Sentences with phrase «as dreadful things»

Soon it's not just Harry who is worried about survival as dreadful things begin to happen at the school.

Not exact matches

Nix can be overheard saying in one recording, «It sounds a dreadful thing to say, but these are things that don't necessarily need to be true as long as they're believed.»
The comical thing is that he will talk about having been in despair; the dreadful thing is that after having, as he thinks, overcome despair, he is then precisely in despair.
There is no such thing as a dreadful price for the «pearl» in question.
In the Greek tragedy, people do things intending to do the good thing but instead some awful, dreadful things happen as a result of their actions and they have to pay for it....
My thought is as pure as that of anyone, and the thought of the man who is able to think such things will surely become pure — and if this be not so, he may expect the dreadful; for he who once has evoked these images can not be rid of them again, and if he sins against them, they avenge themselves with quiet wrath, more terrible than the vociferousness of ten ferocious reviewers.
You'll have to forgive the dreadful way these things are written, where full stops take the place of commas and subordinate clauses are presented as sentences.
«As a compassionate physician, who has had patients die of AIDS, and friends die of AIDS, the last thing I'd want to do is stop something that might prevent the spread of this dreadful disease,» says Herbert Kleber, a psychiatrist at Columbia University and a member of the academy's panel.
SO... I had to look up new synonyms for horrible for this thing... I found things like: dreadful, awful, terrible, shocking, appalling, horrifying, horrific, horrendous, horrid, hideous, grisly, ghastly, gruesome, gory, harrowing, heinous, vile, unspeakable; nightmarish, macabre, spine - chilling, blood - curdling; loathsome, monstrous, abhorrent, hateful, hellish, execrable, abominable, atrocious, sickening, foul as well as: nasty, horrid, disagreeable, unpleasant, detestable, awful, dreadful, terrible, appalling, frightful, godawful foul, repulsive, repugnant, repellent, ghastly; obnoxious, hateful, odious, hideous, objectionable, insufferable, vile, loathsome, abhorrent; In the end, -LSB-...]
The only thing worse than watching Tatum bumble his way through yet another leading role is the dreadful script by Montiel, which lazily strings together a series of incredibly pointless events and moments of manufactured conflict that are so easily avoidable it can be viewed as nothing less than an insult to the audience's integrity.
If you think that, the modern world does not have such a problem as global warming at all and all the dreadful and frightening things we hear every day are just gossiping, and spreading word in order to make the people being afraid, confused, and puzzled, you can do nothing but ground your point of view in your persuasive essay global warming writing.
But things are never quite what they seem and as a dreadful secret begins to eat away at her, life at the failing high school in the north of the city starts to horribly unravel.
To describe what EA has produced here as dreadful would be to do a terrible disservice to things that merely inspire dread.
not interested if i can't use my own music as normally these type of things offer a dreadful choice of music.
Few things are as dreadful as the stomach flu.
People hate those calendars as much as the dreadful T - shirts stating things like I'm not here to wash your arse — I'm here to save your arse.
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