Sentences with phrase «as early hominins»

Or, as cognitive scientist Stephanie Braccini and colleagues put it in a Journal of Human Evolution study, «a strengthening of individual asymmetry [may have] started as soon as early hominins assumed a habitual upright posture during tool use or foraging».

Not exact matches

Earlier studies have shown that one to six percent of modern Eurasian genomes were inherited from ancient hominins, such as Neanderthal or Denisovans.
Professional anatomists analyzed 3D scans of the bone and concluded that it was a match for our own species, rather than another early hominins such as Neandertals or a member of Australopithecus.
Even if the ancient inhabitants of the Dmanisi site were not early members of H. erectus, there is still a problem: anthropologists have previously thought that no hominins existed outside of Africa as early as 1.85 million years ago.
It is thus not difficult to see how early hominins could have ranged across south - east Europe and well as Africa, and left their footprints on a Mediterranean shore that would one day form part of the island of Crete.
By curious coincidence, earlier this year, another group of researchers reinterpreted the fragmentary 7.2 million year old primate Graecopithecus from Greece and Bulgaria as a hominin.
Perhaps because early humans could not easily breed with other hominins, this would have caused an evolutionary pressure to shun those we saw as almost human.
The body dimensions used in the model — 30 kg for females, 55 kg for males — were based on a group of early human ancestors, or hominins, such as Australopithicus afarensis, the species that includes the famous Ethiopian fossil «Lucy.»
«Considered in total, this study provides important early archaeological evidence for meat eating, hunting and scavenging behaviors - cornerstone adaptations that likely facilitated brain expansion in human evolution, movement of hominins out of Africa and into Eurasia, as well as important shifts in our social behavior, anatomy and physiology,» Ferraro said.
Once early hominins had boosted their metabolism and grown bigger brains, he says, natural selection would have favored not only fatter individuals, but also smaller guts and other energy - saving adaptations, such as cooking and efficient walking.
I alluded earlier to some putative hominin remains dating back as far as seven million years but those were only known from a skull in one case and some teeth and limb bones in another case, and Ardipithecus is a partial skeleton with many, many, many bones preserved.
These highly successful early bipedal hominins such as Ardipithecus ramidus or Australopithecus afarensis, were nevertheless relatively small - brained, with a cranial capacity of about 450cm3 compared with modern humans with over 1,500 cm3.
Our results are consistent with considerable body size variation and, probably, degree of sexual dimorphism within a single species of bipedal hominins as early as 3.66 million years ago.
In combination with an age of 315 ± 34 thousand years (as determined by thermoluminescence dating) 3, this evidence makes Jebel Irhoud the oldest and richest African Middle Stone Age hominin site that documents early stages of the H. sapiens clade in which key features of modern morphology were established.
Whether H. floresiensis is correctly attributed to the genus Homo; if actually a member of an earlier member of the hominin lineage, such as H. erectus; could Hobbit belong to A. afarensis and if so how did Honnit's ancestors get to Indonesia; these are all questions difficult to answer on the evidence currently available.
Over the last few decades, however, as subsequent discoveries pushed back the date for the earliest stone tools to 2.6 million years ago (Ma) and the earliest fossils attributable to early Homo to only 2.4 - 2.3 Ma, there has been increasing openness to the possibility of tool manufacture before 2.6 Ma and by hominins other than Homo.
Since 1973, the fieldwork at Hadar has produced more than 370 fossil specimens of Australopithecus afarensis between 3.4 and 3.0 million years ago — one of the largest collections of a single fossil hominin species in Africa — as well as one of the earliest known fossils of Homo and abundant Oldowan stone tools (ca. 2.3 million).
An international team of researchers has used a machine learning algorithm to assess whether hominin bones found in caves were placed there as part of a burial service by early human ancestors.
Similar in size and weight to a modern human, and with humanlike hands and feet, the new species has a braincase more similar in size to earlier ancestors living two million to four million years ago, as well as shoulders, pelvis, and ribcage more closely resembling earlier hominins than modern humans.
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