Sentences with phrase «as create a new working»

Finally, the IDC would expand the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, as well as create a new Working Families Child Tax Credit.
Their first exhibition together creates a moment of reflection, as they create new work in response to their new, fully domestic, and sometimes isolated lives.
Viewers observe Spero as she creates a new work for the Venice Biennale.
A Channel 4 documentary Grayson Perry: Divided Britain followed Perry as he created a new work for the show: his attempt to capture the thoughts of a divided country a year after the EU referendum.

Not exact matches

After working as a director and senior merchant at Victoria's Secret, Michelle Cordeiro Grant wanted to create a new experience and point of view in the lingerie category, one that delivers simple, quality products and reflects the healthy, confident, and beautiful women wearing them.
What we needed to do was work with Apple to very quickly get a new build out her that would create this nice, easy to use invite system, which has only been done one other time on the app sore as far as I know.
Take the New Year as an opportunity to create deeper, more productive relationships with your work team.
In an industry constantly starved for raw material, the 70 - year - old author's work stands out as an untapped resource — a fact that's now been recognized by a new Canadian company created for the purpose of turning the British writer's bestsellers into box - office hits.
His new study, «Hitting Rock Bottom After Job Loss: Bouncing back to create a new positive work identity,» looks closely at how losing everything isn't necessarily as bad as it seems.
The managers were then grouped into small task forces around these goals where they worked directly with an executive to create solutions to these problems, which ranged from HR initiatives (resulting in things like new performance review methods and a new attendance system) to customer - level projects (such as a customer referral program).
As VR technology matured over the years, Nel said Lowe's has been working on new types of VR experiences, and decided to focus on creating a tutorial for bathroom retiling based on a popular YouTube tutorial by a third party.
Strike Energy's share price has been on a white knuckle ride over the last few weeks as investors desperately try to work out if it is going to be the next large cap gas producer in Australia, or fail whilst daring to create a new technical frontier in the search for coal seam gas riches.
What is more, he did his work as someone whose academic credentials made him acutely aware of the historical moment he was capturing, in attempting to create a whole new category of knowledge around the way organizations are run.
In tandem with the 100,000 Opportunity Youth Initiative, Starbucks has opened four stores with classroom and training space as part of its effort to support local economic development in diverse low - to - medium income communities across the U.S.. Each of these stores creates 20 to 25 new jobs with benefits, partners with a local women - and minority - owned supplier and contractor, and works with local nonprofits to provide job - skills training to youth.
In order for this system to work, it was necessary to create a new technology known as blockchain.
Yes, you need to put in as much work as when your creating a new blog post for your own website.
Jay Conrad Levinson and Shel Horowitz enlighten you with a bright new world and give you a clear manifesto for feeling good about yourself as you reap bigger profits and create a better, more ethical place to live and work in.
To make privacy and security settings easier to find on the network, the company has created «Privacy Shortcuts» as a new menu where users can control their data in just a few taps, with clearer explanations of how the controls work.
We're working with one division right now that has very aggressive sales goals and their rolling out some amazing new products in the architectural market and to help enable their team get to where they want to go we show them how they can leverage the content they've created, leverage the information they have about those products, and use that to make a deeper, richer connection with the customer — which they've always had, but now they can have in the digital world as well.
«Exposure like this opportunity to present in New Orleans, in many ways, puts Little Rock — and Central Arkansas — on the map as a city and a community working toward creating a more inclusive, diverse and equitable startup environment.
Of course there are other reasons for my sporadic blogging this year: a surprise new baby coming which completely disoriented us, a new book to finish writing (and I will share all about that in January), travelling and speaking all over North America, stewarding the message of Jesus Feminist throughout her first year of life, creating the Jesus Feminist collection with Imagine Goods, a trip to Haiti, new opportunities as a writer, three tinies at home with their own lives and drama and growth and change, remodelling parts of our home, marriage, church, friends, life, work, laundry (oh, can we talk laundry?!)
Its achievement is through the spiritual energy imparted by His spirit in human hearts, but its final consummation comes slowly through the joint efforts of God and man, working side by side, in the struggle to create a new and divine order and to make His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
As for an «invisible» particle creating itself, you will first have to understand the basics of matter and dark matter and then understand that even though science has yet to unlock all the mysteries of quantum mechanics we do have many good working theories which allow us to refine our understanding as new data is discovereAs for an «invisible» particle creating itself, you will first have to understand the basics of matter and dark matter and then understand that even though science has yet to unlock all the mysteries of quantum mechanics we do have many good working theories which allow us to refine our understanding as new data is discovereas new data is discovered.
Whether by creating new collaborative structures or working through existing agencies such as local community development corporations, neighborhoods need to assume the central role in designing and implementing strategies for their own improvement.
But it makes a great difference whether we look for love's meaning in static formal structures, or as the spirit at work in a history where there is freedom, growth, and decision, and where new forms are created.
Weiss inaugurated this eschatological emphasis by publishing in 1892 a short work of sixty - seven pages entitled Die Predigt Jesu vom Reiche Gottes, recently republished in English after many years of oversight as Jesus» Proclamation of the Kingdom of God.l The book created such a storm of criticism as to lead him to bring out a considerably enlarged edition in l900, which was virtually a new book with the same title.
«30 According to Croce the work of Karl Marx, «who created the new religion of the masses» in the same sense in which Paul of Tarsus created Christianity» was at first known only second or third hand.31 But when Antonio Labriola discovered Marx's writing and popularized his theories «Herbert Spencer whom every one had read and quoted as the highest authority, was no longer quoted or read, and was allowed to fall into complete oblivion.
Turning now to this positive side, we note first that the underlying tonality, so to speak, of the New Testament is the same as that of the Old; namely, the created order is God's work and as such is good.
And we are being pointed to the work of the Holy Spirit, who as the gift of the last days, shows up our world in its finitude, creates fellowship between the abidingly different, and precisely thus enables us to experience new life, life in its fullness.»
As Christians we have to learn to work together with people of other faiths to be a spiritual force that creates a new vision for humanity.
He did not go on to spell out in a detailed code exactly what must be done in every situation, and so create the possibility of a new if refined legalism, but he set a new principle, provided a new motivation, which must work itself out in appropriate ways as men face the perplexing problems of individual and social life.
Just as you were wondering what to do with leftover pumpkins, I have created yet some new harvest recipes to make short work of last night's ghoulish gourds.
We know that the students have a choice, so we work to offer them the foods they like, as well as create new and exciting combinations while still fitting within the guidelines.»
«We work as a team to create new ideas and concepts.»
MLA Business Manager, Food Service & Corporate Chef Sam Burke together with MSA Retail Training Facilitator Kelly Payne, worked with Minor Group chefs as part of a red meat immersion and butchery course — and then with Global Head of Culinary, James Bradbury, and Culinary Manager, Kenneth Bryce, to create new recipes.
As we are based down in New Zealand, we create our recipes in metric but we are currently working on adding imperial conversions.
Dried chile peppers work just as well as fresh, so you can create new infused oils all year round.
As New Business Development leader for 301 INC Pete taps into his passions of creating a national scouting network and working closely with the entrepreneurs of the startup community.
As an Official Sponsor of Special Olympics, this new partnership will provide both organisations many opportunities to work better together to create more inclusive communities.
Evanson has also been responsible for creating 150 new jobs in the area through his work as a social entrepreneur.
After Vick and others were convicted on federal charges of trafficking and sponsoring fighting dogs, Jonny won a Most Beautiful Dog in the Country contest in 2012, had a Gund plush toy created in his likeness and last week was recognized for his work as a therapy dog with a new award: ASPCA Dog of the Year.
Snapdragon Designs started out as a way for me to create my own luxury notebooks and sketchbooks using the skills I'd gained working a bookbinder for a bespoke handmade portfolio company in London, but as well as hand - bound books we now make acrylic and pewter jewellery, laser - cut cityscape designs, as well as our new screen - printed products.
Choral conductor Robert Shaw was known for his arrangements and recordings of Christmas music, and this concert of his work features his protegee Sylvia McNair as well as Vocality, the new chorus created by Chicago Children's Choir director Josephine Lee.
As a breastfeeding educator, I hope to create more of an awareness about the importance of breastfeeding with other health professionals as well as provide individual and group breastfeeding support to new mothers to help work towards making positive changAs a breastfeeding educator, I hope to create more of an awareness about the importance of breastfeeding with other health professionals as well as provide individual and group breastfeeding support to new mothers to help work towards making positive changas well as provide individual and group breastfeeding support to new mothers to help work towards making positive changas provide individual and group breastfeeding support to new mothers to help work towards making positive change.
Our shared passions have compelled us to create a new kind of conference - to host an on - going conversation that explores what we see as the foundation of infant, child, family and community health: the mechanism of human bonding - how it works, why it's important, and how to develop, encourage and support it in our growing families and communities.
When a new baby is born, the very young child sometimes creates the idea that he or she is «bad» and that the parents have decided to get a new baby, just as they might decide to get a new appliance or car when the old one is «bad» and does not work well any more.
Simple Wishes started as a collaboration of four sisters working together to create a product we — as new moms — felt was missing from the marketplace.
The work I do as a birth and postnatal professional combined with my therapeutic work as a perinatal psychotherapist endows me with a broad understanding of the challenges that perinatal mental illness creates for new families.
As my new son grew older I rushed him into solid foods and I was anxiously awaiting the day when I could just drive through McDonalds and get a happy meal for him, creating a worry free, work free meal for the both of us.
Sarlin was most recently the associate commissioner of the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, working as a senior advisor for marketing, creating services and communications, according to the governor's office.
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