Sentences with phrase «as bullying prevention»

target specific goals, such as bullying prevention; academic achievement and positive adjustment to school; conflict resolution; alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention; character development; social and emotional learning; and more
In addition to student voice, this issue explores student - centered topics such as bullying prevention, student - led conferences, character education programs, and homework alternatives.
Family education programs: Films, speakers or discussions for parents and guardians on topics such as bullying prevention, identity development, racial identity, gender expression, sexuality, learning differences or family diversity.
Senior Lecturer Richard Weissbourd, Ed.D.» 87, and Associate Professor Stephanie Jones co-direct the project, which uses original research to offer resources for educators, parents, and caretakers, such as a bullying prevention toolkit and steps that can be taken to create a culture of caring and respect in schools.
Climb Theatre Climb produces original plays and classes for K - 12 grades on a variety of character development topics, such as bully prevention, responsibility, social skills, and acceptance of differences.
She is a well - known speaker and program leader on subjects such as bully prevention, Internet safety, sexual harassment, date rape and child abuse.

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The parent's role in bullying prevention becomes a lot less mysterious if you understand it as an outcome of basic, healthy parenting.
Burkhart explains that the bullying prevention training is just as important as any other training coaches and board members have to take.
Changes the league will implement for the 2015 season by using NAYS programs and resources include requiring all volunteer coaches to complete training through the National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA), as well as the NAYS bullying and concussion prevention trainings.
Because this is such an important subject, we have created optional bullying prevention training courses for NAYS Coaches and NAYS Parents as a supplement to the information they received during their training.
Kathryn facilitated hundreds of workshops to preschool through high school aged students, teachers, and parents around the topics of sexual assault prevention, bullying, and stranger awareness, and became certified as a National Trainer for the Child Assault Prevention Program.
Featuring tweens talking to tweens, this colorful booklet gives kids the opportunity to collect «Big Bonus Points» and stay away from «Big Damage Points» as they work through bullying - prevention activities.
The money will be used to create community workshops on bullying prevention, provide more funding for student clubs such as Gender and Sexuality Alliances, expand mental health training, and create a «bullying complaint portal» for families that is expected to launch in 2019 to report incidents.
The contributions will benefit such things as services and education regarding obesity, mental health, STDs, bullying, pregnancy prevention and drug abuse, and efforts to keep students in school and seniors in their homes.
«Any bullying prevention and intervention still needs to be primarily directed at combatting traditional bullying while considering cyberbullying as an extension that reaches victims outside the school gate and 24/7.»
«Among youth, suicide ranks high as a cause of death, and is often preceded by childhood trauma, bullying or other abuse,» he said, calling prevention of child maltreatment essential.
Schools» successful efforts in prevention and management of overt bullying may result in increases in covert bullying (including cyberbullying), as young people find alternative means to bully, new technologies emerge and where policy development and management strategies lag behind.
Bullying is no longer seen as the norm in the school or the community at large, and prevention has become the name of the game.
Connect to mandates such as whole child, bullying prevention and response, discipline and codes of conduct, substance abuse, comprehensive school health, and positive school culture and climate.
Using a federal grant from the Safe Schools / Healthy Students Initiative, the school implemented the Second Step violence - prevention program, which includes bullying intervention as a key component.
My Dateline specials (on mobilizing student bystanders), keynotes and articles on bullying prevention and cultivating student empathy are available on my website: as well as how to contact me.
Following the 2012 enactment of a landmark bullying prevention law, Washington, D.C., has taken a more comprehensive approach to youth bullying than many other cities — an approach that sees prevention as not solely the responsibility of teachers or parents, but as a citywide mandate with shared responsibilities.
Program staff coordinates high - level trainings, advises stakeholders as they develop curriculum, and evaluates existing initiatives aimed at bullying prevention.
Motivational Speaker Dr. Borba has presented keynote addresses throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the South Pacific and has served as a consultant to hundreds of schools, parent organizations, and corporations on bullying prevention, character education, and raising strong, caring kids.
Research indicates that schools can cut bullying by as much as 50 percent with a comprehensive school - wide prevention program.
As a school psychologist, researcher and evaluator, her primary areas of focus have included social and emotional learning, bullying prevention, classroom management, and behavior management.
For example, if students report that they feel unsafe and bullied in school, school communities can use this information as a wonderful springboard for discussion and planning to support effective bully prevention efforts.
The toolkit can be used in coordination with a bullying prevention event in the school or community, such as a «Run, Walk, Roll Against Bullying,» school open house, or parent teacher confbullying prevention event in the school or community, such as a «Run, Walk, Roll Against Bullying,» school open house, or parent teacher confBullying,» school open house, or parent teacher conferences.
They conduct research on youth violence prevention and school safety, and provide training and consultation on topics such as threat assessment, bullying prevention, and forensic psychology.
Our YCW School Coordinators, who are certified as crime prevention practitioners, conduct more than 300 presentations per school year at the Miami - Dade County Public Schools on: YCW orientations, YCW installation, YCW appreciation, reporting crimes, school safety, school violence prevention, bullying & cyberbullying prevention, sexting prevention, stranger danger, personal safety, drug prevention, gun prevention, character education, online safety, anger management, McGruff, and much more.
SEATTLE — Schools using a bullying prevention program saw significantly less physical bullying and fewer teachers reporting fighting as a big program, according to a University of Washington study to be released this week.
Embedded within the units are topics such as friendship building and how to be assertive, which are also key skills in bullying prevention.
As educators, we know that most schools have, with great intentions, tried some form of a bully prevention program.
Bullying prevention programs emphasize respect, compassion and peaceful conflict resolution as strategies for reducing bBullying prevention programs emphasize respect, compassion and peaceful conflict resolution as strategies for reducing bullyingbullying.
For example, Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants support staff training around issues such as social and emotional learning, suicide prevention, conflict resolution, violence prevention, drug abuse prevention, bullying and harassment prevention, and screening for mental health issues.
The IEP can be a helpful tool as part of a bullying prevention plan.
She works on state - and national - level youth initiatives, serving on the Washington State legislative anti-bullying work group and advising organizations such as Sesame Workshop and the Born This Way Foundation on bullying prevention and social - emotional learning.
Social and emotional learning featured prominently in the act, which defined safe and supportive schools as those that ``... foster a safe, positive, healthy and inclusive whole - school learning environment that (i) enable students to develop positive relationships with adults and peers, regulate their emotions and behavior, achieve academic and non-academic success in school and maintain physical and psychological health and well - being and (ii) integrate services and align initiatives that promote students» behavioral health, including social and emotional learning, bullying prevention, trauma sensitivity, dropout prevention, truancy reduction, children's mental health, foster care and homeless youth education, inclusion of students with disabilities, positive behavioral approaches that reduce suspensions and expulsions and other similar initiatives.»
As a parent, you can become involved in this issue at the school or on a community level by educating and raising awareness about bullying prevention.
This training will provide in - depth examination of bullying prevention best practices designed to improve overall school climate with a focus on the vital role adults play in preventing and responding to school based acts of bullying — an overview of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Training will be provided as one example of a research based bullying prevention training designed to reduce bullying behaviors and improve school bullying prevention best practices designed to improve overall school climate with a focus on the vital role adults play in preventing and responding to school based acts of bullying — an overview of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Training will be provided as one example of a research based bullying prevention training designed to reduce bullying behaviors and improve school bullying — an overview of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Training will be provided as one example of a research based bullying prevention training designed to reduce bullying behaviors and improve school Bullying Prevention Training will be provided as one example of a research based bullying prevention training designed to reduce bullying behaviors and improve school bullying prevention training designed to reduce bullying behaviors and improve school bullying behaviors and improve school climate.
Psychological safety provides for the social - emotional well being of students and works to create positive school climates through measures such as asset development, bullying prevention, Positive Behavior Supports, and early identification and intervention for at - risk students.
As educators, we have heard a great deal about the importance of bullying prevention and intervention during the school day and the out - of - school time (OST) setting.
Topics in this issue will address student wellness and social - emotional learning, as well as bullying and violence prevention, school security, and responding to a crisis.
The U.S. Education Department's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released the letter as part of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month — see all of the OCR's bullying prevention gBullying Prevention Awareness Month — see all of the OCR's bullying prevention gbullying prevention guidance.
Sixty - five percent of the schools had some bullying prevention program, presumably as reported by the students from within those schools.
This was picked up by the media and shared widely as evidence that bullying prevention programs do not work.
The larger bullying prevention field has appeared to shift away from targeting bullies, and bullying behavior, toward improving the overall school climate of the school, as Twemlow advocates.
She has presented keynote addresses throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the South Pacific and has served as a consultant to hundreds of schools, parent organizations, and corporations on bullying prevention, character education, and raising strong, caring kids.
This includes identifying and addressing the impacts of racism on children and young in other national initiatives and inquiries such as those focused on suicidal behaviour and self - harm, bullying, and access to mental health prevention and care services..
Social and emotional learning featured prominently in the act, which defined safe and supportive schools as those that ``... foster a safe, positive, healthy and inclusive whole - school learning environment that (i) enable students to develop positive relationships with adults and peers, regulate their emotions and behavior, achieve academic and non-academic success in school and maintain physical and psychological health and well - being and (ii) integrate services and align initiatives that promote students» behavioral health, including social and emotional learning, bullying prevention, trauma sensitivity, dropout prevention, truancy reduction, children's mental health, foster care and homeless youth education, inclusion of students with disabilities, positive behavioral approaches that reduce suspensions and expulsions and other similar initiatives.»
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