Sentences with phrase «as children cry»

We can see Kimi Raikkonen's face right now, a portrait of joy and delight as he hides behind a microphone for 45 minutes as children cry at him for photo opportunities.
Worse yet is watching helplessly as your child cries while trying to expel an overly large, compacted stool caused by toddler constipation or fear of constipation (if they have had painful bowel movements in the past).
It's frustrating especially because you feel helpless as your child cries endlessly.
Julie, that is excellent advice.Also: Do not tease or laugh as your child cries, I can not think of how horribly that affects him.
Offer your warmth and support as the child cries, trembles, and struggles.
As your child cries or rages and you listen with care, the two of you together will drain that big hurt, and change your child's overall outlook on life and on his relationship with you.
The breaking point comes from a jarring disconnect between the comedic mishaps of five men unsure how to cut up a body while the same woman is shown dying of a heroin overdose in visceral detail as her child cries in horror to what they witness.
Ambient effects, such as children crying, disembodied whispers and the howling of the wind all work together to keep the player on the edge of their seat.
Lecturing on and on as the child cries and tried to hurt you will only escalate the tantrum.

Not exact matches

To help keep coping tools at the forefront, Sandberg and her children wrote down their «family rules,» such as «It's O.K. to be sad and to take a break from any activity to cry.
As we watch the videos of families crying in Florida we can not comprehend how those voted into power — who hold positions where they are able to create change — continually choose unrestricted gun rights over children's lives.
To read it from a survivor's standpoint, to feel the fear they must have felt hidden away, to hear the cries of their rescuer as the Nazi's beat him, trying to get him to say he had Jews he was hiding, to think of the rescuers children never saying a word, and being always vigilant... it is both heartwarming, and utterly heartbreaking at once.
After the Arab child was murdered they cried out in shared sorrow, grief, and pain against this horror, as did the Israeli Prime Minister and other government officials of note and eminence.
But, as someone once reminded me, when a child falls down and is hurt, he or she cries out, «Mommie!»
The media hounded Tim Farron for his Christian views; they did not regard it as acceptable for him to hold views other than those of the political elite, or the majority, Similarly, our belief in the personhood of the unborn child and the sanctity of their lives enables us to see abortion as a sin crying to heaven for justice, not merely some privately held opinion; for us it is most definitely not «a woman's choice».
Further, Tibbetts points out that the reticular formation is sensitive, in different people, to different stimuli, and can discriminate, «as in the case of the mother awakening when her child is crying, though the husband remains unaffected» (3:27).
The child may cry and scream because he / she doesn't understand why they can't do what they want, and have what they want, when they want it; but loving parents will endure the anger of the child in the short - term for the long - term benefit of a well - adjusted, healthy, wise and mature child as he / she grows.
Well, I guess if they are going to throw 4 gospels in the trash «coz the Jews cry about «The Blood Curse» and want to make believe to make it go away, might as well go around edit out anything else inconvenient... Yeah, let's get poor St Simon of Trent and throw that statue in the trash... It used to be «What PART of HIS BLOOD be upon us and our Children's Children's Children until the END of TIME don't you understand!?
And as the worshippers chant, «The voice of the coming of the Messiah is heard» maybe they could hear Jesus cry out in pain from being circumcised, and Joseph, lifting up Jesus in his arms and praying, «Our God and the God of our fathers, raise up this child to his father and mother, and let his name in Israel be called Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins» (Matt 1:21).
As children lost in a woods, are fearful of the sinister darkness — and then, suddenly, hearing a sound from the sombre blackness, a familiar voice, a loving, seeking, helping voice, their mother's voice — so prayer is our reply to the voice from the Word of God in Jesus Christ which suddenly cries out to us in the mysterious, dark universe.
My oldest daughter now 27 said she knew church was not for her because we spoke of god as wonderful, a god of love, joy and piece but as a child all she saw was sad people every Sunday, crying, and confessing Sunday after Sunday.
Like many of the children, she's alert to times when other children are too fragile to sustain the give - and - take of repartee; and when, as often happens at the after - school, one of the younger children suddenly begins to cry, or seems to be right at the precipice of tears, she switches gears almost immediately.
No, like a child in doubt and fear: But that blind clamor made me wise; Then was I as a child that cries, But crying knows his father near;
At his birth a human being enters on the scene of life, draws a breath of air, beginning the process of living with a cry of pain, pays the tribute of a tear to Nature, just tastes life's sorrows before any sweets have been his, and before his joints have consolidated, tender as he is, he dies, perhaps because he was left exposed as a newborn child, or because he has suffocated, or because some illness has suddenly put a stop to his life.
On a different note, Christian folksinger Bob Bennett scored a hit with a song he wrote for his children while going through a divorce: «There is no such thing as divorce between a father and his son / No matter what has happened, no matter what will be / There's no such thing as divorce between you and me... Sometimes I cry over the things I can't undo / And the words I never should have said in front of you / But I pray the good will somehow overcome the bad / And where I failed as a husband, I'll succeed as your dad.»
Unfortunately for you, it still comes off as a spoiled child crying when he doesn't get his way.
A child eho cries holding the picture of the mother, does that because she is thinking of her mother and the picture (as its name says) helps on that job.
Some people want to start their own businesses, some want to work with their hands all day, some want to knit and watch Wheel of Fortune, and I desperately want to be married and be a mom to a van full of children I'm convinced are demon - possessed as they scream and cry and smear paint on the walls.
Accepting the bible as inerrant requires me to believe in a God who chose genocide more than once, a god who in anger slaughtered a first born child for the sin of the father, a god who became weary of the cries for mercy and decided to slaughter thousands more of his «chosen» people simply to prove he could.
Thus, in the above case, the nonsocial nexus entertains the proposition «baby as crying» as a «tale» that might be told about the child, and this is for the parent a «lure» for feeling.»
We who sincerely desire to build up the culture of life, who seek to welcome children as the supreme blessing of marriage, we who worship God as the source of all life and declare ourselves to be his servants, we are not in the business of inviting pregnant women to cry on our shoulders.
Indeed, he creates a virtual phantasmagoria of suffering from actual instances of human barbarity that he has read about in Russian newspapers: Turkish soldiers cutting babies from their mother's wombs and throwing them in the air in order to impale them on their bayonets; enlightened parents stuffing their five - year - old daughter's mouth with excrement and locking her in a freezing privy all night for having wet the bed, while they themselves sleep soundly; Genevan Christians teaching a naive peasant to bless the good God even as the poor dolt is beheaded for thefts and murders that his ostensibly Christian society caused him to commit; a Russian general, offended at an eight - year - old boy for accidentally hurting the paw of the officer's dog, inciting his wolfhounds to tear the child to pieces; a lady and gentleman flogging their eight - year - old daughter with a birch - rod until she collapses while crying for mercy, «Papa, papa, dear papa.»
I couldn't force from my mind the haunting images of beautiful brown - skinned widows crying in agony as they clung to framed photos of their husbands and children, or the video footage of village after village lying in ruins from the unstoppable floods.
Fearful that she would again be mistreated, as having no son, she carried the dead child about upon her hip from house to house, crying, «Give me medicine for my baby.»
Twenty - five years ago, almost to the day, my family moved to a less cool part of New York City (I think that was my fault; there wasn't enough room anywhere in Greenwich Village, apparently, for a child who cried as loudly as I did).
(monster) the children cried as he walked by.»
@ Lord Moor, As a father I generally find that once children have had a good tantrum, and then cried into their pillow, that they calm down and become more positive.
People who are being referred to as CIO advocates are loving caring parents who have usually read lots of books and tried a myriad of things before allowing a child to cry.
(most of us) We turn to the ones who love us for support... as we should do for our children when they cry... WOW its a freakin miracle right?
As if the method is to let your child cry for 12 hours without any response!
As a pediatrician who was frustrated by how many parents failed to find help using CIO, I did extensive research and even have published an ebook about this important subject (When «Crying it Out» Doesn't Work, by Mary Kathleen Fay, M.D.) I think the fundamental problem is that for CIO to work, the child must be completely healthy and sleeping normally once they fall asleep.
Thus, lacking body mass, women made a virtue out of delicacy (often a rather steely delicacy); stuck with not just bearing but also raising the children, women promoted the sanctity of motherhood; deprived of upper - body strength, women made men carry things; afflicted by capricious hormonal fluctuations, women used crying as a form of interpersonal leverage; restricted from the public sphere, women commandeered domestic life; shut out of decent employment, gals adopted a «pay - to - play» strategy - men had to pay for sex, with dinners, rings, and homes.
She had such a wonderful experience that when I was pregnant with my second child, I decided to leave my new OB (even though she was a far cry better than my previous one) and have a midwife - attended home birth as well.
I have children as old as 15, and I can tell you none of them have cried longer than it ever took me to drop what I was doing to hold them.
However, I choose to see my child as a person whose needs matter, and who, if she is crying (really just communicating) requires my help to meet her needs - irrespective of the time of day or night.
Most of the so called «research» from the paper that you listed was done on children with colic and the effects of excessive crying as a result, or studies of babies who are never touched or held by their mothers.
There is no one «RIGHT» way to do things and letting children cry (within limits after their needs are met is NOT the same as abuse or abandonment as you are trying to make it out to be.
On the contrary, I stated that if my child was crying in a way that meant he would not be able to CIO, I would certainly do what I could to comfort him for as long as he needed.
I don't think I would ever feel comfortable allowing my child to cry it out in order for it to fall asleep, but when I think of this topic I always remember one story of someone I know of whose partner and himself co-slept as an entire family, and the children never wanted to stop co-sleeping.
The cry it out method is not an excuse to let your child scream it out, as.
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