Sentences with phrase «as careless»

Even worse, the employer might view you as careless or — if you leave out your name or contact information — he or she might not have a way to contact you to offer you the job.
But don't just slap on any old picture; a bad choice can come across as careless or immature.
Otherwise, you come across as careless and most employers don't want to hire careless people.
Although it may be a small, uncommon mistake on your part, recruiters see it far too often and will immediately view your resume as careless and unprofessional.
So, you should take adequate care while preparing the resume as any error may lead to your been perceived as careless and inattentive.
Why it Matters: Typos brand the job searcher as a careless person who didn't take the time to proofread her resume and cover letter.
Recruiters will see you as careless if your letter is rife with spelling errors and typos; why would you want them to think that over something completely avoidable?
Admittedly, we don't have a young child but as careless young adults we also greatly appreciated it.
Other violations may be deemed as careless driving as well.
Most traffic infractions, such as careless driving and speeding, can be handled without going to course, saving you time, money and points on your driving record.
Most civil infractions, such as careless driving or speeding can be dealt with outside of the court room, which will keep the points off your license and save you time and money.
As a driver, you likely recognize that many factors can contribute to an accident occurring, such as careless drivers, road conditions, and vehicle malfunctions.
Most first - time civil infractions, such as careless driving or speeding, can be handled without going to court, which saves you time, money and keeps points off your driving record.
Most first - time offenses considered to be civil infractions, such as careless driving or speeding, can be handled outside of the court, which will save you time, money and keep points off your driving record.
Most offenses considered to be civil infractions, such as careless driving or speeding, can be handled without going to court.
However, there were many other reasons that people were pulled over too, such as careless driving, running red lights, passing school buses, drunk driving... the list goes on!
The ban, set to go into effect Oct. 1, will make texting while driving a secondary offense, meaning a police officer would need to pull a driver over for some other violation, such as careless driving, in order to write a texting ticket.
If you receive a civil traffic infraction such as careless driving or speeding, you must notify the clerk within 30 days of receiving the citation that you will either: pay the fine, plead not guilty, or elect to attend traffic school which will prevent points from being assessed against your license.
Infractions such as careless driving, failure to stop and driving more than 30 miles - an - hour over the speed limit can cause a hike of about 15 percent in your insurance rates, Lauderdale said.
However, some clients are charged for driving offences under the Highway Traffic Act, such as Careless Driving.
What is important to remember is that a person can be charged with a firearms offence related to the legal ownership of a firearm that fails to meet the requirements of the Act, such as careless use of a firearm or possession of a firearm knowing its possession is unauthorized.
The man was also charged with spousal assault, as well as careless storage of a firearm.
Even if you have been charged with an offence under the Highway Traffic Act, such as careless driving or driving with a suspended licence, it is critical to get legal advice before making a decision.
Secondly, and once disclosure is complete and reviewed, you can either plead guilty to the original charge (if this is the only option, the Crown is not willing to negotiate anything better and the case against you is strong upon reviewing disclosure) OR plead guilty to something better that Michael was able to negotiate for you (such as a careless driving charge under the Highway Traffic Act).
However, the surcharge can be increased up to 250 % if the individual is a repeat offender or if there was multiple convictions relating to the same incident (such as careless driving).
Offenses such as careless driving, failure to observe a traffic signal or stop sign, and leaving the scene of an accident with property damage all carry 2 points.
His powerful and provocative anti-war installation This is Not a Game was positioned across two different sites with a commentary that observed, «Leaders of the world use their armies as if they were some private little toy they can commandeer and destroy as a careless kid would».
A sneak peak revealed an Android tablet with a firm silicone jacket (designers say they have to expect pupils to be as careless with the tablets as they are with traditional textbooks).
But for my money, the film belongs to gorgeous Liv Tyler and Renee Zellwegger as, respectively, apple pie girl - next - door Corey who's tired to be the good girl and Gina, a wrong - side - of - the - tacks slut who's not as careless as she seems to be.
I'm bumping it up with minor edits because Stardew Valley just came out on Switch, and I'm determined not to be as careless with my heart this time around.
You can no longer be as careless as you once used to be.
The governor admonished the citizens, especially the youth to shun the use of fireworks and explosives, as well as careless handling of combustible materials to guard against destruction of lives and property.
He described the comments by the president as careless and an affront to democracy when he as the Commander - in - Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces should have known better.
If case - handling is seen as careless, unfair or inconsistent, such perceptions are likely to be reflected in an increase of such complaints and challenges.
Fortunately, even though his teacher was «warned» about his behavior, she did not see him as careless and irresponsible.
What I do know is that I've been tossing money into some promising altcoins at a rate that could be described as careless, cavalier, or... genius?
I agree that polemicists in the culture wars are often as careless with historical facts and epidemiological data about children as they are with facts generally.

Not exact matches

July 5, 2016: He holds news conference to announce that «no reasonable prosecutor» would bring criminal charges against Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, over her email practices as secretary of state, but criticizes Clinton and her staff for being «extremely careless» in their handling of classified material.
Although there are many victims of cyber attacks, Sony's name may become synonymous with corporate losses and embarrassment from careless emails and protection of data as was the case for Target.
A careless reader might miss it altogether, or choose to gloss over it, as its author surely does.
If your e-mail is scattered, disorganized, and filled with mistakes, the recipient will be inclined to think of you as a scattered, careless, and disorganized businessperson.
Aside from standard features such as adaptive cruise control, Volvo's technology was crafted so that both cyclists and careless pedestrians are detected when they suddenly jump in front of the car.
Then there was the careless phase, where people saw data rights or privacy as either unimportant or an acceptable price of entry to all the good, free stuff.
It should be clear that the run to the 2000 stock market peak represented terribly careless investor behavior, as the S&P 500 was driven to a duration over over 90 years.
Comey recommended no criminal charges to the Justice Department in the Clinton email probe, instead reprimanding the former secretary of state as «extremely careless
Since the symptoms include such items as, «often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork» it's surprising that every child in the country isn't diagnosed as having the disorder.
I can recognize his logic, an anti-capitalist logic, as a Christian logic; and so I can acknowledge it as my own logic, too, and acknowledge responsibility for such careless exposition as allowed that logic to feed unthinking prejudices.
The tearing of the robe from His back, just like the careless removal of a surgical bandage from a wound, causes excruciating pain as wounds reopen and more flesh is torn from His back.
I may not like many of Obama's policies and failed promises - actually, I do not and I did not vote for him - but I hold him in very high regard as a man who tends to speak well of other people (yes, he's said some careless things occasionally, but only occasionally), who clearly loves and respects his family, who tries to take the high road in dealings with others.
We might as well expect public schools for the indigent to weaken the standard of private education among the wealthy; or asylums for the deaf and blind, to make Possessors of perfect eyes and ears careless of their safety and indifferent to their preservation; or humanity towards the aged and the suffering to promote idleness and improvidence among the young and healthy... as to imagine that asylums for inebriates will promote and increase drunkenness.
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