Sentences with phrase «as different racial groups»

That cutting edge science leaves no doubt that there is little in terms of difference in our genetic makeup as different racial groups is not enough reason for some to dispense with archaic mindsets.

Not exact matches

When your workplace is home to a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds and experiences, your company can more effectively market to all groups of consumers, from a wide range of racial and ethnic backgrounds, men and women, older and younger adults and those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
«They're more likely to see their ingroup — the people they most identify with — as a broader group of people which includes those of different racial backgrounds.
Female employees, as well as those from different racial and ethnic groups, are also speaking up, sharing workplace injustices, and demanding equality.
(breeding and education designed to produce only the best individual types) and racial eugenics (the grouping or intermixing of different ethnic types being not left to chance but effected as a controlled process in the proportions most beneficial to humanity as a whole), both, as I well know, present apparently insuperable difficulties, administrative and psychological.
In answering, there are possibly two distinct groups to consider - those persons who consider racism and live in Europe and North America, but also those who live in regions where white - related racism may not be seen as «the big racial division», and who may have entirely different frameworks (which are less visible in Europe and North America) for their understandings.
One implication of the different spatial distribution of people by race is that lots of metropolitan areas have de facto segregated schools, while Brown v. Board of Education and the cases that followed were quite effective in requiring schools in small towns and rural areas with racially mixed populations to be integrated, since they don't have many schools period and don't have nearly as great residential segregation into large nearly mono - racial groups of neighborhoods the way that many large cities do.
The authors recommend that future research test mechanisms that may mediate intervention effects for different racial / ethnic groups, such as different informational needs, experiences, norms, or cultural beliefs.
A new report looks in - depth at the U.S. dropout rate as it applies to students from various racial - ethnic groups and from different income levels and geographic regions.
Achievement gaps between students of different genders and racial, economic, and linguistic groups are large and persistent for the nation's top - performing students, even as they seem to be narrowing for K - 12 students as a whole, according to a new report.
This has driven many rigorous analyses of charter school populations, such as the proportion of their students belonging to different racial groups, receiving special education services, or still learning to speak English.
As Dr. Haertel points out, contrasts between age - based and grade - based gaps and trends can be useful because children are starting school at a later chronological age and students of various racial and ethnic groups are retained in grade at different rates.
It is contingent on... seeing cultural differences as assets; creating caring learning communities where culturally different individuals and heritages are valued; using cultural knowledge of ethnically diverse cultures, families, and communities to guide curriculum development, classroom climates, instructional strategies, and relationships with students; challenging racial and cultural stereotypes, prejudices, racism, and other forms of intolerance, injustice, and oppression; being change agents for social justice and academic equity; mediating power imbalances in classrooms based on race, culture, ethnicity, and class; and accepting cultural responsiveness as endemic to educational effectiveness in all areas of learning for students from all ethnic groups
Our school profiles now include important information in addition to test scores — factors that make a big difference in how children experience school, such as how much a school helps students improve academically, how well a school supports students from different socioeconomic, racial and ethnic groups, and whether or not some groups of students are disproportionately affected by the school's discipline and attendance policies.
• Boys who went to private religious schools were most likely to say that they had used racial slurs and insults in the past year as well as mistreated someone because he or she «belonged to a different group
The plans focuses on schools ranked among the very lowest performers on state tests, now called Priority Schools, or those with the widest gaps in achievement between different racial groups and other groups of children, labeled as Focus Schools.
The Commission for Racial Equality has expressed concern over the programme, and is writing to Channel 4 «to remind them of their legal responsibilities as a public broadcaster, under the terms of the Race Relations Amendment Act, to eliminate racial discrimination, promote racial equality and to promote good relations between people from different racial groups&rRacial Equality has expressed concern over the programme, and is writing to Channel 4 «to remind them of their legal responsibilities as a public broadcaster, under the terms of the Race Relations Amendment Act, to eliminate racial discrimination, promote racial equality and to promote good relations between people from different racial groups&rracial discrimination, promote racial equality and to promote good relations between people from different racial groups&rracial equality and to promote good relations between people from different racial groups&rracial groups».
The campaign is also national because while there are some regional differences in attitudes towards different racial and cultural groupsas the Challenging Racism project has found — there is little variation in attitudes between urban and rural areas.
«measures taken for the sole purpose of securing adequate advancement of certain racial or ethnic groups or individuals requiring such protection as may be necessary in order to ensure equal enjoyment or exercise of human rights and fundamental freedom, provided that such measures do not lead to the maintenance of separate rights for different racial groups and that they shall not be continued after the objectives for which they were taken have been achieved».
A Pew Research Center study found that, though interracial marriage is increasing, as of 2008, only 8 percent of U.S. marriages were between members of different racial or ethnic groups; interfaith marriages are also on the rise, but 61 percent of us choose spouses of the same religion.
The emphasis on «culture» includes not only different societies, but also within - society cultural groups, such as racial / ethnic and social class groups.
Special measures taken for the sole purpose of securing adequate advancement of certain racial or ethnic groups or individuals requiring such protection as may be necessary in order to ensure such groups or individuals equal enjoyment or exercise of human rights or fundamental freedoms shall not be deemed racial discrimination, provided, however, that such measures do not, as a consequence, lead to the maintenance of separate rights for different racial groups and that they shall not be continued after the objectives for which they were taken have been achieved.
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