Sentences with phrase «as attention skills»

Some of the skills your dog will leave this course with include sit, down, come, as well as attention skills, loose leash walking, and much more.

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Job posts seeking this book - keeper / assistant, also known as an accounts organizer, should emphasize math skills, attention to detail, and flexibility.
Pay attention to needed skills that older directors may not possess, such as social media savvy.
He is nothing if not skilled at placing himself at the epicentre of attention, then chortling gleefully as others orient themselves around his dark polarity.
If you have strong math skills and immaculate attention to detail, you can make a good side income as a bookkeeper.
Making education contextual means recognizing that 1) theology involves responding to the living God in diverse human situations; 2) theology involves specific practices as much as it does religious concepts and experiences; and 3) theological education requires attention to personal formation and not simply the learning of specialized lore and skills.
«While he attempts to portray Mormonism as just another Christian religion, Mitt Romney counts on his skills to shift our attention away from what he truly believes,» she wrote in her book Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters?
Parents are urged to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect; to communicate on levels of fun and recreation as well as on discipline and advice; to allow a child to learn «through natural consequences» — that is, by experiencing what happens when he dawdles in the morning and is permitted to experience the unpleasantness and embarrassment of being late to school; to encourage the child and spend time with him playing and learning (positively) rather than spending time lecturing and disciplining (negatively), since the child who is misbehaving is often merely craving attention and if he gets it in pleasant, constructive ways, he will not demand it in antisocial ways; to avoid trying to put the child in a mold of what the parent thinks he should do and be, or what other people think he should do and be, rather than what his natural gifts and tendencies indicate; to take time to train the child in basic skills — to bake a cake, pound a nail, sketch or write or play a melody — including those things the parents know and do well and are interested in.
Since the publication of J, Bloom has stated that he wished less attention would be paid to J's gender and more to her skills as a secularist.
Let me put it this way, I'm not saying being a cheerleader is unskilled or easy work, but if the skill level was the same to be a professional athlete as a cheerleader you'd have guys lining up to be one for peanuts as well even if just for the attention.
Add in a cool 11 rebounds per game on average and you're looking at a skill set that will have NBA teams paying very close attention as the draft approaches.
While the Skills Challenge does not receive as much attention as the 3 - point and Slam Dunk contests, it is still an exciting and underrated All - Star weekend event.
As a result, a late bloomer will be put at a significant disadvantage in getting the attention of coaches and the playing time he needs to develop his skills, and may get so frustrated that quitting the sport becomes the only viable option.
Toys do not only occupy your child's attention for a more extended period but let your daughter learns a lot of valuable skills that she could use as she grows up.
This bug activity for preschoolers encourages attention to detail and fine motor skills, as kids hunt for bugs hidden in moss.
As kids grow, they will develop the skills, attention span, and interest to do bigger cooking jobs, like squeezing the juice out of a lemon, measuring ingredients into cups and spoons, and beating eggs or mashing potatoes.
As your child's attention span grows and her verbal skills develop, she will be better able to follow instructions and express her own needs and thoughts.
There are many reasons for teens to underperform at school, including a lack of motivation to do well, problems at home or with peers, poor work habits or study skills, emotional and behavior problems, learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, mental retardation or below average intelligence and other medical problems, including anxiety and depression.
So, like all the skills such as walking, eating, and talking that you have taught, encouraged and nurtured so far, potty training is also a skill that requires you to teach your toddler to pay attention to his / her physical needs, think ahead, focus and plan their use of the potty or toilet.
Therefore parents should pay attention to their child's social and language skills as well as their child's play skills and body movements.
Biel breaks down a litany of issues OTs address on her site Sensory Smarts: attention span and arousal level; sensory and processing skills; fine and gross motor skills; activities of daily living (ADLs), also known as self - help skills, such as brushing teeth, dressing and toilet training; visual - perceptual skills; handwriting; and assistive technology.
Skilled single parents who have the time, attention, and desire to support this young man into adulthood should inquire as well.
These can help her develop important social skills such as paying attention and communicating through both actions and words.
Watching a mobile move slowly helps your newborn develop attention as well as visual skills while stretching and strengthening on his blanket.
According to Ezzo, skills such as «creativity,» «mental focusing» and a «sustained attention span» may be «seriously delayed if your child misses out on structured playpen time.»
Kids grow in spurts, so as your baby boy becomes fixated on learning to pull himself up to a standing position, for instance, he may not be paying much attention to honing his verbal skills.
I learned that preverbal skills, eye contact, and attention are vital to cognitive and language development as I trained to become a Speech - Language Pathologist.
«Skills that are needed in school such as, attention, memory and decision - making can all be diminished due to inadequate sleep.
Gillibrand does not have the name recognition of Cuomo, and is not as skilled in fundraising, but she's been gaining a lot of national attention for standing up for women who are sexually harassed.
Skills such as interpretive skills, audit and data management, research and development, good communication, time management, attention to detail, and problem solving are all essential for thSkills such as interpretive skills, audit and data management, research and development, good communication, time management, attention to detail, and problem solving are all essential for thskills, audit and data management, research and development, good communication, time management, attention to detail, and problem solving are all essential for the job.
Autism has long been defined by its drawbacks — it's time to look at the benefits, such as better memory, visuospatial skills and attention to detail
This is because over the last 20 years a number of countries have focused national attention on their students excelling in the areas of math and science education as a way for their country to create a highly - skilled workforce, allowing the country to compete in the increasingly competitive global economy.
The study used six different training tasks, designed to measure specific cognitive skills such as memory, attention and task - switching.
Well - honed attention - focusing skills can be as useful to midlife career changers or cancer patients as they are to extreme athletes, he points out.
The computerized part of the treatment was administered to pairs of adults with autism to help improve their neurocognitive abilities, such as attention and cognitive flexibility — which are important precursors to higher - level skills involved in problem - solving, self - regulation and social communication.
Mindfulness, which aims to increase a person's awareness and acceptance of daily experiences, is currently used in a variety of healthcare settings as a potentially effective skill for stress reduction, emotion, affect and attention regulation.
Doing productive science with colleagues from other countries — whether you've gone abroad as an international student, postdoc, or more senior researcher, or are working in your own country with collaborators or subjects located elsewhere — thus demands not only «high - level scientific skills» but also attention to «cultural and social aspects [that] are not intuitive.»
«These results indicate that INSIGHTS supports young children's development of self - regulatory skills that are vital to learning, such as sustained attention span and curbing inappropriate behaviors,» says O'Connor, the study's lead author.
«Teachers and parents help children learn social, emotional, and behavioral regulation skills such as identifying feeling sad, mad, or scared; calming bodies during stressful situations; paying attention; and solving problems together.»
Those who played Lumosity did show improvements in some cognitive skills, such as attention and focus, but so did those who played the other computer games, and the people who played no games at all.
Anonymous has always described itself as a «leaderless, decentralised organisation», but it appeared to be precisely the opposite in 2011 when a few outspoken and highly skilled hackers with a flair for the dramatic captured the public's attention.
The participants took tests of their brains» executive functioning skills, such as inhibition and selective attention, and rated themselves on scales for depression and social anxiety.
Programs designed to improve cognitive skills such as selective attention are often costly and time - intensive, and don't address how a child's caretakers and home environment can reinforce those skills, Neville says.
Before and after this training, the participants went through a battery of cognitive tests, designed to measure skills such as memory and attention.
And a variety of intricately carved animal sculptures — lizards, serpents, eagles, even an oversize stone carving of a flea, with careful attention given to its bloodsucking mouth parts — attest both to the Aztecs» skills as artisans and their abiding interest in the natural world.
Reviewing your skills with the use of a mentoring skills inventory (like the one at right) can help you identify areas of strength and comfort as well as skills that require attention.
This attention to the needs of the person requires yoga therapists to have extensive training in human anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, psychology and disease pathology, as well as having a high degree of clinical skill including listening, interviewing, observing, and developing a strategic therapeutic plan that wisely makes use of the yogic technologies available.
This may be because yoga practitioners routinely engage in postures that develop balance control skills while concurrently challenging executive function capacities such as attention, and concentration.
Programs are available as group classes, in one - on - one training or you can do your own thing using our AEROSOLO ™ workouts, offering members at all skill levels the highest personal attention and flexibility to help you reach your goals.
By harnessing our attention to the subtlest details of our yoga practice whether they be physical alignment, the quality of breath or the movements of prana (energy) as we shift shapes, we train up our awareness skills.
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