Sentences with phrase «as economic wealth»

Sustainable development elevated social and ecological wealth to the same level as economic wealth.

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As a firm, we have dedicated ourselves to advancing the American dream of economic opportunity for all, including programs for our employees and our Corporate Responsibility initiatives to build wealth and economic mobility among families and entrepreneurs of color.
After quintupling since 2011, these investments, known as wealth management products, now total an amount roughly equal to more than one - third of the country's annual economic output.
The reason fairness would require that this ratio be equal to one is that, as argued by the Italian economist Luigi Pasinetti in his 1981 book, Structural Change and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Essay on the Dynamics of the Wealth of Nations, a fair interest rate is such that the purchasing power of one hour of labour stays constant through time even when its monetary equivalent is lent or borrowed.
First, although it should be clear that neither GDP is «correct» as a true measure of wealth creation, I think there are good reasons to argue that the difference in real wealth creation might be greater than the difference in GDP — in other words that U.S. wealth creation is higher relative to U.S. GDP than China's wealth creation is relative to China's GDP — and it is this adjusted GDP, representing real wealth creation, whose value must be discounted to determine the economic «wealth» of each country.
An article in the Journal of Economic Perspectives estimates that as much as 20 percent of wealth can be attributed to formal and informal gifts from family members, but many people receive little or no assistance.
Below is a Brief Summary of Behavioral Finance Economists view the goal of investing as maximizing economic wealth.
The GIC, a group of seasoned investment professionals who meet regularly to review the economic and political environment and asset allocation models for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management clients, expects the economy — as measured by gross domestic product, or GDP — to grow, but at below the rate to which we have become accustomed, based on prior second - stage recoveries; stock and bond returns will likely follow suit.
A major reason for the FOMC's overly optimistic forecast for economic growth and its incorrect view of the effectiveness of quantitative easing is the reliance on the so - called «wealth effect», described as a change in consumer wealth which results in a change in consumer spending.
We believe these markets will require adequate infrastructure to meet population growth, increasing wealth and economic expansion, as well as to keep pace with urbanization trends.
They usually cite economic uncertainty as a reason for owning gold, which is seen by mainstream investing knowledge as a «safehaven'to protect one's wealth in times of economic crisis.
Between these extremes lies a more humane economic order: one in which, as Röpke put it, «wealth [is] widely dispersed, genuine communities, from the family upwards, form a background of moral support for the individual, and a healthy balance [exists] between town and country, industry and agriculture.»
One night Grey listened to village politicians in a Chicago suburb as they claimed that gambling would generate vast amounts of wealth and economic growth in their community.
With wealth goes power, political as well as economic.
On the economic plane, we have a society in which there are some who have immense wealth as against many who live in abject poverty.
Even so his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nationsis a remarkable work which deserves respect both as an enquiry and as an argument for economic liberty.
The world today is in bondage to the quest of wealth, and it accepts mainstream economic thought as its theology.
This god named Mammon — money or wealth — commands the devotion of so many in our society that we need to ask how we as Christians can deal with a pagan god whose worship seems institutionalized in our very economic system.
As was pointed out above, wealth translates into economic power and control through corporate stock and nonincorporated businesses, real estate and state and local bonds.
Economic globalization has created class societies with differences in wealth and power as great as those against which Marx protested.
Indeed, our whole society instead of ordering economic matters for the sake of overall human and social well being has subordinated itself to the market as the instrument of producing wealth.
He thinks a central task of a good society is to «convert,» as efficiently as possible, economic wealth into human capabilities.
The utilitarianism of an individualistic period, which promised men that through faith they might gain the economic virtues and wealth, differs from the pragmatism of our social climate of opinion, in which religion is used as a means for gaining social order and prosperity; but they are both utilitarian and equally remote from the love of God for his own sake and of the individual or social neighbor in his relation to God.
In 1826 he wrote on the subject of liberal economic theories: «These theories as they are practised have contributed to the growth of material wealth, but have diminished overall satisfaction for the individual;... they tend to render the rich richer and the poor, poorer, more dependent and more miserable.»
At least some of our citizens have come to see that the present organization of our economic life, including the corporation, threatens not only our democratic government, because of its inordinate political influence, but also our national character and form of life, because of its propagation of the idea of wealth as merely the accumulation of consumer goods.
Herder's reference to the «invisible hand» organizing social and economic life is quoted without so much as a mention of Smith's Wealth of Nations.
We are forced to conclude that, as in Solomon's day, Yahwists believed that the power, prestige, wealth and apparent security of the crown and the nation were bought at a price too dear — widening economic disparity between rich and poor, the ruthless exploitation of society's weaker members, a deepening acquisitiveness and an inevitably accompanying disregard of the justice and righteousness of Yahweh, the meaning of covenant, and the true practice of the Yahweh cult.
These measures, which were aimed at both protecting the Indian poor from exploitation and creating India's industrial infrastructure, checked economic inequality, even if, as Nehru's critics allege, they distributed poverty more than they shared wealth.
Preston (1991), who values the economic efficiency of the market, nevertheless acknowledges that left to itself the market leads to great inequalities of wealth and is unable to cope with environmental degradation such as is caused by industrial pollution.
British economic superiority was also an aftermath of the defeat of Napoleon, for that had been achieved largely through British mastery of the seas and through the wealth which «the nation of shop - keepers,» as the English were derisively called, had accumulated by commerce, both in pre-industrial and in industrial years.
Most importantly, a book with this sub-title should have included arguments that confront the bishops» working presuppositions about poverty and wealth, the nature of the Christian duty to the poor, and such terms as «economic rights,» «redistribution,» and «social justice.»
When we consider our wealth and economic practices — even the means we employ to accomplish good ends — as peripheral to the kingdom, we are ignoring Jesus» warning that it is impossible to serve God and mammon.
IDFA provides a wealth of comprehensive information about the dairy industry that is not available anywhere else, such as background on dairy policy issues, food safety guidance and compliance, economic analyses and market updates, international trade and standards, crisis management, training programs and manuals, directories of members and more.
In 2016 the Prize was awarded to Venezuelan chef María Fernanda Di Giacobbe for her Cacao de Origen project, a network involving education, entrepreneurship, research and development around cocoa as a source of identity, culture and economic wealth in Venezuela.
In this process of reconciliation, the country is beginning to understand the importance of placing faith in gastronomy as a significant tool for the economic development of those populations where the real wealth that generates wealth is found»
-- The Illusion Of Wealth Within Football» uses a very different methodology to most analysis of football accounts by applying a concept known as economic profit.
Mr. Doughan said Ghana, after 60 years of independence has failed in its economic management as unemployment continues to be a great challenge facing the country in spite of its enormous wealth.
Insomuch as haggling and bartering are socio - economic mechanisms to supplement income (please note that this article does not consider the practice of religious alms giving, the taalibe or the role of marabouts, which could be the subject of its own blog post), an understanding of the production of poverty (and the simultaneous production of wealth in other territories) is one factor that disproves the idea that haggling, bartering and re-haggling are reflective of the race, ethnic heritage or culture of the individual.
«But we also have to be careful as a country we don't drive away wealth creators and the business that are going to lead our economic recovery,» he added.
In particular, we are considering whether there are equal or similar opportunities to accumulate wealth in the UK as well as whether the outcomes of wealth inequality cause socio - economic problems.
So far as wealth is concerned, Scotland does have substantial oil resources off its coasts, which will continue to provide much economic activity in parts of the country, as well as a stream of tax revenue.
However — as is also the case with statistics reflecting wealth and economic growth — there is a pronounced disparity in the age profile between upstate and downstate areas.
But he insisted that the pursuit of wealth «is no longer, if it ever was, enough to meet people's deepest hopes and aspirations», adding: «The spirit of our age demands social values as well as economic values.»
Meanwhile, the acting Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Mr Ibrahim Magu has called on Nigerian workers to join in the fight against corruption as they are the greatest victims of the mismanagement of the nation's wealth.
He stressed further that the exemplary leadership quality of Comrade Sunmonu actually liberated Nigeria our of economic recession as he staged several national protests to recover the nation's wealths from the hands of fraudulent political demagogues.
He continued, «Thus, the creation of a free market, concealing economic and geographical borders, would erode the justification for using war as the quickest avenue to wealth and power, and lessen its appeal.
«But we also have to be careful as a country we don't drive away the wealth creators and the businesses that are going to lead our economic recovery.»
All those inequities will drive demand to replace a mansion tax with a general wealth tax but the experience of the British government in the 1970s and European countries today shows that is invariably a messy economic disaster; the Swedes just abolished their wealth tax as a result.
The commissioner urged the monarch - elect to support the present administration, as well as use his wealth of experience to bring about socio - economic development to his domain and the state in general.
In addition, Michael Hagerty has joined the Saratoga Partnership as an economic development specialist, bringing a wealth of experience as a municipal grant writer and non-profit administrator.
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