Sentences with phrase «as both paths lead»

Curtis and Andy go over their research to determine if it's true, even as every path leads to more unanswered questions.
Nothing wrong with the idea so long as both paths lead to a credible certification.
There is no «wrong way» to go in Dark Souls, as every path leads to a place you need to be, and then as you progress you will open shortcuts which allow much easier traversal of areas, and removes the fear of having to run past hard - hitting enemies to reach another bonfire.
But first there's a casual space dubbed the forum that cascades down, long wood stairs doubling as benches designed with an eye to events but also as a path leading to subterranean galleries.

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2013 EPS: $ — , «This path leads to very sluggish GDP, on the border of a recession, and an accompanying weak earnings picture as well.»
Yet, viewing life as always being difficult and expecting the worse will only lead you down the path to greater despair.
Antony says perfectionists will often only see one possible solution as the right one, even though there may be many paths that lead to the same outcome.
Poloz answered questions from MPs as he presented his economic outlook and envisioned a sequence of events that would lead the country on a path to further prosperity.
Today that path runs through Salesforce, where Stevenson works for Prophet as a program coordinator — and recently showed his poise by leading a panel discussion in front of the Congressional Black Caucus.
I am eternally grateful that I decided to follow his advice, because I can clearly trace the path from university to my current role as CEO and co-founder of Wealthsimple, Canada's leading online investing service.
As an entrepreneur, feedback from your employees allows you to grow as a founder and lead your company down a successful patAs an entrepreneur, feedback from your employees allows you to grow as a founder and lead your company down a successful patas a founder and lead your company down a successful path.
Social networking sites and services such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have followed the same path to the business world that blogs did only a couple years ago: They're all online hangouts that evolved into sophisticated branding, lead generation and sales tools for business.
While the successor's curse might lead us to believe that being born into an iconic family such as the Murdoch's means that one can never achieve success in his own right, there are paths out of a parent's shadow that a successor must take.
While other bots in Messenger — such as Disney's Miss Piggy — can have free - form conversations that lead down any number of paths, 1 - 800 Flowers keeps it linear.
And as a franchisee, CMIT Solutions helps to clear a path that can lead directly to the fulfillment of your entrepreneurial dreams.
Herein lies the rub: Marketers have an enormous opportunity to serve as guides for potential customers, to provide a path for exploration that leads them to the most optimal solution.
But there's another advantage for outsiders working with Alibaba Pictures: Alibaba's ecosystem of online shopping websites, entertainment websites, social media and mobile apps serve as publicity platforms along a vertical path that leads from pre-production to premiere to post-theatrical release.
What started as a hunt for a healthy breakfast for their diabetic daughter led Hennie Bos and Tinie Eilers down an unexpected career path.
Sharing your second home with others as a vacation rental is a path that can lead to great investment returns and maybe even a few new friends.
It's not that I doubt that I am on the right path, it's more that I'm confident that God will lead me to make the necessary course adjustments as I continue to grow in Him.
Surely he would as well come to explain that he was no Son of God or God and lead his people to the true path... guess he will kill those rejecting his directions of belief...
I read it as an unintentional cri du coeur: a confession of catechetical disaster and pastoral failure on a nationwide scale, to which the German episcopate has no response save to urge others down the path that has led Catholicism in Germany into profound incoherence.
As I said to a sibling, if my view is wrong in the eyes of god, then at least god knows every step of the path that led me to what I believe, and it comes down to being answerable only to god, if the Christian orthodox have it «right».
We not only want to know where the path is but where it leads as well.
If China continues to move on a progressive path toward reality they will overtake the USA as the leading superpower.
In my opinion, this advice here appears to be leading people on a path to reject God's Truth, and is also teaching that He applauds them when they assess the words of the prophets as delusional.
If I was living on the wrong path leading to death with all the dumb things I was doing like listening to bad music, goofing around in class, cussing, acting like I was a gangster, wanting to try drugs, being suicidal and being around with close friends that are doing the bad then he can change you too because, I tell you that if you think that your life will go for the worst if you accept them then you're wrong because, if you have faith in him and you accept him as your savior and follow his ways then he has your road all planned out, he's going to give you such blessings and a happiness and love that compares to none others.
But it is our job as pastors to help lead people to the path that will get them in.
I think I agree with the conclusion and would in some way renovate the path to get there — because as a Christian, I think all other paths to God lead to God - in - his - wrath and not to God - in - His - eternal - love.
He knows that, with his unsettled emotional state, he can never go back to that comfortable place where he once was, and at the same time, he feels that the path he is following will lead to a place that will not, or can not offer those safe, sheltered feelings he once experienced as a believer, but, he still believes in (or still wants to believe in) God, Jesus, etc, etc..
Then the psychedelic path will lead over the bridge of cybernation; and with Herbert Marcuse as guru emeritus, Norman O. Brown as classicist in residence, and William F. Buckley, Jr., as anti-utopian court jester, we will establish the new - consciousness Camelot, telling the little ones tales of old Greenwich Village, the Haight, Millbrook, the Peanut Butter Conspiracy, of all the lotus - eating cadres of the leisure class....
If his stories might be considered simply a retelling of the story of salvation, as some have suggested, might he be attempting to lead the reader along the path to some sort of «spiritual» experience?
As long as the fulfillment of desire is the criterion of human good, mankind follows a path of certain futility, for each craving supplied leads only to a new and larger demanAs long as the fulfillment of desire is the criterion of human good, mankind follows a path of certain futility, for each craving supplied leads only to a new and larger demanas the fulfillment of desire is the criterion of human good, mankind follows a path of certain futility, for each craving supplied leads only to a new and larger demand.
We must adopt the critical approach and seek reality, here as well, by asking ourselves what human relation to real events this could have been which led gradually, along many by - paths and by way of many metamorphoses, from mouth to ear, from one memory to another, and from dream to dream, until it grew into the written account we have read.
Here, as Fowden says, was a path out of antiquity that did not lead to the Renaissance.The second commonwealth arose from the disintegration of the Islamic caliphate in the middle of the ninth century.
Justice Scalia has found his own, distinct touch as a jurist in offering the concrete example that illuminates the jural landscape; and in this case, he marked out with a chilling precision the path that leads out from Romer.
I regret is that I didn't realize what was happening to me sooner and do the research sooner to understand my experiences (at one point I thought that I needed an exorcism) as these adverse experiences led me down a path that has created much delusion, confusion, instability and loss of control of my life.
Two other examples were Matteo Ricci (1552 - 1610), who adopted the opposite path to de Nobili by assimilating into upper - class Chinese society during the Ming dynasty, coming to China in 1580, eventually undergoing a profound cultural transformation as a Confucian scholar; and Charles de Foucauld, who served in the French army in the Algerian war where he witnessed moving scenes of Muslim personal piety, leading him to regain his own Christian faith, and becoming in everything a Tuareg Bedouin nomad.
Understanding God as «roomy» can lead us down two paths, one irenic and the other acerbic.
Man as we know him today, man of metaphysics, of abstract thought, the creator of his own environment, the space - traveller, the moulder of himself, the man of God and of grace and of the promise of eternal life, precisely this man who is radically distinct from any animal and who at the moment of man's origin, though perhaps very slowly, took a path which led him so far away from all that is merely animal, yet in such a fashion that he carried with him the whole inheritance of his biological pre-history into these realms of his existence remote from the animals, was there when man began to exist.18 And what now is historically and externally manifest, was then present as a task and as an active potentiality.
As we all seek God's Will and plan for our paths, we must seek to be led by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16) and not by our personal agendas.
Yet breaking down all barriers to trade is often presented as the path that leads to success.
This was just the beginning of my path to that has led me toaccept Yeshua as my creator and Lord.
God knows what leads down the paths we choose, but God does not know our choices in advance because they are undefinable as they are infinite in essence.
Im also sorry your grasp on concepts and blind acceptance of them as truth has apparently led you down a confusing path.
It was no charmed path leading him through Gethsemane to Golgotha, but a brutal and savage barrage of barbarity that would have been as terrifying as it was painful, as humiliating as it was unrelenting.
I think a major problem with many churches nowadays is that they are so stuck in their ways that they fail to even desire to start thinking about the Bible with as much objectivity as they can muster — such an approach might lead them down a path that doesn't follow age - old traditions.
But as I started down the tiny path through the trees which leads to the rock, I felt that something was wrong.
As it states in the Bible, the only way to get to Heaven is through Christ, and that path is indeed narrow, but wide is the road that leads to destruction.
We love the church and want to see everybody grow in love and unity with one another as we develop understanding about the various paths Jesus has led each of us down.
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