sorcerer but directly by coincidence what man is at his weakest moments and those weakest moments for a possessions are when you come through a great fear or when cry or laugh loudly in hysteria, or during a certain moment of mating... or even when sneezing loudly... That's why there are prayers to be said on daily basis to guard you from such things and specially if passing haunted places such as deserted houses but most evil ones are residents of public toilets and market places... Some of them even would claim that you have made a wrong action by which you have killed a dear one to them and for that they have possessed you and that is mostly night time such as throwing a cigaret butt to a dark place or stepping killing an insect or even an animal at night which could have been one of them or possessed by one of them... So this is true thing happening to many who suffer unexplainable illnesses or sufferings which could look like mental illness that comes and goes as pleased...
My Mom couldn't talk about family as she laid on her deathbed but she did talk about Heaven at the exact moment of her death.
As is typical with Beinart, there are some moments that strike conservatives as nearly insane, such as his idea that Elizabeth Warren could become a credible presidential candidate (I say insane, because at that level, the unresolved Pow - Wow - Chow cookbook plagiarism and fake - Indian scandals would resurface and kill her — the USA ain't MassachusettsAs is typical with Beinart, there are some moments that strike conservatives as nearly insane, such as his idea that Elizabeth Warren could become a credible presidential candidate (I say insane, because at that level, the unresolved Pow - Wow - Chow cookbook plagiarism and fake - Indian scandals would resurface and kill her — the USA ain't Massachusettsas nearly insane, such as his idea that Elizabeth Warren could become a credible presidential candidate (I say insane, because at that level, the unresolved Pow - Wow - Chow cookbook plagiarism and fake - Indian scandals would resurface and kill her — the USA ain't Massachusettsas his idea that Elizabeth Warren could become a credible presidential candidate (I say insane, because at that level, the unresolved Pow - Wow - Chow cookbook plagiarism and fake - Indian scandals would resurface and kill her — the USA ain't Massachusetts).
What you refer to as facts are only fact by consensus at the moment as things often are not as they appear.
As Matthew Franck has observed in First Things, Mario Cuomo's 1984 «personally opposed but won't impose» speech at the university was a «watershed moment» for pro-choice....
Jarvis had envisioned Mother's Day as «a holy day,» even - in a truly grandiloquent moment - as «a divine gift,» a Sabbath celebration of maternal affection and perseverance, «not as a holiday» at the disposal of various «trade vandals» and «trade pirates.»
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
You can't argue it with a rationalist without making a monkey of yourself — as I am doing at the moment — swinging in the tree.
It's almost as if the reviewer, not liking the difficult task at hand, needs to remind us that there are, after all, «good» evangelicals who do not raise the admittedly difficult historiographical issues that are considered in a forthright fashion in The Evangelical Moment.
To the best of my understanding, the deposit of faith clearly affirms the following: that God desires the salvation of all and offers the real possibility of salvation to all; the offer can be accepted or rejected and, if accepted by faith, such faith is recognized as the gift of God; if the offer is knowingly, freely, and definitively rejected, even at the very last moment of life, one goes to hell, which is eternal; but the deposit of faith does not tell us clearly that anyone is in fact eternally damned.
In 1987, a Brazilian economist, member of an international financial institution, admirer of the Chilean experience of Pinochet, made the confidential statement that the critical problem of Brazil at that moment, under the presidency of Sarney, did not lie on a too high inflation rate, as the officials of the World Bank spread.
like the pagan I worship a God who can be touched; and I do indeed touch him — this God — over the whole surface and in the depths of that world of matter which confines me: but to take hold of him as I would wish (simply in order not to stop touching him), I must go always on and on through and beyond each undertaking, unable to rest in anything, borne onwards at each moment by creatures and at each moment going beyond them, in a continuing welcoming of them and a continuing detachment from them; like the quietist I allow myself with delight to be cradled in the divine fantasy: but at the same time I know that the divine will, will only be revealed to me at each moment if I exert myself to the utmost: I shall only touch God in the world of matter, when, like Jacob, I have been vanquished by him.
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