Sentences with phrase «as civilizational»

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Thiel stated during the campaign that Trump offered a better hope of peace than Hillary Clinton, but Trump's closest adviser has said he expects to go to war with nuclear - armed China within a decade and envisions a civilizational clash with the entire Muslim world as well.
In Western Europe, the agitations of 1968 aimed to effect a deep rupture with the past, and if those who took to the Paris barricades failed politically, they succeeded culturally; the disspirited Western Europe that languishes in a crisis of civilizational morale today is a reflection of the exhausted politics of 1968» as Nicolas Sarkozy, Marcello Pera, Giuliano Ferrara, Joseph Ratzinger, and others have recognized.
Hindutva's defenders insist that, although reflective of Hindu belief and practice, theirs is in fact a broader «cultural» or «civilizational» ideology and should be viewed alongside other ideologies such as socialism and communism.
Within two and a half centuries, what began as a ragtag gang of nobodies from the civilizational outback had so transformed the Mediterranean world that the most powerful man in that world, the Roman emperor Constantine, joined the winning side.
The newspapers that reported on the WCC meeting were also discussing «Islam Hadhari» (roughly translated as «civilizational Islam»), the phrase the government has given to its vision of a modernized faith.
Genuine pluralism is a civilizational achievement: the achievement of what Murray called an «orderly conversation» — a conversation about personal goods and the common good, about the relationship between freedom and moral truth, about the virtues necessary to form the kind of citizens who can live their freedom in such a way as to make the machinery of democracy serve genuinely humanistic ends.
This kind of adversarial characterization of relations between states, whether framed in national or civilizational terms, misconstrues cultures and civilizations as insulated, isolated, monolithic entities, undervalues historical cultural sharing, and overemphasizes the conflictual nature of the international system.
In this case, the enduring refugee crisis prompts precisely the sort of civilizational clash that Huntington foresaw: lands, resources, and the loyalties of people are all likely to be violently competed for as one group appears to be threatened.
Recovering this common history helps us to go beyond cultural and civilizational stereotyping and to recognize conflict as contingent rather than inevitable.
As he clearly implies without however really stating it explicitly, the enemy is merely holding up a mirror to our own our own civilizational malaise.
Whatever cloud of civilizational angst hovers over us, she suggests, our lives as sentient, indulgent beings can't help but go on.
Thus although I believe strongly in thinking hard about our paleolithic roots as indicators of our mental and civilizational capabilities (see my most recent novel «Shaman») I also think we are changing culturally, and can now think on the scale of centuries, and plan and act accordingly as a civilization.
We know which economic indicators to watch for signs of an economic recession, such as declining industrial output, rising unemployment, or falling consumer confidence, but we do not follow a similar set of indicators that signal civilizational collapse.
The irony in hunter's comment is that the world will upturn on us as long as we continue on our current civilizational course.
(Fwiw, I define myself as more of a «lukewarmer» since I see reasons to be concerned about warming and climate issues, but I think the imminence and magnitude of any civilizational»em ergency» are being exaggerated in many quarters — I'm more of a «policy skeptic» about the steps being proposed, if you care).
He is equally scornful of the «dark green» eco neosurvivalists who rejoice at the idea of civilizational collapse, and their cohorts who proclaim (as I have done) that it is already, realistically, too late to hope that anything we could do will be enough or in time.
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