Sentences with phrase «as cell cultures»

The Cell - IQ system utilizes machine vision approaches that allow monitoring and analysis of objects such as cell cultures without indicator labels.

Not exact matches

One habit of Prince's they told me about struck me as so counter to our times that I came to see it as illustrating what set him apart from today's culture of celebrity: he allowed no one near him to use a cell phone.
Based on a 3D image such as an MRI scan, Aspect's machine builds relatively complex organic structures out of a «hydrogel» embedded within cells taken from the body and grown in a cell culture.
Some reports, such as the Open Philanthropy Project's Animal Product Alternatives report and Van der Weele & Tramper (2014) suggest it is unlikely that cultured meats will become cost - competitive with conventional meat.98, 99 One important contributing factor in this conclusion, which is cited in these reports, is the minimum costs of the growth medium necessary for culturing the desired cells.
In fact, these dead starter culture cells and debris are an important food source for subsequent generations of microbes, referred to as non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB).
While some still object to cells being taken from animals and used by scientists to grow clean meat in laboratories — and some just don't like the idea of eating a «cultured» steak created by men and women in white coats — others see the lab - grown meat revolution as key to solving the environmental crisis linked to meat eating.
Ohly offers a wide range of products such as yeast extracts, inactive dry yeast, special vitamin yeast, yeast cell wall derivatives, medical yeast and autolysed yeast, based on bakers and / or Torula yeast, as well as wine yeast, specialty powders and starter cultures.
The team took small pieces of ear tissue from XXY and XYY mice, cultured them, and collected connective tissue cells known as fibroblasts.
This allowed them to track changes in calcium ion concentrations in the cells around wounds in living tissue (as opposed to the cell cultures used in many previous wound response studies) and to do so with an unprecedented, millisecond precision.
«The fact that a [cell] culture expresses most genes present in the brain says nothing about its appropriateness as a disease model,» says Knoblich.
This study identifies myomerger as a fundmentally required protein for muscle development using cell culture and laboratory mouse models.
When Gupta's team added salinomycin to cultured human breast - cancer cells, it was about 100 times as effective at killing the cancer stem cells as popular anti-cancer drug, paclitaxel.
When these cultured cells were exposed to an air / liquid interface in the laboratory, they stratified, generating what the authors referred to as a multi-layered, «skin - like organoid.»
Still, only a few dozen labs in the world are certified as BSL4 facilities; some are very small and only work on diagnostics, or cell cultures, or a single species of animals.
With our human gut - on - a-chip, we can not only culture the normal gut microbiome for extended times, but we can also analyze contributions of pathogens, immune cells, and vascular and lymphatic endothelium, as well as model specific diseases to understand complex pathophysiological responses of the intestinal tract.»
Potti and his colleagues began by testing chemotherapy drugs on cultured cell lines from human tumors, such as from the lung, breast, or ovary.
«If we win, the entire regulatory structure for autologous cell processing, with or without culture, will be rewritten such that any physician using good practices and treating patients responsibly can use stem cells as part of his or her medical practice,» he says.
To begin the research, the scientists screened human DIPG tumor cultures for surface molecules that could act as targets for CAR - T cells.
There will be several rounds of recruitment, and «specifically at this time, we are accepting applications for both junior / senior postdoctoral researchers and recent graduates wishing to enroll in our Ph.D. program as well as personnel with extensive expertise in cell culture and one expert in flow cytometry to fill in the position of manager of the flow - cytometry platform.»
«It might be possible to grow these cells in culture then bank them so that if or when the mother develops some disease later in life, such as diabetes, her cells may be defrosted and differentiated into pancreatic beta cells,» says Lyle Armstrong of Newcastle University, UK, although he too, cautions that more tests are needed to determine exactly what these cells are.
Although such harvested cells could be cultured as say, liver cells for treating hepatitis or dopamine - producing cells for Parkinson's, the resulting transplants would likely be rejected by patients» immune systems.
In experiments on cell cultures, both of these inhibitors succeeded in breaking various forms of the TKI resistance: including forms caused by additional mutations of the gene Bcr - Abl as well as those caused by large quantities of the protein Gab2.
As it can take weeks to grow human cells into intact differentiated and functional tissues within Organ Chips, such as those that mimic the lung and intestine, and researchers seek to understand how drugs, toxins or other perturbations alter tissue structure and function, the team at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering led by Donald Ingber has been searching for ways to non-invasively monitor the health and maturity of cells cultured within these microfluidic devices over extended timeAs it can take weeks to grow human cells into intact differentiated and functional tissues within Organ Chips, such as those that mimic the lung and intestine, and researchers seek to understand how drugs, toxins or other perturbations alter tissue structure and function, the team at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering led by Donald Ingber has been searching for ways to non-invasively monitor the health and maturity of cells cultured within these microfluidic devices over extended timeas those that mimic the lung and intestine, and researchers seek to understand how drugs, toxins or other perturbations alter tissue structure and function, the team at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering led by Donald Ingber has been searching for ways to non-invasively monitor the health and maturity of cells cultured within these microfluidic devices over extended times.
As a graduate student at Princeton University, Moshe Pritsker tried in vain to grow a culture of embryonic stem cells from instructions laid out in the methods section of a journal article.
Although the bulk of the commercial manufacturing uses cultures of bacteria, such as Escherichia coli or Chinese hamster ovary cells, a few biotech companies are trying to produce therapeutic proteins in the milk of transgenic mammals (such as GTC Biotherapeutics, which is using goats; PPL Therapeutics, which is using sheep; and BioProtein Technologies, which is working with rabbits), transgenic chicken eggs (such as Avigenics or Vivalis), or even in transgenic crops (such as ProdiGene or Meristem Therapeutics); but it is early days for these «pharming» methods.
The mutated, drug resistant H7N9 virus, however, was still able to infect cultured human cells and spread between laboratory animals as efficiently as nonmutated strains, researchers report December 10 in Nature Communications.
Indeed, after Siddle added a squirt of interferon - gamma — a chemical messenger that activates numerous genes involved in producing MHC antigens — to cells cultured from devil tumors, the MHC genes functioned normally again, and the tumor cells» identity cards showed up, plain as day.
In Europe and the United States, all kinds of cell preparations that are administered to patients following ex vivo culturing are classified as medicines, and monitored by drug agencies such as the US Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency and, in Italy, the Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco or AIFA.
«As a biologist, I needed simple yet tunable cell - culture gels that would give me a defined system to study metabolites in the laboratory.
It isn't clear exactly why the differences fade, Hochedlinger says, but it may be that the expression of embryonic genes is strengthened as the cells grow in culture, gradually overwriting the cells» old gene - expression patterns.
The new research, which studied the immortalization process using genome - engineered cells in culture and also tracked skin cells as they progressed from a mole into a malignant melanoma, suggests that telomerase plays a more complex role in cancer.
A human brain cell culture grown in vitro has spontaneously transformed, as determined by morphology, growth characteristics, and karyotype analysis.
In the lab, the herbicide 2,4 - dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (sold as weed killer and called 2,4 - D) can prompt cells in culture to elongate, build a new cell wall, and start dividing to form embryos.
In the study, the researchers show that after two to four weeks of 3 - D culture, the resulting muscle cells form muscle fibers that contract and react to external stimuli such as electrical pulses and biochemical signals mimicking neuronal inputs just like native muscle tissue.
They might be put to use right away to track cultures of immune cells as they migrate in response to chemical stimuli.
In a previous related study published in the Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, the same team of NTU scientists found that fish scale - derived collagen would induce human umbilical vein endothelial cells to express 2.5 times more of a specific type of collagen responsible for blood vessel formation, as compared to endothelial cells cultured on bovine collagen.
As a result, 3D cell culture systems have become a staple of cell biology.
To unravel the complex journey of the body's GPCRs, scientists used biophysical tools, including fluorescent biosensors; biochemical tools, such as cell signaling in neuronal cultures; as well as computational models.
Weinberg, who is also a professor of biology at MIT, says he has created cancer cells in culture by adding oncogenes — as, he stresses, have hundreds of others.
In addition to emphasizing the recruitment of graduate students, American universities have a number of on - campus service facilities such as modern research labs, well - stocked reagent rooms, and cell culture facilities.
Dendritic cells are too large to pass through the blood - brain barrier, which is one reason they have to be cultured with brain tumor cells outside the body, then injected back into the patient's skin as a vaccine.
Companies making high - content cell imaging equipment such as confocal microscopes and plate readers are now adding software tools to process images of 3D cell cultures.
We were able to use pharmaceuticals to induce cell self - eating effects and stimulate dedifferentiation though not as effectively as 3D culture, so we need to do more work on this.
The implications were hardly lost on the Bethesda crowd: If the virus was transmitted in cell cultures in Ruscetti's lab, it could also be contaminating the nation's blood supply as a result of blood donations from unknowingly infected donors.
It spurred the fastest growth of fibroblast cells, with 17 per cent more cells formed after six days as in a control culture.
Her team decided to try a cell - growing approach, called 3D cultures, that's been successful for other types of cells that need to form complex structures as they grow.
Moving forward, he was able to place these taste stem cells in a culture dish and prompt them to grow into the different mature taste cell types, thus creating a taste bud in a dish — scientifically known as taste organoids.
According to Spradling, these cells «likely arise by dedifferentiation in culture,» and «the same safety and reliability concerns would apply as to any laboratory - generated cell type that lacks a normal counterpart» in the body.
Working with cultures of respiratory tract cells, Elias's team found that the gene that codes for il - 6 is inactive unless a protein known as nf - kb (nuclear factor - kappa beta) attaches to the gene.
Their study, which appears as a letter in the Sept. 8 edition of Nature Medicine, expands on work published in April showing that a combination of ribavirin and interferon - alpha 2b stops MERS - CoV from replicating in cell culture.
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