Sentences with phrase «as drinking alcohol»

Persons who bullied others were more likely to be involved in other problem behaviors such as drinking alcohol and smoking.
Men are more likely to mask depression using unhealthy coping methods such as drinking alcohol or abusing drugs.
As lifestyle and standard of living increases, habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and eating unhealthy food increases too taking a toll on your health.
Though J.J. was engaging in adult activities — such as drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, stealing, driving without a license, and driving while impaired — the case is not concerned with the duty of care owed by minors who participate in adult activities.
Many of the refugees feel disillusioned, hopeless, and show an increased likelihood to engage in activities of «escapism» such as drinking alcohol and chewing betel nut.
The summons warrants, which are ordered when people fail to answer a ticket for minor quality of life offenses such as drinking alcohol in public or being in a park after closing, are difficult to navigate within an overburdened courts system and can hold back individuals who have them on their records.
This means cutting out harmful or unhealthy habits, such as drinking alcohol, smoking or eating unhealthily.
Habits such as drinking alcohol, taking drugs and smoking should be stopped immediately.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, «sleep deprivation can have similar effects on your body as drinking alcohol
Practice of Buddhism was a major cause as drinking alcohol is prohibited in Buddhism, so that increased the demand for tea.

Not exact matches

You can estimate your longevity using online calculators, such as the ones from the Social Security Administration (which simply asks your gender and date of birth), Living to 100 and financial services firm Blueprint Income (which factors in other details including your weight and how much you exercise and drink alcohol).
They also drink more alcohol on average than women of all races, as well as more than men who are not white.
This summer, two major research groups found strong evidence that drinking alcoholas little as a glass of wine or beer a day — increases the risk of developing both pre - and postmenopausal breast cancer.
One Yelper is quoted as stating, «It's kind of like a cult, except instead of Kool - Aid we drink alcohol
The low - alcohol drink, also known as Chūhai, is essentially a watered - down mix of the shōchū spirit plus flavoring.
Currently, Kickstarter does not allow projects featuring the following items or services: items claiming to cure, treat or prevent illness or medical conditions, contests, coupons, gambling, raffles, energy food and drinks, offensive material, genetically modified organism as a reward, live animals, alcohol as a reward, financial services, travel services, phone services, business marketing services, political fundraising, already existing projects, resale, drugs and weapons.
I do no illegal drugs nor do I even drink alcohol as your barbaristic writings entails.
I believe this falls under the same heading as holidays and drinking alcohol — it's a choice we should all make in a way that does not seek to offend those around us.
And since some 40 % of scripture regarding alcohol has a positive view on drinking it, then i don't see a problem here (as opposed to the 10 % that is against drinking and the 50 % that is neutral).
Well, I guess atheists lose, then, as they all lazily sit back, drink alcohol, smoke weed, and bully people of religion, calling them hypocrites while not showing their own moral standards so that their own hypocrisy can be judged.
No... suggesting that people stop believing in invisible men is not the same as telling them to not drink alcohol.
If We are to «Go G - dless» as the graphic suggests just because a few Fools abuse religion, then by the same logic We should also abstain from alcohol just because a few Fools drive drunk, abstain from communicating just because a few Fools put forth unsound argument, and abstain from eating just because a few Fools eat too much.
In their attempt to grow in holiness by carefully observing rules about food and purity» the Pharisees may have kept themselves apart from ordinary people, rather as some vegetarians are reluctant to eat with those who have chosen meat, or as the early Methodists, with their stress on temperance, kept themselves apart from those who drank alcohol.
This is comprised of providing the drunk / druggie with as much alcohol and / or drugs that they desire.
But the use of alcohol as a self - prescribed pain - deadener creates a runaway symptom of increasing drinking in a vain attempt to overcome the psychological and physiological pain resulting from previous excessive drinking.
Subsumed under this goal are four operational objectives which may be seen as overlapping stages of treatment: Helping the alcoholic (a) to accept the fact that his drinking is a problem with which he needs help; (b) to obtain, medical treatment; (c) to interrupt the addictive cycle and keep it interrupted by learning to avoid the first drink; (d) to achieve a re-synthesis of his life without alcohol.
In the meantime, Mike and Michelle, (who are Christians, as evidenced by a previous conversation in which they urge Joe and Jane to abstain from the aforementioned drinking of alcohol and having sex), go straight to heaven, where they are told by Jesus (the church pastor) that they are finally home for eternity.
Joe and Jane (who are not Christians, as evidenced by a previous conversation in which they brag about drinking alcohol and having sex), go straight to hell, where they are told by Satan (played by one of the church deacons) that they are destined to spend eternity burning in the Lake of Fire.
Don't forget to inform people that eating too much can be harmful... as is driving a car, as is being a Christian in a Muslim country, as is smoking, as is drinking too much alcohol, as is having too many babies, as is being a foot - ball player, as is being a single male, as is being a female.
The practice's illegality, like that of drinking alcohol during Prohibition, was thought to reflect merely unenlightened prejudice or religious conviction, the two being regarded as much the same.
I choose not to drink mostly because I know my limits, and when I struggle with self - control when it comes to much less addicting things such as sugar, chocolate, snack, etc., I would prefer not to give myself an opportunity to abuse alcohol the way I do other foods since the physical consequences have potential to be very dangerous.
Four out of 10 evangelical leaders said they do drink alcohol socially, but many added comments such as «in moderation,» «never in excess,» «on special occasions,» «occasionally,» «rarely» and «infrequently.»
For the purpose of this book, an alcoholic is defined as a person who has become dependent on the drug alcohol, consequently drinking more alcohol than the socially accepted norm for his culture; his excessive drinking damages his health and his relation to his family, friends and job.
People defile their own or others» bodies with ruinous drugs, which include alcohol which is socially accepted as well as marijuana, LSD, or heroin which drinking parents deplore when their children use them.
Binge drinking hampers academic excellence insofar as heavy drinkers are more likely to skip class, fall behind in classwork, and have alcohol - related health problems that hamper academic success.
Many people use overeating (including eating enormous quantities of junk foods), smoking, and excessive drinking of alcohol as forms of self - medication in a vain attempt to treat their stress, depression, and low self - esteem.
Persons who respect, enjoy, and care for their bodies by general wellness practices are less inclined to engage in self - hurting behavior such as smoking, chronic overeating, or over drinking of alcohol.
About a third of Americans (36 %) who identified as evangelical said they sometimes drank alcohol, with adults who attend church once a week or more less likely to drink at all (38 %) than those who attend once or twice a month (53 %), only on religious holidays (55 %), or rarely (59 %).
This tentative model for understanding the causes of problem drinking is offered in the report of the Cooperative Commission on the Study of Alcoholism: «An individual who (1) responds to beverage alcohol in a certain way, perhaps physiologically determined, by experiencing intense relief and relaxation, and who (2) has certain personality characteristics, such as difficulty in dealing with and overcoming depression, frustration, and anxiety, and who (3) is a member of a culture in which there is both pressure to drink and culturally induced guilt and confusion regarding what kinds of drinking behavior are appropriate, is more likely to develop trouble than will most other people.»
The whole idea is that as a drunk you turned your life over to a higher power (alcohol) and now you need a higher power to combat the alcoholism b / c obviously we are powerless over it otherwise we wouldn't have been drunks.
(2) We have seen that the availability of alcohol and its attractiveness as a symptom, as determined by social attitudes toward drinking and drunkenness, have a great deal to do with the matter of symptom selection.
It is possible that some irreversible change in biochemistry gives the alcoholic a sensitivity or «allergy» (as AA has long claimed) to alcohol, so that one drink sets off a chain reaction leading inevitably to a drunk.
I was exposed as an early Christian to legalism from drinking a glass of wine (of course wine in Jesus time had no alcohol), to listening to rock music.
On the other hand, the non-temperance churches, partly as a reaction to the temperance churches, have tended to overlook the realistic dangers of the use of alcohol in our neurotic culture, to treat drinking as if there were no moral problem involved, and to ignore the seamy side of drinking.
Anyone who uses alcohol as a persistent means of interpersonal adjustment — who drinks regularly to allow himself to be more aggressive in his work or less shy at social functions — is in danger.
Save for my mother's relatives — who served as a warning, since most of them abused substances at some point — nobody I knew drank alcohol.
He is now using alcohol as a self - prescribed medicine to cure the symptoms induced by previous drinking.
Sixty percent of evangelical Christian leaders say they don't drink alcohol socially, citing reasons as diverse as the words of St. Paul, the desire to be a good leader and a history of alcoholism in the family, according to a survey by the National Association of Evangelicals released Thursday.
it was the pot that did it» As for the person who was in the accident you can't possibly compare the amount of death, either by a drunk driver or just alcohol poisoning to ANYTHING caused by pot smoking alone.
I don't really ever drink, only once or twice a year probably but when I do I just drink ice cold (good quality) vodka with fresh lemon juice as that's the purest form of alcohol.
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