Sentences with phrase «as condoms»

And the communication law increases the risk faced by sex workers, by forcing them into more isolated areas, preventing them from taking the time to screen clients and setting terms such as condom use or safe houses.
He relies on theories such as attachment, terror management, and conceptual metaphor, while researching topics such as condom use and sexual strategies.
Be sure to use a reliable barrier contraceptive method (such as a condom with spermicide) each time you have sex until your hormonal birth control has taken effect.
As far as condoms go, it is Church doctrine that we were ot put on earth simply to copulate.
Physical barriers have also been used throughout history, such as condoms made from animal's intestinal tracts or stomach, halved and hollowed out citrus fruits as diaphragms (the citric acid also acts as spermicide), and melting suppositories designed to form an impenetrable coating over the cervix.
That makes LAM a form of birth control that is as reliable as a condom or a diaphragm.
Word emerges of a debate within the Guardian over how the cartoonist Steve Bell keeps drawing Cameron's head as a condom.
On the flip side, if you are wanting to avoid pregnancy, be sure to use a barrier method, such as a condom during this time.
They're about as useful as a condom with a hole in it, of course, but like I've said before I can't help but be amused and delighted by being able to have all my tech light up in the same color.
But I think these things that look like breasts are actually self - portraits as condoms.
Rio 2016: if you've been inspired to get active after watching this summer's Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, check out our new Pinterest board full of innovative sportswear designs including athletics apparel created from the same material as condoms and trainers made out of recycled ocean plastic.
Also, the pill will not be immediately effective in preventing pregnancy — it must be taken daily for at least a week or more before you are fully protected, so you will need to use a backup method such as condoms until the pills take full effect.
I have heard that the insertive condom was especially designed for use in anal sex, but it was easier to market as a condom to be used by females in vaginal intercourse.
Unfortunately, dental dams aren't distributed as widely as condoms are.
And most drug stores don't carry dental dams in the same aisle as condoms and lube because dental dams were originally created to be used during dental procedures.
as well as a fully stocked mini bar for a fee, that includes gummi bears (another yay) as well as condoms (ahem).
If you do not use hormonal contraception, you should use a reliable barrier contraceptive method (such as a condom with spermicide) each time you have sex.
if you are late starting your active pills, or have missed pills, she recommends using a secondary form of contraception such as condoms.
«If you are prescribed Rifampin, or any other medication that increases metabolism of hormonal contraception (some anti-fungals, anti-seizure medications and even some herbal supplements such as St. John's Wart), use a form of barrier protection such as condoms
If we say such cells have the potential of becoming human life, then Catholics are right to argue that the unjoined sperm and egg also have a similar potential for life, and anything that stops them joining (such as a condom or withdrawal) is morally equivalent to abortion.
Before we get started, it should be understood that this method can be used without artificial protection of any kind, such as condoms, so it's best for women who are in monogamous relationships where both partners have been tested and found to be clean for sexually transmitted diseases and infections.
That said, if you absolutely want to avoid conception you should consider using an additional method of birth control, such as condoms.
Barrier methods (such as condoms or diaphragms), IUDs, and progestin - only contraceptives like the minipill are all compatible with breastfeeding.
So, most moms who are not willing to take the risk are combining LAM with other barrier methods such as condom and IUD.
Some practitioners recommend using a barrier method of contraception, such as condoms or a diaphragm, and waiting until you have a couple of normal periods before trying to conceive because this can help you establish a more accurate due date.
Be sure to use another birth control method (such as condoms) in the meantime because the IUD isn't effective if it's not completely inside your uterus.
Here's the rub: You can get pregnant again without having your period, so ask your doctor for an effective birth - control method that won't decrease your milk supply, such as condoms or the copper IUD.
Chief among controversial points is whether covering child sexuality is valuable or detrimental; the use of birth control such as condoms and oral contraceptives; and the impact of such use on pregnancy outside marriage, teenage pregnancy, and the transmission of STDs.
Unlike conventional methods of HIV prevention, such as condoms or anti-HIV drugs, the implant takes advantage of some people's natural immunity to the virus.
Potentially confounding factors, she adds, such as condom use, and the inherent unreliability of self - reporting, mean that «the quality of the evidence is very weak in many of the studies», Gaffield says.
There was also a trend toward overweight and obese women to be more likely to use non-prescription methods such as condoms, withdrawal and natural family planning or no method, compared with normal weight women.
Heavier women were more likely than normal - weight women to use less - effective non-prescription birth control methods — such as condoms — or no method at all.
Or you might decide not to take the Pill at all and use a barrier method, such as a condom or diaphragm.
, the copper IUD (not for everyone, but something to research) or barrier methods such as condoms or a cervical cap.
Use back - up birth control, such as a condom and spermicide, or do not have sex until you have taken a pill for seven days in a row.
You do not need other forms of birth control, such as a condom, unless you need to protect against STIs.
You may want to have a back - up birth control method, such as condoms.
Follow the instructions that came with your birth control about using back - up birth control (such as a condom and spermicide).
There is no doubt as to the probative value of a full profile DNA match taken from a scene sample such as a condom or a duvet.
Participants discuss what constitutes sexual responsibility, such as condom use and learn to make responsible decisions regarding their sexual behavior (i.e. that abstinence is the best way to prevent HIV, STD and teen pregnancy, however, if they choose to have sex, they must use a condom).
They are even more effective when used in combination with other birth - control methods, such as condoms.
Sexually active people should use latex barriers, such as condoms, during vaginal, anal, and oral sex.
Sexually active people can reduce their risk of contracting syphilis by using latex barrier methods such as condoms or dental dams.
If you are sexually active, you can reduce risk of transmission by consistently and correctly using latex barriers such as condoms and dental dams.
The best way for sexually active people to avoid any STD — whether you've heard of it or not — is to use barrier methods, such as condoms and dental dams, consistently and correctly; and for new partners to be screened for STDs before initiating sexual activity.
Sexually active people can reduce the risk of contracting trichomoniasis by using latex barriers, such as condoms.
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