Sentences with phrase «as attending to»

Shyiak will lead the Franchise Sales and Customer Care teams, overseeing the conversion / implementation process for new offices as well as attending to the ongoing needs of the franchise's brokers.
More recent legislation and policy guidance have sought to refocus program and practice efforts on ensuring child well - being and family connections as well as attending to safety and permanency.
Attended to medical and dental needs, including regular checkups as well as attending to special needs.
We also know that attending to the emotional needs of patients is as important as attending to their physical needs.
Nursing involves lots of dirty work and nurses often miss meals to attend to important parts of their jobs such as attending to patients during emergencies.
After reading your post, I think you are a great and dedicated mother and from what you describe, your husband seems like a great DAD (not just caretaker) who just has a slightly different approach than you and is probably doing his best to balance the housework with giving her priority as well as attending to his own personal needs (like eating and showering).
The corporate trend toward articulating mission, corporate values and ethics statements, as well as attending to corporate culture and external constituencies, points to areas laden with notions of purpose, value, obligation and community - notions inherent in faith communities.
Regrettably, however, most Orthodox Churches seem to be retreating into a stifling, sheltered and safe provincialism, which they explain — or excuse — as attending to internal affairs, which in turn are reckoned as more important pastorally than concerns for collaboration or collegiality.
Few behaviors enhance conversational intimacy as much as attending to what people say.
Citing Denmark as a good example, Sanders said every other advanced western nation offered employees paid time off for medical and family matters, such as attending to sick children, and the U.S. should too.
Our God is compassionate and full of grace and therefore will attend church at sit through our show - off righteous acts, even as He attends to those that need, Him more; the perishing.
The notion of hearing Mass has since been displaced by the ideal of active participation at Mass, and to be active, it is thought, means to produce, as well as attend to, sound.
Each saint's particular graces can be seen as reflections of the grace of Christ, whose greatness grows in our eyes as we attend to the saints» individual stories.
Moreover the preacher and the congregation do this in the midst of many other acts of mediation in which they also participate, as they attend to civil religion, propaganda, ideology, and mass media.
Mindfulness - Based Stress Reduction: Life Skills for the Professional Care Provider As care providers we are called upon to give not only expert knowledge and technical skills but to be fully present as we attend to our clients needs with empathy and compassion.
Most importantly, I never leave you while you are in labor, as medical staff must often do as they attend to other patients requiring their medical attention.
It may also help to name each tooth as you attend to it so he's persuaded that no single tooth should be left out.
I use my power of choice to choose where I'm going to put my attention because it's ultimately the only power I have that as I attend to something, I put my attention somewhere and then I increase my experience of that.
Besides an array of lyrical lines, the film feature shots of Father Doyle as he attends to his flock, including touching moments ranging from tearful memorial services for victims of drive - by shootings to a show of compassion for a coke - addicted prostitute who unknowingly propositions the celibate cleric with «Your place or mine?»
Mr. Hornbeck said the idea was based on his belief that schools should help students learn to meet their social and civic responsibilities as well as attend to their academic needs.
Nationally acclaimed differentiated instruction expert Carol Ann Tomlinson praises Activators, noting, «This book is a keeper because it commends instructional strategies that engage the minds of adolescent learners as it attends to their need for interaction with and appreciation of peers.»
We will then get you an experienced and qualified writer to provide you with custom term paper writing service in that area of study to do it as you attend to other responsibilities.
Third, giving both sides enables the college literary essay writer to anticipate counterarguments that the audience is rehearsing as they attend to his message.
Please be patient as they attend to everyone in order.
As long as you support clients who publicly promote your practice and as long as you attend to reviews with a personalized and intentional response, you'll continue to thrive no matter what type of review comes your way.
And it is a great way for you to make much of the driving education as you attend to your daily activities, including office work.
In the end, it's important to examine the activity logs as well as attend to website requests.
The close proximity between William and his child, as he attends to his son, guarantees a lifetime bond.
This requires suspending judgments and temporarily putting aside our own needs as we attend to theirs.
We're better able to listen as we find ways to soothe ourselves as we attend to another's inner world.
Our experience is that as parents gain experience using the Circle of Security as a map, improve their observational skills, enter into reflective dialogue, and contain their own affect as they attend to their children's need for affect regulation, we see a shift from defensive process to more empathy for their children.
Be mindful about what arises inside as you attend to them.
«Parents often become more distant and businesslike with each other as they attend to the details of parenting.»
Programs are intended to empower parents and family members with the knowledge and skills to promote their child's growth and social — emotional development as well as attend to their own mental well - being.

Not exact matches

Members of the Trump administration walked out of the White House Correspondents» Dinner Saturday night during a performance by standup comic Michelle Wolf, who attacked the administration's relationship to the truth as well as the past behavior of the president, who did not attend the event for the second year in a row.
Enbridge spokesperson Graham White wrote in an e-mail that while the company did provide refreshments, it has «no further comment,» as «Enbridge representatives were unable to attend that May 2013 meeting.»
Vanbots had done work for Branksome in the past, and Gillam's sister attended the school as a student; the school asked whether he wanted to bid on the project.
As a grandfather, I don't have to attend parent - teacher conferences or get pedantic notes sent home with my son or daughter addressing the latest concerns of a bunch of thumb - sucking, politically correct, out - of - control idiots.
Manafort also attended a meeting last year at Trump Tower with Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. and son - in - law Jared Kushner as well as two Russian lobbyists who were said to have offered dirt on Hillary Clinton.
- take time away from the day - to - day running of the business to read books or attend seminars as a way to uncover new ideas and approaches to running the business with the goal of uncovering the kink that's holding up its progress.
In January, he said he was reconsidering whether to take part in a Fox News debate with Kelly as moderator, and then announced that he would not attend.
After completing her gap year, she plans to attend Harvard University as a sociology and African - American studies double major.
He says he recently attended one of the largest industry trade shows, Mipcom, and ended up talking to the same people he'd last encountered six years ago, most of whom were still thinking in terms of selling programs region by region to established channels as opposed to «worldwide deals for rights to be exploited via the Internet anywhere.»
Start with something as simple as letting employees know that with the exception of attending to major deadlines such as a new - product release, the company refrains from phone calls or emails one hour each day — and that you're directly requesting all employees to observe it.
She'd come to Canada as an international student first to finish high school, then to attend Sheridan College in their Animation Program.
Attend an Open Call where you will be given the opportunity to do a 1 - minute pitch of your business / product / idea to a member of the Casting Team — just like you would as if you were on the show.
Some of the lawmakers who won't attend will instead host an alternative State of the Union — a meeting «to talk about our opposition to these racist policies that are being put out of the White House and to make sure we put out our own aggressive vision of what our America looks like as we take it back,» according to Jayapal.
From time to time, Sara and I would see Si at one of the media or fashion galas we attended as reporters.
When I talk to my mother, who is of that same generation, she speaks of the women who attended Seven Sisters» colleges as strong and independent, career - minded, and determined to change society — certainly not the idea I had in my head.
According to Anate Brauer, MD, attending physician, Greenwich Hospital and NYU Medical Center, there is really only one antibiotic, Rifampin, that has been shown to decrease the efficacy of hormonal contraception such as estrogen delivered through a ring or patch.
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