Sentences with phrase «as coconut oil capsules»

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Many CoQ10 supplements contain oils in the base and are sold as liquid - filled softgel capsules, but all forms of CoQ10 will work better if taken with a meal containing fats, or with other healthy supplements providing fat such as fish oil, flax seeds or oil, coconut oil, etc..
Which brand would u choose as a coconut oil supplement in capsules for swallowing?
You can either mix a capsule of probiotics with a carrier oil like coconut oil or you can use naturally fermented yogurt as a mask.
You can take a little coconut oil warm it a bit until fluid add you probiotics by opening the capsules and stiring let it become solid, mold it into a bullet shape then freeze it for more firmness and use as a suppository.
You should also add Omega - 3, in the form of a capsule or oil, such as coconut or salmon oil.
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