Sentences with phrase «as auditory»

Auditory learning is not as powerful as auditory and visual learning combined.
Therefore, most lawyers, as auditory learners, prefer to communicate information, or teach, by speaking rather than by showing.
The resulting spontaneous and candid associations will be recorded and made accessible for further visitors as an auditory support through the exhibition.
Each wave brings a background layer of musical accompaniment with it, and by the time you get to the boss waiting for you at the end of each level, you'll have a full 10 - layer soundtrack as your auditory guide.
Often times they even serve as auditory clues to the changes happening in the house around you.
There may evolve a «niche market» but books that you can hold, feel and smell won't ever go away - much like vinyl records are making a come back so that the scratch of the needle and the turning disc remain as much of the experience of music as auditory perception.
You will have a mix of learners in your organization, with learning styles such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.
96, Ed.D.» 99, principal investigator of the Reading Brains Lab at Dartmouth College, where she is an associate professor, says that a brain learning to read cobbles together a number of existing neural systems and networks such as the auditory, processing, and visual.
The pattern of signals had a characteristic frequency â $ «around 35 times per second â $ «so it helps to think of the signal as an auditory tone.
It just means this individual has an impairment to their ability due to a processing disorder, such as auditory processing or visual processing, that is detrimental to learning from traditional teaching methods.
For example, we specialize in difficult - to - test populations and unique cases, such as auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD).
MORE hile eight weeks may be a little early for babies to squeeze the feet and begin a game or song on their own, they will enjoy the musical song as their auditory senses develop.
hile eight weeks may be a little early for babies to squeeze the feet and begin a game or song on their own, they will enjoy the musical song as their auditory senses develop.

Not exact matches

a.Perception of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory experiences without an external stimulus and with a compelling sense of their reality, usually resulting from a mental disorder or as a response to a drug.
People that are blind are not defective they are just without visual sight as is the deaf person is without auditory hearing.
The problem about a duration isn't so much its relation to a particular percipient as whether it is a visual or a tactual, an auditory, an olfactory duration, or several of these.
The biblical idea of revelation as God's promise has both auditory and visual overtones.
As in Pentecostalism the world over, the experience of God is usually accompanied by extraordinary feelings and perceptions, such as speaking in tongues, sobbing, dancing, visions, auditory hallucinations, laughter, or exuberant joAs in Pentecostalism the world over, the experience of God is usually accompanied by extraordinary feelings and perceptions, such as speaking in tongues, sobbing, dancing, visions, auditory hallucinations, laughter, or exuberant joas speaking in tongues, sobbing, dancing, visions, auditory hallucinations, laughter, or exuberant joy.
Mark and Tim's story was told in the video, «A Tale of Two Dads» Beverly Prince - Sayward In addition to being a freelance writer, Beverly is a homeschooling mother to her three children - twins Hailey and Quentin, and youngest son Jared; the non-legally married wife to her partner Kathleen who works for IBM as well as the National Guard; and author of the blog Raising a Child with Auditory Processing Disorder.
As the verbal and auditory skills of your little one will be improving with time, at this stage, you can introduce to the baby activities that do the same.
As a conscious parent, you can do things that can stimulate kid's visual and auditory system.
It promotes creativity and imagination as well as memory, auditory processing and attention, and beginner's math.
In addition to sensory stimulation, baby gyms can also facilitate your baby's awareness of sensory stimuli such as visual and auditory.
The program consists of a 20 - week intensive lecture, film, and experiential series that will utilize a combination of classroom - like discussions, auditory and visual aids, and on - going focus - group interactions, as outlined below.
As Larry Leverenz, Ph.D, ATC, a co-author of the groundbreaking 2010 study (4) that was the first to identify such athletes noted, because such athletes have not suffered damage to areas of the brain associated with language and auditory processing, they are unlikely to exhibit clinical signs of head injury (such as headache or dizziness), or show impairment on sideline assessment for concussion, all of which test for verbal, not visual memorAs Larry Leverenz, Ph.D, ATC, a co-author of the groundbreaking 2010 study (4) that was the first to identify such athletes noted, because such athletes have not suffered damage to areas of the brain associated with language and auditory processing, they are unlikely to exhibit clinical signs of head injury (such as headache or dizziness), or show impairment on sideline assessment for concussion, all of which test for verbal, not visual memoras headache or dizziness), or show impairment on sideline assessment for concussion, all of which test for verbal, not visual memory.
It's great for auditory development and sensory stimulation early on, and continues to improve upon kids» creative and critical thinking skills as they learn to understand, recognize, and develop melodies.
And don't forget that fathers are better able to bond with their babies as well if exposed to their infants sensory (visual and auditory) stimuli (pictures, video, audio tapes) as much as is possible during his absence.
We build auditory development as we listen to and imitate sounds with shakers and instruments.
To help boost his visual skills, play memory games or watch educational television shows such as «Reading Rainbow» with him; play music for him to strengthen his auditory skills.
The aim of this study was to evaluate adherence to the Neonatal Resuscitation Program algorithm by subjects working from memory as compared to subjects using a decision support tool that provides auditory and visual prompts to guide implementation of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program algorithm during simulated neonatal resuscitation.Healthcare professionals (physicians, nurse practitioners, obstetrical / neonatal nurses) with a current NRP card were randomized to the control or intervention group and performed three simulated neonatal resuscitations.
The directional words worksheet provides auditory processing practice by asking your child to listen carefully as you read directions to him.
The perception of sensory dissonance is a function of the physical properties of auditory stimuli, as well as those of basic physiological and anatomical constraints, resulting from limitations of the auditory system in resolving tones that are too proximal in pitch (54).
It helps to vary sound patterns as this develops the auditory preferences.
Watching the child closely also helps a parent to know when it's time to go as some children have visual (or auditory) cues.
«These findings are important as humans make decisions at the rate of about one - sixth of a second, which is in line with these auditory oscillations,» said Professor Alais.
Using the mouse as an experimental model, LMU neurobiologist PD Dr. Conny Kopp - Scheinpflug and her research group have now demonstrated that the activity of nerve cells in the auditory system has a direct effect on myelinization — higher levels of activity correlate with the formation of thicker myelin sheaths.
As the cochlea's fluid moves, about 15,000 hair cells sitting in it, each tuned to a particular frequency, pick up the motions; the cochlear nerve translates the movements into auditory messages that are sent to the brain.
Silent videos that merely imply sound — such as of someone playing a musical instrument — still get processed by auditory regions of the brain.
To make matters more challenging, Lappas decided at this early stage in the experiment to search for patterns not only in the auditory cortex but in other areas of the brain as well.
As a subject imagined hearing words, his auditory cortex lit up the screen in a characteristic pattern of reds and greens.
Male palm cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus) in northern Australia refashion sticks and seedpods into tools that the animals use to bang against trees as part of an elaborate visual and auditory display designed to seduce females.
By observing research subjects» brain activity as they were exposed to auditory stimuli, Kraus and her team discovered a distinct pattern in the auditory response of children who suffered concussions compared to children who had not.
But as Anne - Lise Giraud explains, «Equally we do not know why certain people quite unconsciously choose one direction rather than the other, but predisposition surely plays a part, because we all learn to integrate auditory and visual information by the time we are three.
To determine if people tune into visual rhythms in the same way they tune into the auditory rhythms of language, they showed videos of stories told in American Sign Language to fluent signers and measured brain activity as they watched.
When they next measured responses in the auditory regions of the brain, a more sensitive test, the mice responded to much quieter sounds: 19 of 25 mice heard sounds quieter than 80 decibels, and a few could heard sounds as soft as 25 - 30 decibels, like normal mice.
Now, a University at Buffalo - led research team is developing a computer - based tool — using the same principles as MP3 audio files — to identify these auditory blind spots.
Recording the electrical activity of neurons directly from the surface of the brain, the scientists found that for a simple task, such as repeating a word presented visually or aurally, the visual and auditory cortexes reacted first to perceive the word.
Nevertheless, nearly every night between 9:00 and 11:00 p.m., he experienced a 20 to 60 - minute period of auditory, visual, olfactory, and somesthetic (sense of touch) hallucinations, as well as pain and vasoconstriction in his fingers and toes.
The owl's auditory map room is a brain area called the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICX), as a group led by Stanford's Eric Knudsen discovered in the early 1980s.
Researchers showed that limiting the supply or the function of the neuromodulator adenosine in a brain structure called the auditory thalamus preserved the ability of adult mice to learn from passive exposure to sound much as young children learn from the soundscape of their world.
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