Sentences with phrase «as body fat which»

Typical diets convert carbs -LCB- sugars -RCB- into glucose and if these levels become too high, extra calories are much more easily stored as body fat which results in unwanted weight gain.

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According to research by the International Journal of Obesity, a cold body's thermoreceptors activate Brown adipose tissue (BAT), known as «good fatwhich in turn burns white fat, «bad fat,» to produce heat.
Now I follow an intermittent fasting plan (thanks, Dick Costolo) and in the process gained seven pounds (I was trying to) while also losing 4 percent body fat (which I wasn't trying to do; it just happened as a result of intermittent fasting.)
I have my own thoughts on that as my plan, which I emailed to Sen. Ron Paul, to begin taxing obesity at $ 1.25 / lb of fat above a 12 % body content of fat would force americans to lose weight and take better care of themselves and their children, else, pay out of your ass, literally.
Coconuts are loaded with lauric acid, a medium - chain fatty acid that, once it gets into your body, is converted into monolaurin, which is easily digestible and can be used as a source of direct energy instead of being stored in the body as fat.
You'll also see medium - chain triglycerides derived from coconut oil, which are shorter chains of fat than can be absorbed more directly and efficiently in your body as opposed to being stored as fat.
Quinoa is also rich in fiber, which as you know, detoxifies the body to get rid of harmful toxins that can get stored in fat cells to promote weight gain, and contribute to illness and disease.
Salmon is high in Omega - 3 fatty acids, which help your body make anti-inflammatory coumpounds that soothe body aches and pains, as well as support fat - loss.
As I said, there's plenty more to be found in The All - Day Fat - Burning Diet, which is going to help you reset your metabolism to lose up to five pounds per week without counting calories, without dogmatic diet rules, and without grueling hours of exercise, all of which only stresses your body out even further.
It contains no cholesterol as a plant product but does contain alot of saturated fat which your body converts to cholesterol.
Little of the energy these beans provide is stored as fat, which keeps you and your body happy.
My quest (which can be appropriately defined as a journey towards a goal) is not only to lose weight, but to lose body fat, gain muscle and basically become the fittest version of myself that I've ever been.
Really, the human body has a critical need for fats, as the membrane which encloses every cell in the body is made from — you guessed it — lipids (fats)!
Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats which can help your body better absorb carotenoids (otherwise known as pigments in fruits and veggies that act as antioxidants).
Coconut oil: I used coconut oil as the base for these fat bombs since coconut oil is a natural energy source since it contains MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), which are the «good fats» that the body uses to create energy.
oconut oil as the base for these fat bombs since coconut oil is a natural energy source since it contains MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), which are the «good fats» that the body uses to create energy.
Instead of storing as fat the liver converts them directly to ketone bodies which are then available for use as energy.
The excess fuel from this high - sugar, high - carb diet is stored as fat which the body uses as a source of insulation and energy for the long, cold -LSB-...]
He states, «For carbs, which will store energy as fat if not used by the body, look to complex carbs that are slower to digest and therefore don't store as fat as quickly.»
Pea protein is highly digestible and helps turn carbohydrates into energy in the body, which reduces the amount of carbs being stored as fat.
Grains are naturally low in fat and a rich source of carbohydrates, which are used as the main fuel for the body.
The doctors through he might have had Chylothorax, which meant he would not be able to breastfeed for six weeks, as his body could not handle the fat content of breastmilk.
Coconut oil is an excellent source of fat since it is a medium chain fat as opposed to animal fat which is long chain and much harder for the body to break down.
will increase in size and the baby's brain also starts maturingn As fat begins to accumulate in the baby's body its skin will develop a pinkish color which is revealed during the pregnancy week 33 ultrasoundn Pregnant women tend to gain more weight during their third trimester as the baby is growing at a very fast rate and gains around five to nice ounces every weeAs fat begins to accumulate in the baby's body its skin will develop a pinkish color which is revealed during the pregnancy week 33 ultrasoundn Pregnant women tend to gain more weight during their third trimester as the baby is growing at a very fast rate and gains around five to nice ounces every weeas the baby is growing at a very fast rate and gains around five to nice ounces every weeke
As well, pregnancy changes the distribution of fat across the body, another thing which may change mom's appearance.
Unlike glucose, which serves as fuel for the body, fructose is processed almost entirely in the liver where it is converted to fat
Consuming a high - fat, high - sugar diet and having excess body fat is linked with the development of NAFLD, which can lead to diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.
These include the family of so - called exercise pills, drugs designed to boost the rate at which bodies burn fat and dissipate the energy as heat — an effect that would provide many of the benefits of regular mild exercise.
The research, published in the journal Scientific Reports, shows for the first time that the way in which fat is made within the body is not «pre-programmed» during the early years of development as previously thought but even in adulthood cells can be influenced by our environment to change the type of fat that is formed.
After spending a relatively leisurely winter and early spring luxuriating in warm tropical climates, they migrate north for a brief but highly eventful summer in North America, during which they must complete three energetically demanding and time - consuming tasks: (1) they must build nests, lay eggs, and provide for their offspring until the young reach independence, (2) they must completely replace all the feathers in their plumage as part of the annual molt, and (3) they must prepare for the fall southward migration by eating prodigiously and storing the body fat that will fuel their long - distance flights.
Now a team of scientists has shown that even cells in the skeleton — which we commonly think of as mere scaffolding — exude a hormone that helps the body store fat and regulate sugar levels in the blood.
In the fruit fly, the gene is active in fat bodieswhich function as the liver in insects — as well as the midgut, antennae, and cells called oenocytes, which appear to store glycogen.
Heightened cortisol prompts the body to store more fat and be more inclined to use other soft tissue, such as muscle, as energy, which means that sleep - deprived dieters lose more muscle and gain more fat than do those who are well rested.
RIPK1, the researchers found, inflicts damage by directly attacking the body's myelin production plants — nerve cells known as oligodendrocytes, which secrete the soft substance, rich in fat and protein that wraps around axons to support their function and shield them from damage.
This diet dumps more calories into the moths» fat bodies, which the parasites gobble up, emerging (pictured) much bigger as a result.
Also, when pregnant mice were exposed to tributyltin, which is no longer licensed for use as a fungicide, their children and grandchildren who weren't exposed had increased body fat, according to a new study from the University of California, Irvine.
The data support the so - called thermoregulatory theory, which proposes that BMI is positively associated with VMS because body - fat tissue acts as a strong heat insulator.
The understanding of other groups may indicate new directions for research such as the identification of change in body fat distribution, which seems to apply cross-culturally, and its relationship with the local understanding of menopause and its population - specific chronic disease risk.
The circumstances of ecstasy use increase the risk as the drug is popular in crowded clubs where people can easily become dehydrated by dancing and alcohol use; and a high - fat diet appears to raise blood levels of fatty acids which can impede body temperature regulation.
Similar increases in CVD risk were seen when the researchers looked at waist - to - hip and waist - to - height ratios and percentage body fat mass — all of which are considered reliable ways to accurately gauge the amount of fat a person carries, also known as adiposity.
Carrying excess body fat can change the levels of sex hormones, such as oestrogen and testosterone, can cause levels of insulin to rise, and lead to inflammation, all of which are factors that have been associated with increased cancer risk.
This may be associated with sex hormones and their receptors, different body fat distribution and related biomarkers, such as higher adiponectin, which are discussed earlier.
Researchers believe these people possessed what's known as a «thrifty gene,» which helped their bodies store fat for endurance.
As we expected, phospho - AKT level was reduced in wing discs from larvae in which both GBP1 and GBP2 were knocked down in the fat body (Fig 5C — 5E) and in wing discs from the gbp1, gbp2 null mutant larvae (Fig 5F — 5H).
In a second pathway that was identified in adults, Unpaired - 2 (Upd2), which is a functional analogue of leptin, was identified as another fat body - derived growth regulator [9].
In a particularly cruel twist, the body regards excess fat consumption as stressful and releases even more FKBP51, which exacerbates the problem.
«This is an important study as it helps us to understand how the increase in inflammation in the body with age, termed «inflammageing», may contribute to the accumulation of fat in body tissues, which in turn increases risk of age - related diseases.
And as they gain weight rapidly to «catch up» with their peers, they often accumulate excess body fat, which can lead to heart disease down the road.
They have a precisely calculated amount of carbs, as well as healthy fats and proteins, which will make sure that your body keeps running as efficiently as possible to get the job done.
And when they're consumed, they are immediately sent to the liver, which creates a thermogenic process which fires up the metabolism, which in turn allows the body to use the medium - chain triglycerides as a form of direct energy instead of depositing them as fat tissue.
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