Sentences with phrase «as boneheaded»

Sometimes that seems accurate enough (going all the way back to the win for Citizen Kane, which lost Best Picture to How Green Was My Valley), but just as often, you'll find Screenplay picks that are just as boneheaded as any other Oscar win.
The middle act of «Django» sags a bit, especially in scenes that either go on too long or never should have been included in the first place (such as a boneheaded bit with a cameo by Jonah Hill that only serves to remind one of the Mike Myers scene in «Basterds,» another misjudgment from an otherwise smart filmmaker).
«Maybe this, at the end of the day, might provide an opportunity for them to clean up this plan and to get rid what can only be described as a boneheaded idea,» said Town Supervisor Scott Russell.

Not exact matches

He referred to one analyst's query as a «boring bonehead» question, said the «dry» discussion was «killing» him and then had a lengthy exchange with a Tesla shareholder and blogger on several topics, despite Tesla's normal rule of allowing only one question per person.
Krugman recently called Hassett's corporate tax analysis «boneheaded,» and Summers, who led the Treasury under the Clinton administration, tweeted «I no longer take CEA Chair Kevin Hassett seriously as an economic thinker...»
That trend will continue in 2014, as wealthy tech - age winners expand their boneheaded, egomaniacal reign in San Francisco and beyond.
Will go down as one of the most boneheaded geopolitical blunders of history.
And none of the nonsense you posted poses a grave threat to the health and safety of the population as a whole, you bonehead.
Also when you look at last years positive base running numbers it's largely a result of just a few players being very good; Gardner, Ellsbury, Hicks, Torreyes, and as we've seen Gardner and Torreyes (and Didi) are prone to some boneheaded decisions at times on the bases.
Mike Tirico said it best: «There have been more bizarre, bad, bonehead decisions by Stefan Logan as a returner than I have seen by anyone else as a returner this year.»
Would vote for it as save of the year if not for the 2 seconds before it... maybe best recovery after a bonehead play of the year?
Mike Tirico said it best: «There have been more bizarre, bad, bonehead decisions by Stefan Logan as a returner than I...
Not long ago he shared a cautionary tale from the work of Chuck Brodsky, whose 2002 album The Baseball Ballads includes the story of Fred (Bonehead) Merkle, who cost the 1908 Giants a chance to win the pennant when as a base runner he failed to tag second base on what would have been a walk - off single.
Not since Presidential frontrunner Gary Hart challenged reporters to follow him around to prove he was faithful to his wife (they did, he wasn't), has a politician made such a bonehead move as George Latimer did by introducing the issue of his widely known history of philandering into the County Executive race with three weeks to go.
He thanked everyone he had ever worked with as well as «the boneheads, philistines and skinflints who said no» when asked for money.
Darren Aronofsky's cinema of excess, in which sensation often trumps logic, coherence, or taste, is spoken of by detractors as catastrophically boneheaded and by partisans as thrillingly physical.
Yet, with his typical dry sense of humour, he also thanked those who had not describing them as «boneheads, Philistines and skinflints», who could all «rot in hell».
Despite the absence of stakes involved in the bet, while pursuing their relationships, each of the three keeps that fact hidden from one another, which results in a few hackneyed contrivances that threaten their relationships, culminating in Jason's boneheaded decision to skip the funeral of his girlfriend's father, so as not to appear that he's in a relationship.
Had I not changed schools in the eighth grade, I would have been in what were euphemistically referred to as «bonehead» courses back in the 70s.
The Latin term pro bono, as most attorneys will attest, roughly translated means for boneheads and applies to work done without charge.
The hobby of old - time radio show collecting is well on the way out because of this, as a couple of bonehead companies are claiming copyrights to a whole mess of popular and pivotal programs, forcing all the previously free sources to withdraw them from circulation, since no one has the dosh to fight over things in court.
At the core of it all, the design of the PlayBook as a BlackBerry - dependent device was simply a boneheaded decision by executives who hoped a hit product might entice more BlackBerry sales.
Since, I've watched as their business has hit the skids, for the reasons you outlined (very well) plus making some boneheaded moves with the streaming vs. mailing fiasco.
As I noted in my publishers letter this month, this article, originally published in May, contained a substantial and utterly boneheaded mathematical error.
If nothing else, starting your investment decisions with an asset allocation model can help you avoid some bonehead mistakes such as:
In fact, this is boneheaded math and should not be included as a perk of the credit card.
Additionally, a rewind function known as Flashbacks, similar to the mechanic established in Grid, allows players to avoid making bonehead mistakes by rewinding a limited amount after a crash or a spin - out in order to take a better, smarter line.
It isn't hard to find examples, but here are 10 corporate calls that we can look back on as especially greedy, crappy, or just plain boneheaded.
They see it as implying the boneheaded statements and outright lies are still viable since nobody actually said they were boneheaded and full of lies.
I've argued before cantankerous judges who almost seem as if they are looking for an opportunity to snap at the first attorney to make a boneheaded move in their department.
And for many who are prone to making some of the bonehead moves listed below, there's also no such thing as a low auto insurance quote.
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