Sentences with phrase «as economic liberals»

This kind of corporate governance is not, as economic liberals would argue, simply an expression of free market principles.
Unfortunately, as an economic liberal I could see that what you was proposing wouldn't work.

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Milrad said he saw the populist rhetoric as a sign that Clinton «has been listening» to backers such as himself who want her to embrace some of the economic policies pushed by Senator Elizabeth Warren, a hero of liberal Democrats.
Way back in the winter of 2014, when he was sketching the broad strokes of his agenda as the new leader of the then third - place Liberals, Trudeau spoke in Montréal about how pro-free market economic orthodoxy, put into policy by successive governments over the past few decades, was favouring the rich too much.
Lindsey, like Hassett a Republican, characterized recent comments made by liberals Krugman and Summers as «economic name - calling.»
When Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau made comments about the budget being able to balance itself if economic growth were higher, I paid little attention, as Canada's budget deficit is relatively small and I have heard many others make this claim.
He has worked with Canadian politicians and policymakers of all political stripes to craft more effective public policy, including his most recent role as an outside economic adviser to Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.
But, unfortunately for the NDP, it was Justin Trudeau's Liberals who managed to capitalize in the 2015 election on a commitment to restore science as an economic engine and renew the government's reliance on research and data.
Moore has oft repeated his mantra that supporting the arts makes good economic sense, in a statement perceived by some as criticism of the B.C. Liberal government's cuts to arts funding.
A settlement finalized this week between the B.C. Liberal government and Boss Power will hit taxpayers with a $ 30 million bill, serving as a stark reminder of how costly Liberal economic mismanagement has been for taxpayers.
In its inaugural budget, the federal Liberal government vowed to develop a bold, new innovation agenda as the centrepiece of its strategy to bolster long - term economic growth.
A final ironic and unintended economic consequence of the Trump immigration reform plan could be a «brain drain,» as educated and potentially wealthy liberals look to escape a controversial Trump presidency, namely by moving to Canada.
TUTORIAL: The Austrian School Of Economics The Classical - Liberal Perspective The accepted mainstream view about central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, is that we need them to manage economic growth and ensure prosperity through interest rate manipulation and other interventions.
The choice of Freeland as co-chair of an economic advisory council serves a double purpose: bolstering the Liberal leader's relatively weak economic credentials as well as Freeland profile before she runs in the upcoming Toronto Centre byelection, which promises to be an epic struggle for supremacy between the Liberals and NDP.
As President Donald Trump's recent $ 60 billion - a-year trade tariffs against China have made abundantly clear, there has been growing discontent in the United States with Beijing's failure to conform to liberal economic and democratic norms.
If those guys are largely right about the incentive factors that would then come into play (and especially if Americans were moderating their economic libertarianism with devotion to family, virtue, community, and God, as your work would urge them to), then by no means would that cause the social welfare policy disaster most liberals assume it would.
But insofar as you do think there are differences between rightly understood Locke and the contemporary libertarian or classic liberal reading of natural rights applied to economic issues, perhaps you will wind up defending at least part of my theory.
Those evangelical «old style» missionaries still serving overseas are perceived by liberal / ecumenicals as supporting repressive economic and political systems in developing countries in order to achieve the «stability» that will enable them to gain admittance to those countries and be left free to evangelize.
Opinion polls show that these members are as liberal on economic issues as members of mainline denominations, even when social class and race are taken into account.
As for economic equality, that is an issue that appears to generate more concern among the party's liberal intellectual elite than among its rank - and - file.
Such economics had no place for freedom either in the formulation of economic ideas — the liberal faith was a dogma as absolute as that of the most orthodox religion — or in the control of economic affairs.
But the true scandal, as Caldwell shows, is that political elites» ideology of deregulation — moral and economic, liberal and conservative — is responsible for creating, disguising, and prolonging the carnage.
In 1826 he wrote on the subject of liberal economic theories: «These theories as they are practised have contributed to the growth of material wealth, but have diminished overall satisfaction for the individual;... they tend to render the rich richer and the poor, poorer, more dependent and more miserable.»
A more likely source is the decline of the black family (approximately three - fifths of current black births are illegitimate) and the effect that liberal economic and social policies have had on encouraging dysfunctional social behavior and in undermining those forces within the city such as religion that have attempted to hold back the new urban barbarism.
This book presents itself as a «manifesto» for an American future of «liberal nationalism» that will succeed the various phases in which a «white overclass» has manipulated economic and political power in its own interests.
The university's liberal Protestant leaders supported this national economic purpose not only by virtue of their class location but also as an extension of their religious hopes.
Economic liberals argue that the state should not interfere with the economic activities of citizens as this constitutes an impingement on their Economic liberals argue that the state should not interfere with the economic activities of citizens as this constitutes an impingement on their economic activities of citizens as this constitutes an impingement on their liberty.
It is exactly the same message as that seen in Clegg's speech to his party's autumn conference in Glasgow: only the Liberal Democrats can be trusted to both provide fairness to ordinary people and deliver on economic trustworthiness.
«Left liberals», such as John Rawls, and socialists, have allegedly missed this because they have underestimated the importance of «economic liberty» to individual citizens.
The Liberal Democrat approach to English concerns is based on five interconnected devolution proposals: EVEL; a constitutional convention; the local level as the main recipient of decentralised powers; more City Deals (like Devo Manc) to prompt economic growth; and «devolution on demand», to allow councils to take control of the services that matter most to them.
The responsibility for the crisis is identified in turn with Berlusconi and his failure to deliver on the liberal revolution he repeatedly promised; with the Democratic Party which many saw as hopeless during the long years in opposition; and finally, with Mario Monti, whose technocratic government some perceive as the product of the economic establishment which created the crisis and is now passing the costs on to the middle class.
The party's leftist, post-material and socially liberal stance is well - known, and emphasises policies such as opposition to economic austerity and to PFIs to fund public services; higher marginal rates of income tax for the wealthy; a «living wage» for all; and the replacement of VAT with «eco-taxes» such as aviation fuel tax.
-LSB-...] current economic orthodoxy within the Parliamentary Party, and outside of it, such as «Plan C», authored by Dr Prateek Buch, and published by the Social Liberal Forum last year.
He has also supported liberal causes on social issues, such as same sex marriage, even as he tacked to the center on economic issues.
As a member of the Liberal Democrat Action on Land Taxation and Economic Reform group (ALTER), I am delighted by this excellent start.
Mike, perhaps rather than reading a couple of fringe blogs by right - libertarians (and even those don't hold the opinions you're attributing to them, but often talk about alternative economic ideas like a citizens» income) who are about as representative of mainstream Liberal Democrat thought as Tony Benn is of Labour, you should look at sites like, which more or less represents the mainstream of the party.
In the meantime, to those Tom Harris charcaters in the Labour party who want to present electoral reform as an issue of relevance only to bourgeois liberal Guardian - readers (like me), I say: how dare you oppose a system that — on the evidence of Soskice and Iversen's study — is better for social spending and economic equality?
The WFP is the most persistent threat to the power of business interests in the Empire State, and the governor doesn't want anyone to point out that he governs as a centrist on economic issues and a liberal only on social issues.
«As you know Labour are now in formal talks with the Liberal Democrats to see if we can agree a stable government to secure the economic recovery and change our politics,» the letter, signed by the joint general secretaries Tony Woodley and Derek Simpson, said.
I self - identify as both an economic and social liberal — but if we were States - side I would just as happily self - identify as a fiscal conservative and social liberal.
(CNN)- Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley championed a series of progressive causes during a policy speech in Washington Thursday, touting his state's economic record as evidence that encouraging liberal social issues can lead to prosperity.
As part of the radical changes needed to deliver the fairer economic settlement that Liberal Democrats seek to implement in government, we will continue to press for measures that make the tax system simpler, more transparent and fairer.
In 2004 members of the classical and economic liberal strand contributed to The Orange Book, which contained free - market economic and social policies and was seen as an attempt to move the party towards the centre - ground.
-LSB-...] finally, a cautious welcome from the Social Liberal Forum: Social liberals should apply same test to this budget as to all government economic policy ---LSB-...]
At best, the Liberal Democrats will be able to claim, as they are doing now, that the economic recovery happened thanks to their moderating influence over their Conservative partners, but even here they will have to tread carefully.
The Group continued into the 1960s and although it was never formally wound up it became increasingly a debating society as the mainstream of the party endorsed Grimond's political strategy and the economic liberals gradually lost influence or left the party.
As a member of the Social Liberal Forum Council and Executive, he published the SLF's acclaimed economic platform, Plan C, and has argued for social liberal approaches to a sustainable economy by serving on two Liberal Democrat policy working groups (Inequality, and Sources of Sustainable Jobs and ProspLiberal Forum Council and Executive, he published the SLF's acclaimed economic platform, Plan C, and has argued for social liberal approaches to a sustainable economy by serving on two Liberal Democrat policy working groups (Inequality, and Sources of Sustainable Jobs and Prospliberal approaches to a sustainable economy by serving on two Liberal Democrat policy working groups (Inequality, and Sources of Sustainable Jobs and ProspLiberal Democrat policy working groups (Inequality, and Sources of Sustainable Jobs and Prosperity).
He has further explained that his often - expressed view that British liberals should «reclaim our economic liberal heritage» 4 has been «misunderstood and misrepresented, as implying a downgraded commitment to the party's social liberal roots... The argument is that social liberal goals should be pursued with economically liberal means.»
To take an example often cited by commentators, David Laws, regarded by many as an «economic liberal», is nevertheless an advocate of a very social - liberal view of redistribution.
David Cameron has successfully defined himself as a small «l» liberal Conservative in charge of a government that is successfully delivering an economic recovery.
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