Sentences with phrase «as critical studies»

Various components of the programme such as critical studies, research studies, studio practice, spatial practice, media theory, and curatorial studies, will incite you to further realize and contextualize your own project.
Cranbrook Academy of Art Announces the Appointment of Shannon Stratton Critical Studies Fellow for Fall 2012 Bloomfield Hills, MI — Cranbrook Academy of Art is pleased to announce the appointment of the Chicago - based curator and critic Shannon Stratton as the Critical Studies Fellow for the 2012 - 2013 academic year.
In 2010, he also served as a Critical Studies Fellow at the Cranbrook Art Academy in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Not exact matches

«We might assume that students who scored high on this scale might earn a higher income because they are more willing to be more demanding during critical junctures such as when negotiating salaries or raises,» the researchers wrote in the published study.
Steven Cook, senior fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, said higher oil prices lessen all the worries from 2015 and 2016 about the Saudi government's ability to maintain its commitments, but the consolidation of power in the hands of the Crown Prince also is significant for the market and investors as his reform program is widely regarded as critical for Saudi Arabia's future prosperity.
On top of the problem of unfair pay for women, a Harvard study revealed that, when it comes to annual performance reviews, women were 1.4 times more likely to receive critical subjective feedback, not positive feedback or critical objective feedback, and that traits that were considered negative in women were often interpreted as positive in men.
According to a Forrester study commissioned by Vision Critical, companies that have adopted this approach as part of their journey to becoming truly insight - driven could see substantial impact.
In fact, this pair represents only a tiny fraction of the digital ecosystem that has built up around the exploiting of information Facebook users share online, as described in detail by Austria's Cracked Labs Institute for Critical Digital Culture, in a June 2017 study.
Guiding Principles Religious and theological studies depend on and reinforce each other; A principled approach to religious values and faith demands the intellectual rigor and openness of quality academic work; A well - educated student of religion must have a deep and broad understanding of more than a single religious tradition; Studying religion requires that one understand one's own historical context as well as that of those whom one studies; An exemplary scholarly and teaching community requires respect for and critical engagement with difference and diversity of all kinds.
Thanks especially to the critical study of Dr. C. Harold Dodd, as summed up in his notable little book The Apostolic Preaching, we have become familiar with the word kerygma, Greek for «the proclamation»; and taught by Dr. Dodd and those who have followed the line of enquiry which he laid down, we have come to see that this kerygma was the very heart of the earliest Christianity.
I doubt that he would have refused to apply these critical methods to the study of Israel as well.
emphasize literary - critical studies of scripture and other texts, but still as a practice of paideia.
So the Mu» tazilites may be seen as early pioneers of the modern critical study of Holy Scripture.
As G. E. Bentley Jr.'s critical study of Vala demonstrates, Blake's frequent and disorderly revisions of this manuscript epic reveal his own movement into a Christian and redemptive understanding of history, an understanding that could not be reconciled with the initial direction of the poem.
The illusion that the now is either so insignificant and commonplace as to be unworthy of study, or that it is so well known anyhow — without analysis, critical reflection, or even systematic observation — as to be beneath serious notice, has become all too characteristic of a theological tradition that knows perfectly well that we can not understand either God's grace or man's sinfulness without in some fundamental sense understanding the other first.
However, I am learning that as important as Greek and Hebrew textual study is, we must not think that the critical study of the text is going to solve all our exegetical and theological dilemmas.
It allowed me to reconceptualize the study of «women in the Bible,» by moving from what men have said about women to a feminist historical reconstruction of early Christian origins as well as by articulating a feminist critical process for reading and evaluating androcentric biblical texts.
There was a time when, in the early days of New Testament study, it was assumed that by the use of critical method «the quest for the historical Jesus» would be rewarded by a portrayal of that historical figure exactly as he was.
The apostolic Christian fellowship by whose interest and by whose memory this story came to be told — and here the contribution of form - critical and redaction study of the New Testament material is enormously helpful to us — did not use the incident as an interesting bit of historical information.
As the old models of biblical study break down, Gary - along with his former colleague at Harvard, Jon Levenson - has been at the forefront of efforts to rethink the relations between the historical - critical project and the living realities of contemporary Christian and Jewish faith.
Unlike other theologians and philosophers, those who work in the area of religion and science regard «postmodern» studies as worthwhile only as a sign of modernity's maturing critical spilt, not as an alternative to modernity.
Hahn points out the Holy Father's view of the inadequacy of the historical - critical method as an approach to the study of Scripture.
A critical study of this inheritance provides a constant source of new lessons, lessons which, today, place the emphasis on long term transition, on the multiplicity of strategies and on democracy as a means and not only as an objective.
But as questions of faith, commitment and value became increasingly alien to «objective» critical studies, the internal connection between theology and practice was severed.
This is why the historical - critical method of studying the Bible is important, for it enables us to grasp what it actually meant to live as an Israelite in a given era.
Whereas biblical studies experienced the challenge of modernity in terms of historical - critical approaches to scripture, pastoral theology experienced it in terms of the emergence of psychology and sociology as disciplines.
With the passage of time and more mature study of the nature of scripture, as disclosed by the application of the modern historico - critical method of investigation, it is seen that the possible borrowing of Bible writers from another source in no way affected its intrinsic worth, or even the belief that these writers were inspired in their writing.
Just as the prophetic reformulation of Israel's earlier traditions generates a form of historical awareness, so our critique of the pretensions of consciousness in the critical study of texts gives us historical sense.
I love to study the Scripture, and I think that Scripture study is one way of worshiping God, but I think I often used my misunderstanding of the statement «study to show thyself approved» as a way of neglecting the other critical elements of following Jesus, and especially that of loving other people around me.
When according to critical study, that text is set in the Exile as an affirmation to Israelites and a polemic against Babylonian imperialism and Babylonian gods, the social function of that equilibrium emerges.
The critical study of the historical Jesus is an important task - perhaps important for reasons theological as well as historical - but The Five Gospels does not advance that task significantly, nor does it represent a fair picture of the current state of research on this problem.
The author suggests implications of critical realism for the academic study of religion and for the encounter of world religions, as well as for personal religious faith.
But, as Bohm points out, such a position can not stand up to critical analysis, for the molecules studied by biologists in living organisms are constituted of electrons, protons and other such particles, from which it must follow that they too are capable of behaving in ways that can not be described in terms of mechanical concepts.
In the concluding chapter I will suggest some implications of critical realism for the academic study of religion and for the encounter of world religions, as well as for personal religious faith.
Fruitful as this work may be, however, Collins makes the unwarranted assumption that modern biblical study is intrinsically antithetical to theological exegesis when in fact only the historical - critical claim to final interpretive authority contradicts a theological approach.
This is possible only as we direct critical inquiry to empirical study both of the character of the process and of the circumstances of its effective working.
As he studied the New Testament text, he changed from a fundamentalist to an evangelical and then to a liberal - critical Christian.
Bultmann's critical studies convinced him that the gospels as such are necessarily concerned with only one historical fact: the «thatness» of Jesus and his cross.
The appeal to the «superiority» of premodern biblical exegesis is best understood as a protest against the reductionism inherent in the long - standing monopoly of the historical - critical method, not as a rejection of rigorous historical study of the Bible.
The authors» responsibilities were as follows — CNM: had leadership responsibility for the research planning and execution, wrote the manuscript, and had primary responsibility for the final content of the manuscript; CNM, HE, and BN: formulated the study idea and designed the research; EV and JM: managed the day - to - day conduct of the study and oversaw the data collection; YJ: performed statistical analyses of the study data; and all authors: provided critical review and commentary on the draft of the manuscript and read and approved the final manuscript.
While vitamins such as A, C, and E are critical to daily well - being, studies continually show that there is no performance benefit to athletes consuming these vitamins as supplements if they are eating a balanced diet.
Gordon wrote on many topics: angling techniques («The fly must be placed to an inch as the fish will rarely take it unless it floats over them just right»), the books he read, the effects of drought and floods on fish, the seasons of the year («The silence of the snows is over all the land, and the bright waters of our trout streams run almost black between icy banks») and his belief in the natural fly as a model for the artificial («The insect must be studied and many patterns dressed before one can hope to satisfy the critical eyes of the trout»).
The study found that teens who say they are grateful for things in their lives may more fully develop critical life skills, such as cooperation, a sense of purpose, creativity and persistence.
As a former scientist, I appreciated Dr. Shreffler's critical approach to allergy studies (not surprising given his research background... he has a Ph.D. + M.D.): «Testing for allergies is tricky.
Planned variation studies, in which program components, content, home visitor training, or dosage of services is varied, can identify core dimensions of implementation that are critical for achieving program impacts, as well as dimensions that could be adapted for different contexts and populations without threatening the program's effectiveness.
You don't know what you're talking about, that's obvious from your claims; you post some bibliographical salad without any critical statements as to why you cite the studies.
Critical analysis of discourse as a methodology was chosen for this study because language takes on greater significance in the arena of providing and consuming services [17].
We matched ResQu items to domains identified by these authors as critical to study quality, internal and external validity, and standard of reporting.
As in his previous study An English Affair Davenport - Hines is very critical of the press and those journalists whose reputation was built on being so - called investigative journalists.
Using the payslips, critical study and comparative analysis clearly shows that teachers with their monthly income (net salaries) can now afford to buy or own appreciably much more than they could 7 yrs ago on the same pay level or rank CONTRARY to what we are mischievously made to believe currently by the NPP and their media cohorts as well as others who get opportunity to share their opinions on both the print and electronic media.
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