Sentences with phrase «as being»

Millennials, roughly defined as being born between 1980 and 2000, have grown up with the internet.
«We see's leading offering of hotel and alternative accommodation offering as being well positioned to drive the online travel and online alternative accommodation space.»
O'Keefe talks about brand behavior and brand touch as being more important than brand voice.
The fact that Musk has posed for photo - ops with Trump is particularly galling, Derwin said, because Musk is «recognized as being a leader on climate change».
That move essentially cast broadband providers as being more like telephone companies, which are considered common carriers that provide services to the general public, and are therefore subject to more rigorous regulations.
They remember what happened, but they also interpret the whole thing as being more negative than it was.
Decades of research now point to emotional intelligence as being the critical factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack.
Back in May 2003, Bush prematurely declared the Iraq war as being over, in the wake of U.S. forces successfully toppling the government of Saddam Hussein.
«It would turn these laws upside down to see them as being contrary to The Wing's values and mission.»
Cryptographers and cybersecurity professionals blasted the schema as being no better than earlier suggestions involving so - called key escrow, which they argue is too hard to secure in practice.
«We look at cars as being able to be a whole new layer of communication between infrastructure and society and general.»
Valleywag, the gossip blog that wrote articles about Thiel — including one that outed him publicly as being gay — has already ceased to exist.
In the article, a man with a red tie at a black - tie event was viewed as being more successful than the others.
«I see our work,» she says, «as being a real opportunity to change the world as we're innovating.»
Sixty percent of those who have a documented strategy rate themselves as being effective content marketers, vs. just 7 percent of those who have no strategy, written or otherwise.
Matanov told an unidentified witness cooperating with the government that «the bombings could have had a just reason, such as being done in the name of Islam, that he would support the bombings if the reason were just or the attack had been done by the Taliban,» according to the papers.
For instance, companies must be prepared to deal with employees and applicants who withhold trust, create initiatives to humanize their brands and connect with communities (such as being ever - vigilant for comments, attempts to engage and to participate in interactions where appropriate).
Diamandis sees such a system as being helpful in disaster relief efforts, when sending in human rescue teams might be too risky.
Of course, doctors aren't going to lose their jobs anytime soon — many of these companies position their products as being used to supplement clinicians instead of replacing them.
Being without that social world for a while is probably not as detrimental in some respects as being without a particular bone in your hand.
Confident people are perceived as being more attractive, they're better at sales and do well in the front of the room.
Upworthy co-founder Eli Pariser described the cutbacks as being an «investment layoff» that was required by the company in order to concentrate on expanding its original video operations.
Knox credits Bridge Across My Sorrows, a memoir by Christina Noble with Robert Coram, as being a big source of her personal and professional resilience.
Last week, President Donald Trump came under fire after his responses to a plea for help from the mayor of San Juan were perceived by many as being racist and issuing blame on the hurricane victims.
This is because «even though the Arctic Circle contains large amounts of untapped resources, as well as being a potential trade route, the full potential of the Arctic to become commercially viable seems to be at least a decade away,» the Stratfor analyst said.
As well as being popular with journalists and members of Russia's political opposition, Telegram has also been used by the Kremlin to communicate with reporters and arrange regular conference calls with President Vladimir Putin's spokesman.
One redditor praised Fit Me as being «EVERYTHING» in their list of holy grail products for people of color.
And I'd been guilty of perpetuating this sort of prejudice by perpetuating stereotypes of psychics as shifty, exotic people or as being unreal, unable to be found as mothers or neighbors or activists like Emily, who's active in social justice - based causes, particularly the fight for transgender equal rights.
«If you are pulling out of something that pretty much every other country in the world is a part of, then that is not seen as being a leader.
When I lived overseas, America was always looked at as being first.
Beard and moustache growth was rampant, especially in India where bare faces were scorned as being juvenile and un-manly, as well as in Arab countries where moustaches and beards were likewise associated with power.
In developing their resilience scale, the researchers highlighted traits such as being a good problem - solver, having control over your emotions, being able to maintain a feeling of optimism and a feeling of self - efficacy.
Still, he used tactics that can be applied today, such as being open with employees.
Robins, whose location has been identified solely as being in Virginia, alleges Spokeo hurt him by misrepresenting details of his life, including his age and income.
«Between December 31 and January 1, there is no value lost for the kingdom,» al - Falih said, before adding: «So I don't understand this artificial deadline you refer to as being significant.»
The story represented Tom Cat Bakery's severance package as being «minimal,» without taking into account the actual package.
What daily behavior do you view as being most important to your success?
You can almost see Lacie as being similar to one of the most famous real - life examples of internet shaming, Justine Sacco, who tweeted a joke which was perceived to be racist.
The researchers also found that those individuals who checked their emails more frequently didn't perceive themselves as being more productive than those who had email restrictions.
As far as he was concerned, things were just getting started the moment the customer purchased.
But almost as soon as it was founded, ISIS - K began suffering losses, as they found themselves fighting the Pakistani and Afghani governments, the NATO Coalition, and the Taliban all at the same time.
If this address is ever - changing (as it is with some internet service providers), you won't be able to successfully assign a domain name to your server.
There's nothing wrong with a little office scuttlebutt — so long as you're not a jerk about it.
Of course, you'll have a lot on your mind as you're trying to impress your contact — Is my tie on straight?
It's that the performance metrics are nowhere near as good as they are through FBA.
«It took me a long time to be as brave in my personal life as I was in my professional life... to be brave in love means opening yourself up to the possibility of heartbreak.»
And as soon as I was qualified as a pilot I thought, well, at least I can work as a pilot as long as my medical holds.
«It's very natural and very normal that, as you are attracting people, sometimes when someone is excellent or great, you compete with them,» Lubetzky says.
And there's also the danger that if interest rates rise, as is expected, investors could flee the sector and send stocks careening downward.
The goal is not for the CEO to take on more of this work themselves as much as it is to give them the opportunity to assess firsthand what could be done better before actually making any changes.
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